A simple life is a happy life
Naming Traditions
Feminine names
Faye, Margret, Ana, Cordelia, Dawn, Helen, Edwina, Beatrice, Ida, Jeanne, Emma, Corine, Genevive, Lina, Yvette, Lea, Maria, Olga
Masculine names
Oliver, Noah, Charles, Jackson, Jacob, George, Winston, Clavin, Albert, Chapelle, Durant, Elroy, Halbert, Guy, Louis, Travis, Yves.
Family names
Smith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown, Davis, Miller, Wilson, Martin, Dubois, Laurent, Petit, Richard, Boyette, Danton, Faix
Major language groups and dialects
Ardanese is the native language of Ardania going back to the the unification of the kingdom. It was made simple for people to understand in order to breakdown language barriers created by the centuries of conflict that divided the land. But it is slowly vanishing as it being diminished by a more used tongue, Vasili. The empire's language of Vasili has become a necessity to learn since the empire is the country other country left in the west with many needing it to speak with merchant and envoys since the refuse to speck Ardanese. Old Tongue is one of the oldest languages ever used by Humanity, but is rarely used by the people since it is considered a wicked language used by savages. But for those who deal with the forest tribes more often than most, it can come in handy in the most troubling of times. The Holy Word is a language that all followers of Spirit and Flame must learn in order to be devoted, but since most people don't even know how to read or have the time to learn it, only a few people know how to speak it.
Culture and cultural heritage
Ardanian culture is a melting pot of many different groups that extend thousands of years weather they be foreign or internal. But all agree that the thing that divided them all was the collapse of the First Kingdom of Man, cause the entire region to divided themselves into waring kingdoms and create their own culture. These kingdoms would develop their own cultures and traditions and would remain with their people long after they collapsed. For people from different parts of the land as well, with Ferosians in the north, Norrians from the Far north and several other groups from across Kineth. Creating a unique cultural society in the process.
Shared customary codes and values
Ardanians tend to follow a simple way of living through hard work and strong communities. Loyalty is also a common value shared by many, wether it is their ledge lord or to the kingdom as a whole. This can often be shown by many conflict through the history of the land. But this also makes them hold grudges more seriously than others cultures. A strong duty to one's home is also common amongst the people with many villages and towns forming militias in order to protect themselves for attack. Communities often stay in contact with one another as well with many often sharing ceremonies and festival with one another in order to strengthen their bonds. To an Ardanian peace is everything to them which can often make the fear change in the process since it often leads to a change of lifestyle. But when war comes to their doorstep they will often answer the in order to protect their home and family. As for faith, they often just devote only the right amount of it so they do not lose tract of they problems that they face everyday.
Average technological level
Ardania’s technological level is almost similar to that of the with slight alterations that tend to be far superior in ways of weapons, armor, and agriculture. But the rest are the same level of that with the Vatian Empire with slight alterations that tend to be far superior in ways of weapons, armor, and agriculture. But the rest are the same level of that with the Vatians.
Common Etiquette rules
Men often tipping their hats to greet one another, but the do not haver a hat on they often shake one another's hands to stay friendly. When happens to be a women they often have their hand kissed. When it come to he husband they often kiss when they see each other. When it involves to women they often courtesy one another in order to show respect.
Common Dress code
Men often Stocking and tunics along with a long sleeve undershirt for warmth, since the region often has cool weather for most of the year. Hats are also a common thing seen among men, but a few still wear coifs as well. While women wear long gowns with sleeveless tunics and wimples to cover their hair in some areas. Both wore clogs made of thick leather and have cloaks and gloves for winter. But many women and children tend to be barefoot since shoes can be expensive to make especially a growing child. A fore women they really don't leave the house as much.
Art & Architecture
Ardanian architecture is simple in nature since most people would rather have a house built quickly then wait months on end. In villages, buildings are made of timber wood frames and mixed with clay and mud and placed around a stick to keep that house together. The roof would often be made of straw and twig pack together with mud since its cheap was cheaper than stone. Most of these house would be one or two stories high and just support a single family at times. There are no roads or streets leaving only ground to walk on, making it especial difficult to walk thorough when it is muddy. Towns tend have stone roads and their roof are made of clay. Stone is only used in cities and wealth men or noblemen to build their houses which would be far larger. Artwork tends revolve around The Flame and the Spirit, but mostly in the cites and churches. This involves murals and colored stained glass windows, with some going as far as building giant pigeon statues. Statues of historical figures are also built as a way of remembering them. But in the towns and villages the people tend to have their own cultures and celebrate their history. Houses would of have decorations inside and outside with something of significance, these things could be plants, engraved metal, murals and other things. The house sometimes are modified as well with different medications, such as windows, engraved doors, and wooden carving etched into the house as well. Clothing can differ as well depending on the heritage of a town or village as well with colors, engravings, length. Sculptures tend to be made from wood of stone in the forms of animals or people. Some are made into charms. Potter also differs as well since the shape and size differ in many settlements. Of course the ale house is the considered the most respected place to the people as well which are often decorated with weapons and house crest among other trophies gather. Since most people don't know how to read shop owners tend to have painted signs with a picture of their type of business on it hanging outside their store so people can find the them easier.
