Silk Page Character in Ekal | World Anvil
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Silk Page

An origami construct crafted by the necromancers of House Hainaut. Empress Chomei of Kiri Clan requested the creation of the Silk Page for use in the Kiri-Kawa-Oda War. Incredibly powerful and dexterous, the Silk Page quickly gained sentience and went rogue before finally being defeated by the druid Nyana in 876. Origami constructs can still be spotted in remote pockets of the Koulan Forests, but none have shown the same degree of sentience as the Silk Page.    The creation of the Silk Page led to a moral dilemma among House Hainaut's leaders, its matriarch Marwen abandoning Dromire and exiling herself to a monastery in Melusine for several decades. The Silk Page's reign of terror did little to stop the development of other sentient constructs like Skalla-Grim Chio's warforged, but many in the Northern Territories are still suspicious of such creatures.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

The Silk Page was a shimmering emerald color, typically taking the shape of an androgynous human but sometimes morphing into various monsters for combat.
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Nyana
Place of Death


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