BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Character Creation


This is a Hard Sci-fi, medium fantasy TTRPG setting. The primary setting is a collection of 100 odd moons in orbit around a large gas giant called Gilnares that is the only major orbital body in the star system. Roughly 40 of those moons are habitable to some degree with thousands of other asteroids and detritus orbiting the giant and the star provide a rich backdrop of stations, hide-always, research platforms and more to explore. The area of interstellar space that the star system finds itself has been obscured by a thick nebulae for tens of thousands of years and leads the night sky to be dark, a sky with the glimmer of barely any stars. The only company Gilnares and its moons have in the void are the odd passing comet and the star.   Many different species evolved on these worlds and in the space around Gilnares, mastering magic and technology apart from each other before their interactions lead to a merging of the two with often wildly unpredictable results. The present day of the setting is a period of uncertainty and strife. 20 years previously the Union of Gilnares, a human lead empire of all the habitable worlds around Gilnares, was broken in a brutal civil war that saw several major factions rise up against the 300 year old Union of Gilnares and wrest their independence from the empire. The end state of this war was the total dissolution of the Union and the collapse of the human world of Driwynn into hundreds of oft-warring nations, a literal descent back into the age before. Across old Union space, factions have risen and vie for dominance and the worlds are largely governed by their original inhabitants or those powerful enough to force their will.   The primary goal is to explore themes of space travel, cyberpunk and the Ennui of societies that have looked beyond their world and seen nothing by the abyss staring back.  


The setting is technologically advanced, ranging from a Late Modern (Earth 2040) to nearly high Sci Fi with hard sci fi mixed in (Consider the movie Elysium, the Expanse series and Star Wars). The range of tech is generally high but very dependent on the location, see the relevant campaign or game bible for more considerations on this front.  

Magic and Gods

Magic is prevalent throughout the universe and has advanced equally with technology over the eons. They are often used hand in hand, though cultural stigmas and concepts will guide that. Gods, spiritual and magical entities exist in the thousands, often rising through belief across the myriad worlds in the Gilnares system. Divine power is channeled through technology though less commonly than arcane power.  

Space Travel

Space travel in this setting is often at slower than light travel, only through magical or high technological means can near FTL speeds be reached. This often leads to weeks spent travelling through the space between worlds, the added complication of the Gas Giant of Gilnares looming large in the skys above each moon and travel can be its own adventure.   The rules for spaceships can currently be found here until a more specific version has been fleshed out for this particular setting. This includes how characters engage with and utilize vehicles.


  Roll 4d6, and drop the lowest of these numbers, keeping the three highest. Do this six times, one for each major stat.   Apply these numbers to strength etc.   optional rule: reroll any stat numbers that add up to anything under whatever the threshold is if it would result in a character that’s difficult for you to play.    


