Mörkelic Language in Dragonía | World Anvil
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Mörkelic is a general term for a handful of closely related languages and a huge number of dialects spoken primarily by Mörkels on the Plain of Kings in eastern Dragonía. Mörkelic began diverging from Móerkelic soon after its speakers settled on the Plain of Kings and subsequent isolation from the rest of the world in the following centuries.
Today, though virtually every tribe has its own distinct dialect, all belonging to a few different languages, the most notable ones being Ólatraa to the west and northwest, Ötric2 around Fekai Lake in the central part of the region and along much of the southern border, and Áhalic3 along the coast.

Writing System

Mörkels write using a syllabary of symbols derived from the Útelic ones, though their shapes vary between regions and even individual cities; some are rectangular like the original, others slant to either left or right, but the most common form is lozenge-shaped. The meaning of many symbols has changed as well, either expanding or narrowing in scope, and quite a few have become obsolete, reflecting the vastly different environment and society of the Mörkels compared to their Útel cousins.

Geographical Distribution

Mörkelic is spoken throughout the Plain of Kings, both by native Mörkels as well as Þrihak tribes found in the region, and is also widely spoken to some extend by Ameders in their eastern city-states.


While most of the vocabulary in Mörkelic reflects its Móerkelic origins, some dialects also include words and phrases borrowed from neighbouring Ameders, Þrihaks and -through the latter- Minotaurs, such as the word for glass beads, menú, derived from the Minotaur word mnenúhö.  
Some words
Ak: No.
Hön: Warmth.
Il: Man.
Ilan: Woman.
Ter: White.
Úal: South.
Ún: Yes.
Vá: And.
Volg: Road, trade-route.
Öda: North.

1Original icelandic: mörkelska.


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