Mika Willaria Character in Glass Immortals | World Anvil

Mika Willaria

Mika Willaria is a captain in the Ossan military in charge of the Ironhorn Rams' engineers. She specializes in making explosives. Idrian Sepulki jokes that she has a reputation for being the insane explosive woman, but she knows her craft very well.   She is short with cropped black hair and dark Marnish skin. She usually wears an ill-fitting uniform and carries a massive pack of tools. Her husband is Valient, with whom she has an open and loving marriage.   STORY   When Braileer Holdest joins the Ironhorn Rams, Idrian Sepulki points out Mika and Valient to him, saying they have been married for longer than he has known them and warning him that they will both try to sleep with him.   When Idrian sneaks over to the Grent ducal palace to steal a piece of cinderite for Demir Grappo, Mika helps Tadeas Grappo forge Idrian's leave papers, lying that he had been visiting his father. However, she demands a bottle of twenty-year Fletchling as payment for her silence.   When Idrian returns from delivering the cinderite to the Hyacinth Hotel, he finds Mika and Tadeas having a heated discussion about the strategic placement of mines to fortify a hillside. Idrian reminds Tadeas not to argue with Mika because she knows her explosives well. She leaves the tent cackling in victory. She, Valient, Tadeas, and Idrian then spend the day fortifying the hillside by digging trenches and burying mines according to Mika's specifications, with the blasting cord leading up to a device she called the "blasting wheel." When the Grent forces threaten to overtake the hill, Tadeas commands a retreat but not before having Mika leave a dugout full of powder barrels with a slow-burning fuse attached to the blasting cord in order to destroy all of their artillery so the Grent cannot capture it.   After the Grappo Torrent, the Flying Glassdancer sneaks into their camp, and Idrian attacks it on the roof. After it escapes, Tadeas and Mika both see it and come running wearing heavy cloaks that covered everything except their eyes. Idrian believes he has gone mad seeing it, but Tadeas and Mika confirm that they also saw it. Tadeas then sends Mika to prepare the troops incase the creature returns.   When the Foreign Legion regroups a few miles northeast of Harbortown, Mika is sent to scrape together every last ounce of gunpowder from the supply runners. Demir then tasks her with making new clay grenades that can be flung farther with their slings, and she designs a special compound of gunpowder to fill them with, strong enough to crack Breacher armor. She warns Idrian that her design will kill him someday when an enemy decides to copy her design.   Idrian borrows her from that project for a few days to hunt for the Flying Glassdancer. He recalls a similar mission when he and Mika first met in Marn where they were tasked to kill a glassdancer that had been killing supply cattle, during which Mika got injured. Despite having survived this experience, she says that she has not been able to sleep since they saw the Flying Glassdancer, and she looks forward to having a chance to blow it up.   On their hunt, they find Lorstel's mutilated body, and Mika mocks Tilly Jorfax by asking if she is having second thoughts about chasing the monster. Jorfax returns the question, to which Mika responds that she simply sees something that needs to die. She then continues to tease Jorfax until Idrian puts an end to it. Moments later, the Flying Glassdancer appears, killing Jorfax's horse, which falls on her. It grabs Braileer and hauls him into the air, so Mika launches a grenade to explode right above it, forcing it down to where Idrian can slice at it with his sword. It drops Braileer and flies away, and Idrian commands Mika to help Jorfax as he runs to help Braileer.




Towards Mika Willaria


Mika Willaria


Towards Valient


Valient (husband)
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