Alpha Tronolol System Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil

Alpha Tronolol System

A star system in the Ilioneus galaxy.   Alpha Tronolol is a white dwarf star comprised largely of carbon. As the progenitor giant reached the end of its life, it decayed into a planetary nebula and the white dwarf seen currently. The white dwarf has a very low luminosity because it does not support fusion, so every planet orbiting it is very cold.   Despite this, the star itself and ths planets that orbit it are being mined by the Rih’kiel Remnant as the Alpha Tronolol system is very close to the Vars 12V System, the Rih'kiel homeworld. This star system has proven to be more safe to mine in because there is little capacity for change and very few geological events. This system does have its own hazards but these are minor for a faction as advanced as the Hyperion Federation.   However, it is not as valuable as most star systems due to a smaller amount of resource sources to exploit and as such it is not totally well defended. The only colonies that exist here are space stations or planetary colonies designed to keep itself warm and contain a breathable atmosphere (similar to what one would see on real life Mars, assuming it was never terraformed. Except the planet it was built on is much much colder).   Also, there is another inherent danger in the planetary nebula. It can block some forms of weaker sensors or flood some kinds of low tech sensors with background noise. Although the Hyperion Federation has very advanced and highly powerful tachyon sensors that are entirely uneffected, the nebula can still create heat through an effect similar to air resistance on planets. Resistance through a planetary nebula is much weaker than an atmosphere, so most spacecraft can survive.


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