Wave Echo Cave Building / Landmark in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Wave Echo Cave

Wave Echo Cave is a legendary landmark in the Sword Mountains about 15 miles southeast of Phandalin.

The cave got its name from the echoes created by the waves of an underground hot spring crashing against the cave walls.

Directions from Phandalin

  • Travel south from the Phandalin Miners' Exchange on the miners' trail.
  • The third bridge on the trail crosses over a stream. Exit the trail and follow the stream east.
  • Continue following the stream east for about one hour. The steam ends at a narrow tunnel that leads down into the cave.

Campaign Recap

Learning About Wave Echo Cave

Exploring Wave Echo Cave

On Day 15 (28 Tarsakh), Collateral Damage and their bugbear ally Mosk started exploring Wave Echo Cave.

28 Tarsakh
  • At the cave entrance, the group found a dead dwarf body belonging to a member of the Rockseeker Family. They also collected various items like rations and torches, and Herb Stoner collected a pair of Boots of Striding and Springing from the dwarf.
  • Shortly after descending into the cave, the group survived an attack by a group of 10 stirges. They also discovered a group of animated skeletons ready to attack, but Herb cast flaming sphere in the room they were in and the party barricaded the skeletons inside the room. The flaming sphere easily destroyed all nine skeletons.
  • After a short rest, the group attempted to run through a cavern covered in poison fungus. Shinzon Greenshadow and Conor McGregor made it through without taking damage, but Mosk, Rayphlárd and Herb all were poisoned.
  • After entering a starry cavern, Herb sensed an aura of magic in the vicinity. The group then started investigating a standalone structure, and Rayphlard burst through the partially-melted door. They then met Mormesk, a wraith. Mormesk asked for something in exchange for not killing them. Rayphlard offered the wraith a comb (which he didn't have since they gave that to Agatha), and Mormesk said that wasn't enough. The group, growing impatient, attacked the wraith, eventually destroying it before it could escape.
  • The group then continued forward in the starry cavern, arriving at the entrance to the Forge of Spells. They investigated the door and the openings showing the names of the Rockseeker Family and the Garrick Family. Herb recognized the Garrick name from his time in Longwood, but he didn't remember anyone he specifically knew going by that name. The party tried putting Drow Pendants in each of the openings, but that didn't work.
  • The group continued forward and encountered a flameskull and eight zombies in the smelter cavern. The flameskull called out, saying "Intruders!" and combat began. After several rounds of combat, with all of the zombies died, the flameskull said "Intruders, next time!" and destroyed itself.
  • The group then returned to the wizard's quarters where they encountered Mormesk. They prepared to rest for the night, but an ochre jelly slipped through the wall and attacked. The party killed the ochre jelly, but not before Conor suffered 40 points of damage. The group then rested for the night.
29 Tarsakh
  • On Day 16 (29 Tarsakh), Collateral Damage continued trying to find the Black Spider. They first approached the smelter cavern, but they discovered that the flameskull was again guarding that area. The zombies were still dead on the floor... (the rest of the recap will be done eventually... hopefully)


The only known entrance into Wave Echo Cave is through the opening on the western edge of the cave. On the surface level above the cave, several spots open up near the east edge of the cave, offering a view of the underground hot spring hundreds of feet below.


In 899, clans of dwarves and gnomes made an agreement known as the Phandelver's Pact, by which they agreed to share Wave Echo Cave, a rich mine in a wondrous cavern near Phandalin. In addition to its mineral wealth, the mine contained great magical power. Human spellcasters allied themselves with the dwarves and gnomes to channel and bind the energy into a great forge known as the Forge of Spells, where magic items could be crafted. Times were good, and Phandalin prospered.

In 951, a powerful force of orcs and evil mercenary wizards swept through the Neverwinter Region. These forces attacked Wave Echo Cave and tried to seize its riches and magic treasures. Human wizards fought alongside their dwarf and gnome allies to defend the Forge of Spells, and the ensuing battle destroyed much of the cavern. Few survived the cave-ins and tremors, and the location of Wave Echo Cave was lost to history until Gundren Rockseeker found it in 1492, the present day.

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Owning Organization

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