Alpha Tronolol I Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil

Alpha Tronolol I

A planet in the Alpha Tronolol System.   Alpha Tronolol I is extremely cold because its parent star is a white dwarf and emits little light. Despite this, the Hyperion Federation mines the core of the planet, which has since frozen to solid metal. Although the pressure from above ground remains extremely strong, the drills are designed to withstand that. This metal is then shipped to Replicators in orbit via Teleporters and turned into matter plasma for use.   There are also colonies on the planet. These are only smaller colonies because the quality of life on a planet that is so dark is largely limited. The planet is otherwise nearly featureless because of the almost completely inactive geology. No tectonic plates have been recorded to even exist because there is no magma underground. If a mountain formed, gravity would push it down over time. There are occasional hills on the world but is otherwise almost entirely flat.
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