The Bhozjnaak Species in The Worlds of Gilnares | World Anvil
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The Bhozjnaak (Ba-hozj-nack)

The Hulking Spiritualists of Boreas

"A Bhozjnaak Ranger, scouting the Devro Canyons"
Burly bovine headed humanoids who wander the deep deserts and canyons of the moon Boreas, they are an affable species who find their worth in pursuits far and wide. Struck with an unfathomable wanderlust, many move between Bhozjnaak settlements and beyond and often serve as impromptu ambassadors between the disparate species that live upon the surface of the world.   They are one of the species from Boreas that are most often found outside their own homes. They travel all across the system and are at home nearly anywhere though most will make their way back to Boreas after years spent traveling.

Basic Information


The Bhozjnaak are large, often hulking, bovine headed humanoids. They are well furred and have four fingered hands and hooved feet. They all sport varied horns with no regard to sex but instead tend to have regional horn types that have evolved over time with populations from multiple regions sporting a wide variety of horns.    They have a noticeable sexual dimorphism with the males being larger and the females sporting up to 6 breasts, though these are rarely more noticeable from the males unless the female is pregnant. Both sexes have generally large and robust builds, large enough to need special considerations regarding most other species accommodations on stations, space ships and worlds.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Bhozjnaak mate in a more common mammalian fashion and the female carries the child over a 17 month term in utero.

Growth Rate & Stages

These large creatures mature slowly, reaching adulthood between the ages of 20-30 and considered old by the age of 130. They stay particularly robust for much of their lives, fading fast at the end of them when falling to old age.    Due to their natural affinity for cybernetics as a byproduct of their vitality and spiritual connection, Bhozjnaak offworld tend to live far longer than their Boreas bound brethren.

Ecology and Habitats

The Bhozjnaak build canyon cities in the deep, often cyclopean canyons that are found near the massive deserts on Boreas. Skilled stoneworkers and engineers, they often create soaring cities with mighty wood and vine bridges crossing the massive gorges.    There are also often wandering, nomadic groups that traverse the outskirts of the deserts though they rarely delve deep. They can sometimes be found on the outskirts of the vast savannah that are often a transitory ecosystem between their more common homes and elsewhere.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Bhozjnaak are omnivores who have a hardy gut biome that can effectively digest many things that are mostly inedible to others. The spiny, vicious and tough skinned plants of the deserts and canyons make up the majority of their diet while they supplement that with any meat that they can find.    Though mostly settled. the Bhozjnaak do not do much in the way of agriculture and often will only be growing the particular cactus that allows them to make their favorite drink, Bhozhornch. A literal translation of this is loosely "Bhoz Punching".


These creatures are noteworthy for their level heads and easy-going personalities. They tend to enjoy wandering and it is rare that a Bhozjnaak dies in the some place where it was born, or even within a thousand miles of it. They make fast friends from folk of all walks of life and species and rarely hold grudges.    It is partly due to this that they have a particularly good synergy with cybernetics, weathering the ill effects through a mix of their generally pleasant and even personalities and their hardy constitutions.

Additional Information

Social Structure

There exist very few direct hierarchies in Bhozjnaak society. Most settlements follow a sort of informal direct democracy, larger cities will have this digitized while the smaller will take part in weekly town or camp meetings. There are no nations of Bhozjnaak as their settlements are often generationally transitory at best, the concept would be relatively alien to them.    Freedom and Individuality is considered paramount to Bhozjnaak, though a respect for ones elders and parents is strongly held it is not inviolate. Male and Female Bhozjnaak have no difference in their social standing.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are primarily found on Boreas though there are significant populations found throughout Old Union Space as their inherent wanderlust and ability to make fast, long lasting friendships drag them wherever a spaceship flies.    On Boreas they live in cliffside settlements within canyons, usually found near the vast deserts of the world or in wandering groups in those very same deserts.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Bhozjnaak naming traditions vary from place to place and they often take up naming traditions from the cultures and species around them. One tradition that holds strongly across most Bhozjnaak cultures is the habit of incorporating the names of the places that one has visited or the places that one feels a particular attachment to, into their own name.

Major Organizations

The Rangers are one of the few organizations that are ubiquitous across all the varied Bhozjnaak people, though mostly on Boreas. They are the only thing approaching a police force in most settlements and they often serve as early warning systems for the Bhozjnaak as they range out far and wide to scope out for dangers of all kinds. Joining the Rangers is not the most formal process, normally only requiring that you find a Ranger willing to apprentice you and an understanding that you will likely never find a place to call home.    Rangers often even go off planet, following trails of strange creatures or killers to their eventual conclusion and than finding themselves in a position to watch for other sorts of threats to their people from outside Boreas.

