Alpha Tronolol III Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil

Alpha Tronolol III

A small planetoid in ithe Alpha Tronolol System.   Alpha Tronolol III is a dwarf planet. It has an extremely cold surface temperature and low gravity. Although it has no tectonic activity as the core of the world is frozen solid, it has more features such as mountains and valleys than Alpha Tronolol I. This isbecause the lower gravity allows for larger mountains.   Alpha Tronolol III is also almost entirely uninhabited except for just 2 habitats. The very dark conditions and almost no strategic value results in extremely little activity. However, this also means that enemy forces and terrorists are much more likely to avoid this world. This makes it a very safe colony as it is well defended for its size. The extremely small size also makes it very hard to detect.
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