Pick from among the following Species.     Androids     A robotic lifeform created by the Union of Gilnares that now lives free across all of old Union Space, the Android species is a scattered and often disenfranchised people who find themselves filling roles across the entirety of society though rarely ones that embody power and agency.     Bhozjnaak     Burly bovine headed humanoids who wander the deep deserts and canyons of the moon Boreas, they are an affable species who find their worth in pursuits far and wide. Struck with an unfathomable wanderlust, many move between Bhozjnaak settlements and beyond and often serve as impromptu ambassadors between the disparate species that live upon the surface of the world.     Deadmen     The Deadmen are the end result of a civic failure at a planetary level, if not greater. They are undead cyborgs who are most commonly found shambling in the underbelly of society and are expected to be put down whenever found in this state. The creatures are husks of rotting biology chained to autonomous systems that often have just enough living cunning attached to them to make them incredibly dangerous.       Drun     Stunted and cancer-ridden inhabitants of the world Helraad the Drun are the dejected remnants of failed Mulnwahr whose time spent in the deep radiation zones of the the world have left them broken shadows of their former selves.   Drynn     Inhabitants of the moon Driwynn. These humanoids are one of the most prolific species in the Gilnares System, living anywhere they can talk their way into the Drynn are an ambitious and diplomatic race who uses technology to make up for their lack of magical strength. Part of their proliferation was the Union of Gilnares, a nation that rose in power and conquered the world of Driwynn before moving beyond and uniting the rest of the Gilnares system by sword and by pen.   Drynnwa   A race that lives on the planet Driwynn, they are elementally touched Drynn and are the most common form of magic user or magic touched among the Drynn. They have a long history on among the magically null Drynn, one rife with friction with a pendulum of a power balance that has lead to many wars and racially motivated strife.   Erowa   One of the species who live on the world Tresin, they are a unique blend of plant and animal who evolved long ago into a symbiotic entity where the lines between the two are hard to discern.   Militant ecologist, most Erowa define their entire lives around the defense of the natural state of their world and if they grew up on a world other than Tresin that ecosystem is easily taken under their protection.   Eweoese   These creatures are a slim mixture of cat-like arboreal predator and monkey, sporting prehensile tails and stubby climbing claws as well as skin flaps between their arms and legs that allow them to glide. Their birthplace was on the world of Boreas but they have spread all over Old Union Space.   Fighters, hunters and storytellers this species is found everywhere in Old Union Space seeking adventure and exciting tales to take back to their homes...wherever those might be these days.   Golba   One of the species who evolved on the world Tresin, the Golba are large humanoids with overly long arms and traits reminiscent of Ursine predators and great apes with long ears and stubby tails. Individuals from this species are found all over Union space but rarely are found in groups when away from their homeworld.   Gorgol   Gorgol live on the extreme planet of Boreas in some of its most in-hospitable regions. Considered by some to be stupid because they often see them where they are at their least optimal. In less than tropical heat they are often slow in thought and sluggish in movement but Gorgol thrive in extremely hot climates and are quick and highly intelligent.   Gorgol were the only species to achieve space travel from Boreas and their satellites and ships were where the Union of Gilnares made first contact.   Hoxi   A secretive, dark feathered avian species that makes its homes high in the mountains of Boreas. They are avid technologist and can be found across the varied starships of Old Union Space, working as specialists as often as they are found running thief rings on space stations. Entire bands of them form some of the most expansive pirate groups in the system.     Jissiman   Tall, powerfully built nomads who wind their way across the brutal, broken landscape of the death world Helraad trying to stay ahead of The Shade and its dangerous effects. A Jissiman clan is always on the move, rarely resting for longer than a week at a time.     They have a respectful relationship with their smaller Jissarai cousins, often tracking their routes across the fungal moon to visit as many of these settlements as possible. They are noted for their colorful garb of bright reds, blues and yellows as well as their ability to form fast friendships as easily as creating bitter enemies with their vibrant and highly emotional way of life.   Jissarai   A diminutive race of humanoid who live on Helraad, often clashing with Drun for the limited resources of that world. They live equally upon the surface and deep underground.     Kamaki   Amphibious humanoids who make their home on the watery planet of Maki-ke. They are united under psuedo-democratic world government known as the Ke'le'Ka Syndicate. They are renown scientists and geneticist and some of the systems biggest leaps in medical knowledge and technology have come from Kamaki labs.   Marad   A large humanoid feline species that makes its home on the sweeping savannah of Boreas as well as its deep jungles, they are a very insular species that has two distinct cultural groups within it. They are not particularly warlike in either culture but they do not shy from combat.   Ka-Mo   Grown and crafted humanoids, created by the Kamaki for varied reasons they are also sold to those who can afford them in the System. Most live on Maki-Ke.   Mulnwahr   These squat, black skinned humanoids live in elaborate mechanical leviathans that crawl through ancient tunnels deep beneath the surface of Helraad.   A militant society, they live in strict family hierarchies who uphold the city, the Ragha, as the ultimate authority in their lives.   Wanderers and Travelers from among the Mulnwahr bring with them a stoic martial prowess and a hardiness that is hard to match.   Mulnwan   Slim, slender and small the Mulnwan are petite, dusky skinned humanoids who live alongside Mulnwahr on the world of Helraad.   These folk are incredibly individualistic, their society loosely based around immediate family with little real regard for extended clan and family. They respect the laws of the Ragha because they have no qualms about leaving a Ragha they find constrictive.   Adventurers and wanderers are very common among the Mulnwan, they love to find technology, recreate and iterate on it.   Urgok   A humanoid Species who live on the world of Uralakh. They are tall, strong and almost brutish looking but that exterior conceals one of the strongest magic using species in the whole Gilnares system.  


The following Backgrounds are Setting Friendly, these are not restrictive and any DnD 5E background can be presented or customized as needed.      

New Skills



Your Intelligence (Lore) check can allow you to select a hyper-specific area of expertise and can be selected multiple times.


Your Intelligence (Piloting) check measures your ability to control vehicles, aircraft, and spaceships. Piloting governs your ability to maneuver through tight spaces and debris fields or dogfight with enemy craft.  


Your Intelligence (Technology) checks measure your ability to recall information about droids, vehicles, spaceships, aircraft, and computers, as well as your ability to interface with them. Technology can also be used to stabilize a droid or construct.  

Double Weapon Fighting. 

When you take the Attack action and attack with a weapon with the light and double properties that you’re wielding in two hands, you can use a bonus action to attack with the other end of the weapon. You don’t add your ability modifier to the attack roll of the bonus attack, unless that modifier is negative.  