Beauty Ideals

Bhozjnaak love strength, skill and speed. Culturally their most well regarded beauties exhibit those traits, most everything else comes down to personal preferences.

Gender Ideals

There is little in the way of gender differences when it comes to ideals and the Bhozjnaak have very little regard for defined genders or roles. An individual Bhozjnaak is left to decide who they want to be.

Relationship Ideals

The most idealistic relationship between two Bhozjnaak is that of a pair that wishes to travel to the same places and see the same things. Bhozjnaak do not generally mate for life, though it is not particularly rare especially if they are two Bhozjnaak who have settled down. If there are children involved, the Bhozjnaak will stay together until the children are raised in all but the most extreme cases.

Average Technological Level

The Bhozjnaak obtained a low industrial age of technology, though they did not advance very far past that on their own due to a generalized distaste of the effects they found further advances would have on their environment. After first contact with the Union of Gilnares, they quickly advanced and focused on utilizing these technologies to create more harmonious resource extraction methods.    Though few major Bhozjnaak cities exist, those that do enjoy a high level of technology and they often trade with the varied smaller Bhozjnaak settlements across the world of Boreas to maintain a relatively high level across the board.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Your average will Bhozjnaak speak several of hundreds of different dialects of their mother tongue, called Juntraaz and will almost always speak Giant and U-Lang. U-Lang often serves as the primary traders language on Boreas.

Common Taboos

There are not many taboos that are seen across the Bhozjnaak but the abandonment of a child is considered to be a crime worth ostracization or death, as it is only worse than the abandonment of a fellow Bhozjnaak who is in need of aid.    Abandonment of a Bhozjnaak in need would usually be punished by ostracization or Exile while the abandonment or harming of a child is almost always going to end in death for the one who did it. How could their fellow Bhozjnaak trust them if they are willing to do these things to the most needful among them?

Common Myths and Legends

As most species from Boreas, the Bhozjnaak have a vast mythos where the Giants feature strongly.

Bhozjnaak Traits

    The Bhozjnaak are roughly analogous to Minotaur in DnD 5E.   Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.   Age. Bhozjnaak develop more slowly than Drynn, reaching full maturity around the age of 20 and live to be around 150.   Alignment Bhozjnaak believe freedom and individuality above all else. They are loyal to the death.   Size. Minotaurs average over 6 feet in height, and they have stocky builds. Your size is Medium.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Horns. Your horns are natural melee weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.   Goring Rush. Immediately after you use the Dash action on your turn and move at least 20 feet, you can make one melee attack with your horns as a bonus action.   Hammering Horns. Immediately after you hit a creature with a melee attack as a part of the Attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus action to attempt to shove that target with your horns. The target must be within 5 feet of you and no more than one size larger than you. Unless it succeeds on a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier, you push it up to 10 feet away from you.   Spiritual Balance a Bhozjnaak is able to maintain connection to their spiritual force better than any other species and as such, are less prone to becoming Deadman due to over-indulging in cybernetics.   A Bhozjnaak character inherently has 10 more Points of Neural Capacity when it comes to equipping cybernetics.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write U-Lang and Bjonz.
Scientific Name
Bos Hominid
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their fur is often sandy colored, or brown. They can have blotches or markings of black, grey and white. This does vary from population to population with some having vastly different colorations than the norm.
Geographic Distribution

Bhozjnaak Off Boreas

  These creatures find ready companionship most everywhere they go, as long as they can get around the brutish first impression that their hulking, bestial forms might convey.    They are popular as mercenaries for their great strength and the ease of which they can maintain their cybernetics. They have a significant prowess with both technology and magic that makes them popular in many ways as well, though they rarely are willing to stay in one place long enough to utilize those skills in any significant fashion for anything outside the short-term.   

Bhozjnaak in the Union of Gilnares

As a species they hold no particular loyalty to the Union or its remnants. Boreas resisted any large scale integration due in equal parts its terrain and its people, though there were few outright battles on the planet, the Union had little interest in attempting to "Tame" the world. Individual Bhozjnaak both fought for and against the Union and in all spaces between.    No Bhozjnaak group or settlement was ever in an outright state of war with the Union, even during the Dissolution.


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