Kingdoms in Misty Isle of Harn

Kingdom of Kaldor

The Kingdom of Kaldor is stable and well-governed following the traditional principles of feudalism and chivalry. However, the King is old and frail and has no clear heir.

Clan Elendsa, by Columbia Games


Thardic Republic

A plutocratic state misgoverned by a Republican Senate.

Red Guard, by Columbia Games


Kingdom of Rethem

A feudal kingdom in western Hârn where nobility rule by force and the dark churches thrive.

Clan Araku, by Columbia Games


Kingdom of Orbaal

This is a very unstable realm with 8,000 rowdy and ungovernable Ivinians dominating 65,000 rebellious Jarin.

Clan Taareskeld, by Columbia Games


Kingdom of Azadmere

The rich Mountain Kingdom of the Dwarves.

Clan Tarazakh, art by Columbia Games


Other Locations

Parts of the world that not with the Harnic Island.


Kingdom of Kanday

The Kingdom of Kanday has a tradition of a peaceful and enlightened rule, but foreign relations are another matter.

Clan Kand, by Columbia Games


Kingdom of Melderyn

Also known as the Wizard's Kingdom famous for its magic and strange events.

Clan Toron, art by Columbia Games


Barbarian Nations

Hârn is home to a diverse collection of Barbarian nations. Some are dangerous and powerful while others are on the verge of extinction.



Orc Colonies and Tribes

The Orcs of Hârn also called the Foulspawn, Goblins or Gargun found many settlements, many grow into large colonies.

by Attacus


Cover image: Kingdoms Header by Attacus