Bastisi Ethnicity in Ardre | World Anvil


by JD Medaeris with Portrait Workshop
by JD Medaeris with Portrait Workshop

A general term for the people of the Bastis canton. Bastisi are generally seen as ghast-skinned, small, and brown-haired, and are often thought to be shifty and mean, with a combination of low cunning and poor intellect. These misconceptions are generally born from their position between the Northern cantons of Kingsrift, the Host Lands, and the Yfri Fields, and the Southern cantons of Urudun, Ethel, and Revellia. Bastis is culturally considered a Southern canton despite its northern positioning, and they consequently have oft endured the mistrust and contempt of both groups. The cultural mingling brought about from this position, as well as the moderate success of their harbor town of Madport, means that Bastisi are of course much more diverse than their neighbors believe.   In addition to "True Bastisi," there are two subsets within the region:
Sublimites (also folk Vale Folk): Those who live in the Sublime. A hugely agrarian culture, Sublimites are often viewed as simpler, and a little doughier, than other Bastisi.
Durants (also called Coastals): Those who live along the Undaunted Coast. A seafaring culture, Durants are often viewed as swarthier, coarser, and more worldly.

Articles under Bastisi