  Any casting class can instead choose to source their "Magic" from technology, using the ruleset from Tech-Casting  

Starting Equipment and Proficiencies

  Each class has an updated "Starting Equipment" breakdown to align with the Sci-Fi aspect of this setting.   Artificer You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background   (a) a simple vibroweapon or (b) a simple blaster and two power cells   (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack   A combat suit, a set of tinker’s implements, a vibrodagger, and a wristpad   Barbarian You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background   (a) a vibroweapon and a light or medium physical shield or (b) two vibroweapons   (a) two techaxes or (b) two vibrospears   (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack   Bard Armor: Light armor Weapons: Simple weapons, light slug or energy weapons, Plasma Blade, hardlight rapiers, Heavy Pistol, Heavy Slugpistol   You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background   (a) two simple hardlight weapons or vibroweapons or (b) one hardlight weapon, vibroweapon or Blaster with which you are proficient   (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack   A specialist’s kit with which you are proficient   A combat suit and a light physical shield   Cleric You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background   (a) two simple hardlight weapons or vibroweapons or (b) one hardlight weapon, or vibroweapon with which you are proficient   (a) a Combat Suit or (b) Mesh Armor, or (c) Battle Armor (If proficient)   (a) a priest pack or (b) an explorer’s pack   A Medium Physical Shield and a Holy Symbol     Druid You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background   (a) any simple weapon or (b) a Medium Physical Shield   (a) a Powerstaff, (b) any simple ranged weapon   A Combat Suit, an Explorers Pack and a Druidic Focus   Fighter You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background   (a) mesh armor or (b) a combat suit, blaster rifle or simple blaster, and two power cells   (a) a vibroweapon or heavy pistol and a light or medium physical shield or (b) two vibroweapons   (a) a light pistol and a power cell or (b) two vibrodaggers   (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack   Monk Proficiencies Weapons: Simple Weapons, Powerstaff, Hardlight Splitsword You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background   (a) a vibroweapon with which you are proficient or (b) a simple blaster and a power cell   (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack   10 vibrodarts   Paladin You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background   (a) mesh armor, (b) a combat suit, and a light physical shield   (a) a lightweapon or vibroweapon and a light or medium physical shield or (b) two lightweapons or vibroweapons   (a) a priest’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack   Ranger You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background   (a) mesh armor or (b) a combat suit, blaster rifle or simple blaster, and two power cells   (a) a vibroweapon and a light physical shield or (b) two simple vibroweapons   (a) a hold-out and a power cell or (b) two vibrodaggers   (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack   A wristpad   Rogue You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background   (a) a vibroweapon with which you are proficient or (b) a simple blaster and a power cell   (a) a simple blaster and two power cells or (b) a simple vibroweapon and a light physical shield   (a) a burglar’s pack, (b) a dungeoneer’s pack, or © an explorer’s pack   A tool with which you are proficient   A combat suit and a vibrodagger   Sorcerer You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background   (a) a Heavy Pistol or (b) any simple weapon   (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus   (a) a scholar’s pack, (b) an explorer’s pack, or © a diplomat’s pack   Two Electro Daggers   Warlock You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background   (a) a Heavy Pistol or (b) any simple weapon   (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus   (a) a scholar’s pack, (b) an explorer’s pack, or © a diplomat’s pack   Combat Suit, any simple weapon, two Electro Daggers   Wizard You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background   (a) an electrostaff or (b) a simple blaster and two power cells   (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus   (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack   A spellbook   A combat suit          


A feat represents a talent or an area of expertise that gives character special capabilities. It embodies training, experience, and abilities beyond what a class provides. At certain levels, your class gives you the Ability Score Improvement feature. Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking that feature to take a feat of your choice instead. You can take each feat only once, unless the feat’s description says otherwise.   You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat to take that feat. If you ever lose a feat’s prerequisite, you can’t use that feat until you regain the prerequisite. For example, the Inspiring Leader feat requires you to have a Charisma of 13 or higher. If your Charisma is reduced below 13 somehow-perhaps by a withering curse-you can’t benefit from the Inspiring Leader feat until your Charisma is restored.   Level One Characters can select One Feat if their background does not already include one.   You can find the Feats Here  


Certain class features, or the Fighting Stylist feat, offer your choice of fighting style. You can’t choose a fighting style more than once, even if you later get to choose again.   You may choose your fighting style from the following options or roll on the table below to determine it randomly.   Full Descriptions of these are found here  
    Fighting Style
  1. Area
  2. Assisting
  3. Berserk
  4. Blindfighting
  5. Brawler
  6. Counterstrike
  7. Covert
  8. Defense
  9. Disruption
  10. Dual Wield
  11. Duelist
  12. Equilibrium
  13. Explosives
  14. Formation
  15. Form-fighting
  16. Great Weapon
  17. Fighting Style
  18. Guerrilla
  19. Gunning
  20. Mounted
  21. Onslaught
  22. Poisoner
  23. Secured
  24. Sentinel
  25. Sharpshooter
  26. Shield
  27. Snapshot
  28. Split
  29. Spotting
  30. Superiority
  31. Throwing
  32. Twin-Blade
  33. Versatile


The equipment in this setting is as varied as the worlds that are found within it. A generalized list of gear can be found here to choose from upon initial character creation, at the DMs discretion.  


Cybernetic enhancement is a huge part of life for even the average people in the Worlds of Gilnares.   Cybernetics have specific rules concerning their implementation and use, you can find those rules and the list of cybernetic implants available here.
Some aspects, like player feats are sourced from or amended from Star Wars 5E source books.

Articles under Character Creation


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