The Eweoese Species in The Worlds of Gilnares | World Anvil
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The Eweoese (Eh-weh-oh-ease)

"Eweoese outside of Hive Irigrad"
These creatures are a slim mixture of cat-like arboreal predator and monkey, sporting prehensile tails and stubby climbing claws as well as skin flaps between their arms and legs that allow them to glide.    Fighters, hunters and storytellers this species is found everywhere in Old Union Space seeking adventure and exciting tales to take back to their homes...wherever those might be these days.

Basic Information


Eweoese are hunched, lanky simians with arms and legs that are disproportionally long compared to their torso who have a general feline demeanor with a stubby fang filled snout and catlike eyes. They have long flaps of skin attaching their arms and legs that allow them to glide.

Genetics and Reproduction

These creatures have a nine month gestation time and tend to only have one kit at a time.

Growth Rate & Stages

Eweoese are considered mature at 12 and adults by 14, they are a relatively long lived species and live as long as 60 years.

Ecology and Habitats

An arboreal species, they are most comfortable in nests high above the ground. Naturally found living among the enormous trees of Boreas' vast redwood forests and jungles, when they are living among others they will try to build homes in the upper reaches of whatever settlement they are a part of.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Obligate carnivores, they can eat very little vegetable matter without it being pre-processed in some way. They are avid hunters when that is an option.


Inquisitive and adventurous, these creatures are also gregarious and eager to talk to new people. Stories and storytelling are a large part of their culture so they are always keen to share those for the chance to receive new ones.    They make friends very easily, though they are not wont to keep in touch they rarely forget a person they met, especially if they had a particularly interesting story.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Eweoese can live in sprawling bands thousands strong. They rarely have any degree of overarching leadership and tend to be deeply communal, leaving decision making for individuals to individuals and gathering in large groups to discuss and vote on larger issues that might be effecting them. Due to this, they are not often found in large groups within more autocratic societies whenever they are away from Boreas.    Children are raised communally and as children rarely know who their father might be, they are a loosely matriarchal society though this rarely reflects in the tasks and benefits afforded each gender.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

These arboreal hunters are very well adapted to the twilight of the deep jungles and redwood forests they make their homes in and can see in the darkness quite well.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

They are given three names by the time they are considered adults, one by their mother when they are born that usually reflects her emotions and thoughts when she looks on her child. The next is given by the band, at any time between their birth and adulthood whenever there is a larger meeting of the band they will give band names to the children present.    The third is taken by the child themselves whenever they come of age and can be anything they can think of. The taking of this third name is usually done at a larger band meet but can also be a more closed affair among friends and is usually accompanied by a story to explain the name. A more skilled storyteller is more likely to convince those listening to use that name, otherwise it may be that other will still call them by the other names they are known as.

Beauty Ideals

The fluff of a tail, the curl of an ear and the length of ones limbs are all things that the Eweoese look to for inspirations regarding beauty. They enjoy earthy tones as well as song and story, those things that can explain the world around them in shining detail are likely to gain the most attention and appreciation from them.

Gender Ideals

They do little to separate between the genders, though mothers are considered sacred among them as their mating habits lead to few eweoese know who their father is.

Courtship Ideals

These creatures maintain group mating behaviors that rarely see male parentage established in a definitive way. This is triggered by a sort of group consensus that grows as more and more females go into heat. Once a critical mass has been reached, the hormone levels will trigger the rest of the females to go into heat and will start a breeding season within a band that all adult eweoese take part in unless they are far enough away to not be affected.

Relationship Ideals

Eweoese do not generally form romantic relationships though it is not entirely unheard of, they do form long partnerships and friendships with other bandmates that will generally last their entire lives, even if a particular eweoese travels elsewhere

Average Technological Level

The eweoese have little interest in creating their own technology and would have likely been content living in their treetop villages of woven branches and leaves if they had not met the Gorgol and Marad.    Most of their technology comes from that given and traded for with other species. They take to technology well though and eagerly accept things that make their lives easier. They can be trained to be reasonably good mechanics and tech workers and due to their climbing and general mobility they are often desired for those tasks. An Eweoese worker can easily reach areas that others would struggle or would have to rip half a ship apart to reach.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

There are roughly a thousand known Eweoese dialects, some of which have seemingly little relationship to the mother tongue. Most speak Ssisk and Ulang with relative ease and those languages are slowly removing the Eweoese tongue from most bands that are in close proximity to other species as it makes it easier to speak.    This has recieved some pushback from older Eweoese as most of their history and finest stories are recorded orally and they have no written language. There is a fear that some of their longest held stories will be lost or their meaning twisted due to translation.

Common Dress Code

Eweoese have relatively unique needs for clothing due to their anatomy. Working around the connective skinflaps between their arms, legs and torsos requires their clothing to be worn in large, billowing loops that cinch around and over the locations where their gliding anatomy is. This leads to relatively complicated clothing that is often designed to make enjoyable noise or visual effects when gliding, as long as the user is not intending to hunt.    These needs make their clothing prohibitively expensive outside of settlements where an Eweoese band lives.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Storytelling is of high importance among the Eweoese and the gathering of good stories are often the driving force behind them leaving their home band and travelling both Boreas and the Gilnares system at large.    Band Meets are often used as places for Naming, which is important at several stages of an Eweoese life. Those who are not formally part of a band or travelling for some reason can request an opportunity to take part in Naming with another band if they can find them.

Common Taboos

Eweoese are strong supporters of freedom and consider the loss of agency to be appalling, you will often find them as fervent supporters of labor unions and rebellions against autocratic authority.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Eweoese get along well with any species that is willing to talk to them. They do not much care for cultures that attempt to dominate others but are generally willing to give individuals a fair shake if presented the option to do so.

Eweoese Traits

Eweoese are roughly analagous with the Tabaxi and the Hadozee from DnD 5E   Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.   Age. Eweoese have lifespans equivalent to Drynn.   Size. Eweoese come in a wide spectrum of sizes, when creating your character you choose either Medium or Small as your size.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You have a Climb Speed of 30 feet in arboreal environments and a climb speed of 20 in other environments.   Darkvision. You have an arboreal hunters keen senses, especially in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Glide. If you are not incapacitated or wearing heavy armor, you can extend your skin membranes and glide. When you do so, you can perform the following aerial maneuvers:  
  • When you fall, you can move up to 5 feet horizontally for every 1 foot you descend.
  • When you would take damage from a fall, you can use your reaction to reduce the fall’s damage to 0.
    Dexterous Feet and Tail. As a bonus action you can use your feet to manipulate an object, open or close a door or container, or pick up or set down an object. Your tail can support your weight when hanging if you are not over-encumbered and can be used to hold a a weapon, this does not allow an extra attack.   Arboreal Hunter. You have proficiency in the Perception and Stealth skills.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Ulang and one other language of your choice.
Scientific Name
Homo Felidus Troglydus
Geographic Distribution

Eweoese off Boreas

These gregarious creatures get along very well in other cultures, though they are rarely found in large groups off of Boreas. This is due, more than anything, to their wandering nature when outside of their bands and their lack of internal cohesion as a species. They readily live among other creatures and they rarely pine for their own for physical reasons as they can readily find the relationships they desire among any creature that enjoys speaking.  

Eweoese in the Union of Gilnares

The Eweoese had very little impact in the Union of Gilnares, many worked for the various branches of its military and the civil services for the chance at travel that it presented but when it came to its Dissolution, few fought on the side of the Union as the argument of it being an tool of oppression was generally accepted by most Eweoese.   Most do not look at the Union with anger, the general outlook is neutral to neutral negative for most if they care at all.


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