Triboar Trail Building / Landmark in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Triboar Trail

The Triboar Trail in Northwest Faerûn is between the High Road in the west to Triboar and the Long Road in the east.

Campaign Recap

On 18 Mirtul, while traveling from Wave Echo Cave to Butterskull Ranch, Rayphlárd and Tubby met a human man named Saoki on the side of the road. Saoki said he was also heading east, so they decided to travel together.

Later that evening, Saoki told Rayphlard and Tubby that he was heading toward the Shrine of Savras. He said he had found a weightless stone block that told him to go there. Saoki agreed to go to Butterskull Ranch with the two dragonborn if they agreed to later go to the Shrine of Savras with him.


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