Common Customs, traditions and rituals
In just about every settlement in the land has an ale house, tavern or inn for people to drink and socialize with one another. The inns though are the biggest place for a meet and greet, but often end in more fight due to drunk customers. Celebrations are also common depending on the situation, such as a successful childbirth, a visiting noblemen, weddings, and men coming home from war. Hygiene was also common even among the peasants and noble. With noble often having private baths, but peasants often had to wait weeks to bath in order to not waste water. Most people bathed when it was rains or used snow as bathing water and put in a barrel to bath in. But many would still wash their hands, faces, and feet. Dental hygiene is common as well with people cleaning food out of their teeth, chewing mint, and washing their mouthes with vinegar. Festival and tournaments are also common to entertain the masses with sports such as jousting, horseshoes, archery, quarter staff fights, and duels. Actors would also put on plays and entertainers wood do juggling or other stunts. Bon fires are also common at night as well to continue the festivities. Military service is also mediatory since way could black out at many time. Men would often learn archery or spear fighting and practice at least once a week. Many peasant would use everyday tools as well such as axe, clubs, flails and pitchfork. But most prized weapon made by peasant was the guisarme which was mostly used for pulling riders of horses to be killed by a mob. Nobles tend have soldiers usually loyal to them and along with more superior weaponry to that of a peasant. Women are also taught to defend their home Incase of attack.
Birth & Baptismal Rites
Traditions very between nobles and peasants. In towns and village, when a child is born they are lifted in the by are by the father and their gender is announced by the father. A celebration the takes place and the child is given back to the mother for both of them to rest. The celebration often has involves dancing, feasting, music, and drinking. The next day a priest would come and rub soot on their forehead and bless them. The name would be given to the child by the father. As for nobles, children would be blessed by a priest and be given laurel to represent themselves as a noble. A toast would be given to them by family member present.
Coming of Age Rites
Very between peasants and nobles. When child reaches age thirteen, they given their first drink as an adult and a small gathering of friends and family gather to congratulate them. A pie is often made for them along with a small banquet to celebrate. Gifts very between boys and girls. Boys often get a hat, tools from their father occupation and trinket with meaning to them. Girls tend to get a bracelet and beautiful dress that she grow into over time. Both would receive large pairs of clothing to grow into since they cost time and money to make and clothing from merchants were often expensive. Prayer would be given to give thanks for living so long and living a prosperous life.
Funerary and Memorial customs
Death is a common thing in Ardania, with all sorts of ways to meet a grizzly end, such disease, famine, Bandit raids and animal attacks. Which in most cases funerals are mostly simple to be prepare for more troubled times ahead. Customs differ from region to region. The deceased are placed in a coffin and is nailed shut and holy scripture is painted and engraved on in order to keep them from rising from the dead in any scenario. It is then placed in a church graveyard and buried six feet under. A wooden pole would be placed at the center of the grave with a decease's name on it. A priest would give them their last rite and friends and family would say their last words to them. Flowers and charms, and small statues are often left by those attending Knots are often carved into the pole as well by friends and loved ones. Another way is to just burn the body on a pyre and just let wind blow away the ashes. A less common way is to just bury the body and plant a tree on top of it so it would grow over time into a magnificent tree by feeding of the corpse.
Common Taboos
- Betrayel
- Adultery
- Prejudice against outsider
- Laziness
- Starting a fight for no reason
- Slavery
Beauty Ideals
Women tend brush their hair and clean with many kept in braids while other tend put them in ponytails, pigtails, or cornettes. While some in the outer villages and towns just have their hair long and natural. Men just tend to let their hair and facial hair grow to a certain length so it remains masculine. But many perfer to leave their facial hair uncut and their hair shorter, in order to look more clean.
Gender Ideals
Men have most of the jobs and tend to follow traditional values. A hard day work is highly valued, since life can be difficult and one slight change can mean life and death. Women tend to stuck at home doing chores around the house. But when men are short in number, women have more freedom in jobs depending on what region they live in.
Courtship Ideals
Men are almost always the one who start the courting process. They first start by asking the women parents for their blessing in order to court the women. Usually both sides of the party tend to be apart the same community. In most cases the man and the women in question tend to have know each other since childhood, making a strong bond in the process. It also helps since they usually know more about each other, along with their strengths and weakness. Once they blessing from the parent's blessing has been received, the man will give the women a necklace made of thread with something of value attached to it. This could be a childhood memento or something personal that belong to the man, such as a ring, carved bone, carved stone, beads, or engraved metal coins. The women is meant to wear the necklace for the rest of her life or until her husband dies. It is not uncommon for the man and women to have sexual interaction before the proposal, but are usually done in secret due it being very shameful to the community and their faith. but if men are scarce and there are many women around the women will try to gain his affection in order to marry. This usually happens through flirting or sexual contact. A man who excepts a proposal from a women are given a ring of iron by the women. Nobles tend have their children know each other at a young age so the can merry when they reach adulthood. This usually done politically and to secure power. Noblemen tend to give their future wives with a necklace of silver or gold when they propose.
Relationship Ideals
Marriage varies from couple to couple depending on the man occupation. If the man has a labor job such as a farmer or lumberjack the women tends to help him on his daily task. This usually happens until pregnancy and the women has to takes care of the children until they reach the age to take of care for themselves. Men who are merchants or sailors often leave their wives at home to tend to the family and home. The authority of the man is more flexible when it come to their with wife, since they be more helpful to them when they need to be. This gives them more freedom and are allowed to do more things then other women in other cultures. Such as leave the house without permission, buy and sell property, and travel with their husbands. The bond between the husband and wife tends to be a strong one with both truly devoted to one another. Nobles are completely different with the wife being submissive to husband as he deals with more pressing matters. They have little power when it comes to politics. But most tend to truly love one another over time.
Major organizations
Parent ethnicities
Related Organizations
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Related Myths
Languages spoken
Related Locations