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Player Cybernetics

The use of Cybernetics is widespread throughout most of Old Union space.   Cybernetics take a toll upon the body and require a mixture of bodily resilience and mental willpower to weather that toll properly. This ability to positively maintain cybernetics is reflected in a players Vitality.   A players vitality points are dictated by the following formula: 8 + CHA MOD + CON MOD   Any player that wants to use technology must first have a Cybernetic Access Port installed (see auxiliary cybernetics).    There are two types of Cyberware, PureTek and MagiTek. PureTek is the most common cybernetic found and likely the ONLY cybernetic that most people would have access to. MagiTek Cyberware is a classification of cybernetic that is made using Arcane Technology and has a significantly reduced Vitality load as they are hypertuned to the users very life force.   Cybernetics fall under several categories with different vitality costs for each. These are arrayed as PureTek Cybernetics, if the player has a piece of MagiTek Cyberware, the Vitality Cost is halved.  

Full Conversion Cybernetics

  Conversions are an incredibly invasive type of cyberware. They aim to replace or significantly augment a large portion of the users anatomy. Cybernetics in this category include Spine, Cranial and Torso conversions.   All cybernetics in this category cost 4 Vitality.    
Battle Chest +2 AC +1 STR 3 Auxiliary Slots 1.000.000cr
Scout Chest +2 DEX +1 AC 3 Auxiliary Slots 880,000cr
Medic Chest 2 Robotic Limbs As long as the secondary limbs are undamaged the user can administer first aid, stabilize or use a medkit as a bonus action 4 Auxiliary Slots 980,000cr
Cranial Conversion: Researcher +2 History or Arcana +3 Languages, Can record up to 1 hour of whatever the user can see or hear 1 Auxiliary Slot 560.000cr
Cranial Conversion: Investigator +2 Passive Perception +1 Investigation 2 Auxiliary Slots 450,000cr
Cranial Conversion: Armor +1 AC Resistance to explosive damage and advantage vrs non-magical stunning effects 2 Auxiliary Slots 500,000cr
Cranial Conversion: Interrogator +1 Perception +1 Insight 3 Auxiliary Slots 600,000cr

Major Cybernetics

These cybernetics are full replacements of whole limbs or major organs like hands, arms, legs, lungs, etc.   All cybernetics in this category cost 3 Vitality.  
Combat Limb +1 STR +1 AC 2 Auxiliary Slots 205,000cr
Laborer Limb +3 STR - 1 Auxiliary Slot 202,000cr
Scout Limb +2 DEX - 2 Auxiliary Slots 205,000cr
Infiltrator Hand +1 DEX Advantage on Lockpicking checks 3 Auxiliary slots 73,000cr
Surgeons Hand +1 Dex - 4 Auxiliary Slots 70,000cr
Synthetic Gill Lung Lets the bearer breath a specific substance or gas (Like
Methane or Water)
- - can be added multiple times up to 3 times:
25,000 for the first
An additional 10,000 for the second
An additional 30,000 for the third
Auxillery Breathing Tank Allows the bearer to hold their breath for up to ten minutes in toxic breathing
- - 20,000cr
Cricket Legs A full leg conversion that requires both legs to be converted +10 speed, your jump length and
height are doubled
2 auxiliary slots 150,000cr
Weapon Arm An arm replacement that allows the bearer to have a large weapon
system instead of a hand
+1 Str, can use any weapon that
the users strength score would allow
and these weapons are considered "Fixed"
1 auxillery slots 130,000cr

Minor Cybernetics

These cybernetics replace extremities or minor organs like Fingers, eyes, muscle or memory augmentations.   All cybernetics in this category cost 2 Vitality.  
Basic Eye Augment Allows for a visual readout of any linked Cybernetic or outside
- - 25.000cr
Hunters Eye +2 to visual perception checks Thermal Imaging
(negates cover or concealment in certain situations)
+2 to survival checks,
same functionality as Basic Eye Augment
Snipers Eye +2 to Ranged Attacks +1 visual perception checks Same functionality as Basic Eye Augment 50,000cr
Detectives Eye +2 to investigation checks +1 Visual Perception Checks Same functionality as Basic Eye Augment 50,000cr
Finger Pick Advantage to picking locks - +2 to sleight of hand checks to hide the pick attempts 50,000cr
Memory Enhancer +1 Language or +1 to Religion or History or Arcana Checks - can be added multiple times 12,000cr
Memory Recorder Allows the user to record anything they experience and save for later,
can record up to 24 hours of data
- - 15,000cr
Holdout Blaster A hidden holdout blaster replaces a finger and a portion of a hand Requires a Full Hand Augmentation Disadvantage on checks to find this augment 8,000cr
Holdout Sluggun A hidden holdout sluggun, replaces a finger and a portion of a hand Requires a Full Hand Augmentation Disadvantage on checks to find this augment 8,000cr
Twitch Fiber Muscle fiber that increases reaction times Allows the user to use their reaction to
attack an enemy that is about to attack them
- 33,000cr
Explosive Fiber Muscle Fiber that increases the power of single actions +3 Melee Damage - 17,000cr

Auxiliary Cybernetics

These cybernetics are specifically tailored to augment existing cybernetics or to make interfacing with the installed cyberware even possible.   All cybernetics in this category cost 1 Vitality.  
Cybernetic Access Mandatory piece of Cyberware for any further conversion - - 10,000cr
Limb Blaster An auxiliary augment for a Full Limb Conversion Required Weapon does not have property:
"2 handed" or "Heavy"
- 8,000cr
Limb Sluggun An auxiliary augment for a Full Limb Conversion Required Weapon does not have property:
"2 handed" or "Heavy"
- 5,000cr
Limb Blade An auxiliary augment for a Full Limb Conversion Required Weapon does not have property:
"2 handed" or "Heavy"
- 5,000
(+1,000 for Hard-light, +2,000 for Plasma)
Shield Generator A small shield generator that emits from an arm that provides some shield coverage +1 AC - 7,000cr
Couriers Message Capsule A hidden compartment is built into an Axillary slot
this compartment is big enough to hide a small item (under 1 lbs)
+2 to disguise/hide checks vrs attempts to find the compartment - 1,000cr
Storage Compartment A hidden compartment is built into an Auxiliary slot,
this compartment is big enough to hide a small item (under 1 lbs)
Only on Arm or Chest conversions - 500cr
(+1,000 and an Auxiliary slot to increase the size and weight of the object within, +5,000 to make the compartment covert)
Spinal Reinforcement +1 AC, Immunity to Vorpal Effects -1 Dex. At any point whenever a critical strike
would kill or knock down the bearer they are instead brought to 1 hp regardless of the damage done
Requires Full Chest
or Spinal conversions.
Camo Field An auxiliary augment that grants advantage on stealth
checks by creating a visual field that distorts the bearers
visual silhouette
- - 30,000cr
Muffling Field An Auxillery augment that grants +2 on stealth checks by
dampening any sounds around them, this also grants advantage on rolls to
sleight of hand checks to hide the cast of spells requiring verbal components
- - 45,000c
Manipulator Arm An extra limb that is meant to help the user manipulate small
tools or datapads while keeping the users main limbs free
- - 15,000cr


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