Ghendra Settlement in Tarien | World Anvil


The town both formed around and took its name from the first Galencian mining company, the first such venture in Galencian history. The mines of the area have provided iron ore and silver reliably for over a millennia. Their age, however, means that getting to the ore requires long, deep, and often treacherous tunneling. Some are so far from the town that miners take multi-day trips to work, living on hard tack and sleeping in shifts in the dark.
Located on the shores of the lake of the same name, the town sprawls in a haphazard fashion that, despite its age, has a feel of impermanence. Only the headquarters of the Royal Ghendran Mining Company and the small fort in which the local Galencian regiment lives are made of the stone. Instead, most buildings are simple wood structures – barracks style rooming houses for minors, general stores, and taverns that pop up, fall down with age, and get replaced with similar, low cost structures.
A few families make the town their home, feeding the miners by fishing the lake or eeking out a living in small farms. The rest of the populace works in the mines – either young men taking a few years to make “easy” gold, the poor with no other prospects and the occasional lifer that serves as an engineer or supervisor.
With such a large percentage of the population involved in mining work, the town offers little the way of beyond the occasional tavern room musician.
Founding Date
643 BC
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization