Glass Knife Organization in Glass Immortals | World Anvil

Glass Knife

The Glass Knife is a Fulgurist Society operating under the guise of being an exclusive dueling club. They are actually a secret society organized by Aristanes for the purpose of waging war on humanity. The Glass Knife has many powerful members, acolytes, and sympathizers, some of whom know of the existence of the Yuglid. Members tattoo a pink razorglass dagger on their hands.   STORY   During her investigation, Kissandra Vorcien uncovers the fact that the conspirators of Adriana Grappo's murder are all members of the Glass Knife. She reports this to Demir Grappo, who orders her to investigate the group further. Despite their careful secrecy, Gorian manages to get a list of members since the Ossan national guard keeps tabs on all Fulgurist Societies due to their reputation for unsavory behavior. Gorian explains that while investigating the Glass Knife, he also found many confidential reports involving mysterious disappearances, corruption, murder, other bizarre accusations, and lots of cover-ups. On the list of members, Kizzie sees the Glass Knife has members amongst the Dorlani, Magna, Kirkovik, and Stavri guild-families, along with the Duke of Grent's brother Favian Grent. She also notices that no one in her guild-family is on the list. After learning that General Stavri is at the Bingham Brawler's Club with his senior officers, Kizzie goes there to see what she can find about Agrippo Stavri and several other military officers who are Glass Knife members. However, when she arrives, she finds them all dead, murdered by glassdancers. Kizzie later reports her findings about Adriana's killers to her father, who uses the Vorcien spy network to expand upon Gorian's list, discovering that Glass Knife members came from a dozen different guild-families with diverse positions in the Ossan government itself.   Knowing that the Tall Man is involved, Kizzie sends Gorian after him. Gorian arranges a meeting between them, and when Kizzie asks the Tall Man about the Glass Knife, he simply orders her to stop all Vorcien investigations into Adriana's murder. When she refuses, he kills Gorian and all the other national guardsmen in Watchhouse #187, leaving her alive to deliver her message to Father Vorcien. However, her father does not take the threat seriously and tells Kizzie to keep digging. Despite her fear, Kizzie does so by first recruiting Baby Montego to help her get access to Aelia Dorlani, which they do by waylaying her carriage and killing her guards. Aelia admits to ordering her grandson to help kill Adriana, but she insists she was only following the Glass Knife's orders. She then tells them to go to the Zorlian Mansion and question Aristanes. Despite feeling like it is a trap, Kizzie and Montego go and find the mansion occupied with dozens of Glass Knife acolytes who are renovating the building and grounds. Aristanes meets them at the door and takes them inside, where they make accusations against the Glass Knife. Aristanes explains that Adriana had an agreement with the Glass Knife to not interfere in their affairs. When she reneged on the deal, investigating its monsters, the Glass Knife killed her publicly to send a message.   Meanwhile, at the Forge, Captain Hellonian reveals that he is a member of the Glass Knife by revealing his tattoo to Thessa Foleer, which prompts Breenen Alvari to command his loyal enforcers to turn on Thessa and capture her. When she asks why he betrayed Demir, Breenen explains that Adriana had ordered him to investigate the Glass Knife, and he even managed to infiltrate their ranks, a mission that eventually led to her death. Deciding he needed to do all he could to preserve what remained of the Grappo family legacy, he made a deal with Devia Kerite; if he turned over Thessa's phoenix channel to the Glass Knife, Kerite would spare Demir's life in the war. After Thessa uses the phoenix channel to kill Captain Hellonian and his dragoons, Brennen and his enforcers steal the device, presumably to turn over to the Glass Knife.
Secret, Brotherhood