The Crimson Hands Surgery Building / Landmark in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

The Crimson Hands Surgery


Location: Sewertown District.

Quality: High

Prices: Average

Owner: Freemaster Physician and owner Kiron Osiris.

Specialty: Treating diseases and infections.

Staff: 3

The Osiris family of Physicians have supplied excellent quality physician services to Golotha's Tradesmen and Merchant classes for the last hundred years. Kiron Osiris, and is two sons, pay exorbitant protection money and free services to the powerful thieves guild to remain in business and avoid unpleasant dealings with the city council.

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The Osiris family are secret Larani worshipers and in a hidden chamber under the Surgery is a Shrine dedicated to Larani's most trusted servant, the winged Lion Mendiz. Kiron Osiris is a lay preacher, and his son Acheron is a member of the Argent Order.


A three-story building, one of the few of stone construction in the Sewertown District. The surgery uses the first and second floors while the third floor is leased by the adjacent Trident Inn.

Barber / Dentist / Surgery
Parent Location

Kiron Osiris


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