
The militant arm of the church of Resounding Truth, the Seekers are knights tasked with patrolling and defending the borders of the Black Forest so that none of the nightmare creatures spawned via the Adversary's dreaming may ravage the lands beyond.


To be chosen as a Seeker is no mean feat, as the church of Resounding Truth expects recruits to be in peak physical and mental condition, and that is just the beginning. Grueling training regimens make sure that Seeker neophytes are put to the utmost test each and every day of their apprenticeship to a fully-fledged Seeker.
  Once they prove themselves capable, they are promoted to a squire, who accompanies their mentor into the Black Forest. After several years of honorable service as a squire, or if they demonstrate exceptional valor in the line of duty, the prospective knight is promoted to a proper Seeker and is given a protégé of his or her own.


The Seekers are divided into fellowships, groupings based on their geographical location that are tasked with patrolling and protecting their closest parts of the Black Forest's border.
These fellowships are;
When one fellowship encounters a surge in activity that they cannot handle, forces from the other fellowships are called in to bolster the defenses of that particular part of the border until the threat has subsided. When a threat is so substantial that it requires the combined efforts of all of the fellowships, this joint operation is referred to as a crusade.  


Each Seeker fellowship employs several blacksmiths of considerable skill that forge them weapons and armor worthy of song.
  It is these men and women who alone know the correct technique and measurements to quench a forged blade or mace in the Tears of the Divine so that it becomes weeping steel and assumes the properties of the sacred fluid. It is also customary for a Seeker to carry vials of the tears on their person, for they are a potent repellant and weapon against the Hatelings of the Black Forest, and its healing properties have saved the lives of uncountable knights.

Force Organization

High Command

  Lord Protector: Overall leader of the entire Order, shouldering the burden of leading the containment efforts of the Black Forest.
Currently the title is held by Lucian Andronikos.
  Council of Captains: Leaders of each fellowship, providing the Lord Protector up-to-date information about the movements of their forces, logistical needs and losses.


Stoic Vigil (500 - 1000 men)   Seeker-Captain of Stoic Vigil: Leader of the fellowship, member of the Council of Captains.
Current Seeker-Captain for the Stoic Vigil is Renaud Whitedew.
  Fleet Admiral: Oversees maritime operations, advisor to the Seeker-Captain.
  Captains: Command individual ships or maritime units (approximately 50-100 men per ship/unit).
  Seekers: Make up the bulk of the crew on Stoic Vigil ships.

Circle of Dawn (2000 men)
  Seeker-Captain of the Circle of Dawn: Leader of the fellowship, member of the Council of Captains.
Current Seeker-Captain of the Circle of Dawn is Wilhelm Greust.
  Arch-Knights: Senior spellcasters, advisors to the Seeker-Captain.
  Battlemages: Commanders of Spellblade platoons (100-200 men per platoon).
  Spellblades: Lead smaller groups of Seekers within squads (10-20 men per squad).
  Seekers: The backbone of the fellowship, comprising the vast majority of its forces.

Penitent Guard (100 - 250 men)
  Seeker-Captain of the Penitent Guard: Leader of the fellowship, member of the Council of Captains.
Current Seeker-Captain of the Penitent Guard is Boudica Greystone.
  Wardens: Overseers that uphold discipline and act as advisors to the Seeker-Captain.
  Redemptors: Oversee units of Seekers (20-50 men per unit).
  Seekers: Core units of the fellowship, divided into squads. (5-10 men per squad).

Pilgrim's Watch (2000 men)
  Seeker-Captain of Pilgrim's Watch: Leader of the fellowship, member of the Council of Captains.
Current Seeker-Captain of Pilgrim's Watch is Viktor Traven.
  Paladins: Command companies (100-200 men per company).
  Knight-Lieutenants: Lead smaller platoons within companies (20-50 men).
  Sergeants: In charge of squads within platoons (10-15 men).
  Seekers: The footsoldiers of the fellowship.
The crest of the Seekers. The floral theme is symbolic for their role as protectors of life itself.
by Midjourney
A Seeker of the Penitent Guard preparing to strike down a fellow Seeker who has been compromised.

"Return to the Spire", a painting depicting Seekers of the Circle of Dawn en-route to the Gilded Spire

Character flag image: by AI-generated


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Jun 13, 2023 10:28

They seem like a group you don't want to mess with

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