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A Sardivelian trading post in the Northern Territories on the Karaga Sea. As Sardivelia’s most remote city, it’s a vital shpping link for rare goods and materials from the Northern Territories to the rest of the world. It was almost destroyed by a powerful being known as the Silk Page in 876, but has since been rebuilt with generous funds from Paoli Piedmonte's coffers.   Notable Neighborhoods:
  • Beverio Hills: a series of villas and mansions on the edge of town with a hillside view of the city below. Many of the region's wealthiest families like the Matarellas have estates here.
  • Long Harbor: the vast stretch of docks and harbors where ships from all over the world come to pick up valuable resources from the Northern Territories. There are two major entryways into Craxi's docks: One from the Gulf of Lotan and one from the Karaga Sea.
  • Piazza della Nyana: Craxi's city center, the seat of the Sardivelian and a place for all of the city's nouveau riche to drink and gamble away their fortunes. Named for the famed adventurer Nyana who saved the city from destruction in 876.


  • 66% Human
  • 6% Elven
  • 4% Dragonborn (Mostly Black)
  • 4% Gnomish
  • 3% Kuo-Toa/Bullywug
  • 2% Kenku
  • 15% Other Races


Founded in 532, The Dandolo was able to take advantage of war between the Kiri and Kawa clans to establish this trading post with minimal opposition. Despite an official declaration of neutrality by generations of Sardivelian leaders, the town has been drawn into many of the Kiri-Kawa wars while playing each side against the other to keep trading routes open. The Kiri-Kawa-Oda War of 876 left Craxi battered and ruined after a powerful entity known as the Silk Page laid siege to it, but with Paoli Piedmonte's donations the trading post was rebuilt and now maintains fruitful trade routes with both Kawa and Oda clans.   Sensing a change in the region's political balance and an opportunity to expand its influence, Sardivelia's leader Paoli Piedmonte agreed to support the human Oda Clan in its war against the elven Kiri Clan. By the end of the Oda-Kiri War in 908, Oda Clan had become the undisputed leader of the Northern Territories and Sardivelia had annexed the Kiri town of Mokazai and its profitable lumber operations. A few years later Kyoko Hara founded the Northern Union to counter Oda Clan's influence in the region, but meanwhile Craxi continued to be Sardivelia's unofficial capital in the Northern Territories while it stripped the region of timber and resources.
Founding Date
532, 4th Cycle
Large town
Location under
Owning Organization
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