Flying Glassdancer Character in Glass Immortals | World Anvil

Flying Glassdancer

The creature that the Ironhorn Rams call the "flying glassdancer" or "winged glassdancer" is a Yuglid assassin with a very powerful talent for glassdancing.   STORY   While on watch, Squeaks sees the flying glassdancer in the woods and reports seeing a monster. No one believes her story, including Idrian Sepulki, who wonders if she hit her head when the tower collapsed on top of her. He then blames the low morale following their latest losses.   After General Stavri and his officers are all murdered by a glassdancer assassin, Demir Grappo secretly enlists Squeaks, who has minor glassdancing talent, to keep a careful watch for approaching glassdancers. When the flying glassdancer appears on a rooftop, Squeaks senses it and runs straight to Idrian to warn him. He dons his armor and climbs onto the roof, ready to kill the would-be assassin, only to realize the thing he is fighting is not human. When it flies away, Idrian at first believes the monster is a hallucination, but when Tadeas Grappo and Mika Willaria come running covered in heavy cloaks to protect against flying glass shards, he realizes he actually saw the monster Squeaks saw. When the flying glassdancer strikes again against the Ossan scouting parties, Idrian and Tadeas report the monster's existence to Demir and Tilly Jorfax during a meeting at Fort Cundick. Demir almost disbelieves it as a joke except that he knows Tadeas would never joke in front of Jorfax. Demir then remembers seeing a similar monster when he first returned to the Hyacinth Hotel.   With Demir's permission, Idrian organizes a hunting party to set a trap for the winged beast. He gathers several fighters including Mika, Jorfax, Braileer Holdest, and Squeaks to pretend to be another scouting party to lure the creature out. During their hunt, they find Lorstel and his scouting party dead as the flying glassdancer's latest victims, but they do not see the monster. After hearing that Devia Kerite has led Kerite's Drakes to directly engage with the Ossan Foreign Legion, Jorfax makes the decision to abandon their hunt and rejoin their comrades. However, the flying glassdancer suddenly attacks. In their skirmish with it, Jorfax gets pinned her dead horse, and the monster breaks Squeak's arm and seizes Braileer before flying into the sky. Mika drives the monster down toward the ground with a grenade, allowing Idrian to strike a mighty blow against it. However, it drops a severely wounded Braileer and escapes Idrian for a second time.
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