Alpha Tronolol Exotic Materials Laboratory Building / Landmark in THF Universe | World Anvil

Alpha Tronolol Exotic Materials Laboratory

A large megastructure built in orbit around the Alpha Tronolol star.   The Exotic Materials Laboratory is a scientific megastructure built for purposes of testing the properties of electron QCD matter - what the white dwarf star is comprised of. Although electron QCD matter is not as dense as neutron QCD matter, it is still incredibly dense and often makes for an excellent fuel for Planck-Dismantlement Beams. The materials laboratory also expoirts some electron QCD Matter that it mines from the star below. This is probably the most valuable export of the Alpha Tronolol system.   The exterior is also armed with large High Energy Turret Hardpoints as a defensive mechanism and is strongly shielded. This is because the megastructure is highly valuable. It is powered by its own planck-dismantlement beams. It obtains QCD matter by firing large graviton drills at the star which attracts samples of QCD matter towards the megastructure.
Megastructure, Orbital scale
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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