Gober Family
There are two types of men in this world, the ones that labor their lives away to earn a living and the ones that see an opportunity when they see it in front of them to actually live their lives - Loup Gober
The family is often lead by the smartest of the bunch to ensure that everything runs smoothly and only family members are a part of the business with outsiders excluded.
Being A Member
We’ll know kinsmen you want to know the ropes about the family business huh. Well sit right down and will have a little chat over some nice pints to pass the time. Our family is one of the opportunists and they do what they can to put food on the table. We’re as thick as thieves, but being related makes the job much more important to maintain. For our prosperity relies on doing things that most people would be considered dishonest and vile. But who cares what they think anyway when your family is starving you need to what needs to be done. Our forefathers were farmers that had nothing to show for it and everyone walked over us like we were dirt, until we decided to change that and start making real money rather than scraps. Of course, we follow a set of rules that make sure this family doesn’t end up in ruins by the people up top and we make sure to stay low for no one to notice us. With that were making a living rather than surviving unlike most people and were living a decent life for every one of us for what is family for if we don't help one another out. The only way to do that is to think smart and plan accordingly that is how this family has survived this long and that how it will remain so don't do anything stupid. We just have to keep away from any watchful eyes and life will be much easier for us from now on.What People Think of You
To many, the Gobers are nothing more than opportunists trying to make money where ever they go. Making them no stranger when it comes to the law when it comes to illegal activities. Though they are not well known as they are nothing more than a small operation that has dealt in gambling, pouching, and their most lucrative business venture, smuggling. Most people stay away from them to avoid just being affiliated with them, but behind closed doors when they need something done such as getting certain items or moving people undetected they are the people that you want to go to. Being a small-time criminal has its perks when the law is not looking for you when you too small for it to actually see you.Public Agenda
Making money to live a good life for the family
From Peasants to Rogues
According to the Gobers themselves, their family roots came from generations of farmers working in the fields toiling away their lives and only making ends meet to survive while others prospered off their labor. It was not until Keneth Gober decided to find a better way to support his family through means that were considered indecent and deceptive by nature. Of course rather than the common practice of banditry and robbery he decided to go down a more covert route to ensure that he did not meet his end at an end of a rope around his neck. For he saw that hard work amounted to nothing when there was little in reward in it at all when the lifestyle of a criminal brought wealth with every opportunity that was in front of them. That opportunity came in the form of a wagon filled with contraband and other ill-gotten goods he found when he came across one day while pouching near the Great Forest, its owners longs since dead as they became a meal of one of the forest's residents. With his devious mind deep in thought, he saw many rewards that came with what he saw and took it home to his family, and with careful planning, a small empire grew with every family member on board wanting a better life for themselves. The items in question were sold across the north to the shadiest and shiftiest of individuals and the wealth they gained was something that only a few men could ever dream of and with that wealth, they used it to make connections and deals to bring more things of these goods into Ardania to ensure that they made more money in the future. They soon began to expand in other ventures as well the form of gambling dens and later transporting people in and out of the country once they managed to buy a ship under their name and the main family resettled along the coast towards the Hyperion Isles to gain a better income and business transactions. Though they knew better than to become too large to avoid the gaze of the law and very few have ever heard of them since then, being elusive to those in power and well known to the common scoundrels across their piece of the world. Though that does not mean those who serve the law are knee-deep in the mud as much as they haven't noticed them and have not tried to disrupt their business for the ideals of fairness and preserve order. Though a shiny coin often can seal lips and make eyes look the other way for them to continue their activities, the other fiends that deal in their type of practices are a whole other story. As criminals tend to fight over who has the right to deal in their practices and the Gobers have long since fought with other minority groups to keep their families fed. A very large family that spans in the dozens since only family members can join them as outsiders are not to be trusted with only a few exceptions from time to time as a family is forever and you cannot choose it so you might as well just accept it.Opportunists at Heart
Gober's are opportunists by nature as with every opportunity that reveals itself to them there is a chance to make money then they are willing to take it. Over the decades, many schemes and plans have been conducted with some being lucrative or just leaving them empty-handed. But in some cases, they have ended up becoming a part of a larger set of plans that they didn't even realize. Their larges ventures were their role in starting the 29th Hyperion Revolt as they have smuggled weapons from Ardania to the Hyperion League and earned a lot of coin in doing so but decided to lay low after they found out the revolt and thought it is to much trouble if the Vatian Empire found out where the rebels got their weapons. Another even was that getting their hands on a series of documents from a nobleman after that one of the family’s daughters swiped from him after an extended arrangement of pleasure was done with that revealed large scale corruption and used it to blackmail dozens of public officials making a nice profit without knowing who they actually where. Though those documents were misplaced and found by a militia group working with the famed farmer turned rebel Roderick Wesler and published their finding to the people and much of the southern town and cities rioted for weeks and many would take up arms to what would be eventually Roderick’s Rebellion. They make a nice profit from that by giving weapons to the rebels and smuggling them across Ardania to cause chaos for the nobles and their armies. Truly showing what they are willing to do to make a quick coin without realizing the consequences that they cause.Coming into Hard Times
The Gobers have become a shadow of their former selves in the current decade with many of its family members either dead or scattered across Ardania. This was due to the War of the Raptors and the eventual occupation of land by the Vatian Empire. Much of what they owned was destroyed as the empire tore apart the region as the Kingdom of Ardania held its ground making them pay for every step they took to take, not caring who had to suffer because of it. All their assets were either looted, destroyed, or taken by the empire. Though this does not mean that they are in hiding waiting till it all over, Gober's are known to hold grudges that can drown a man and quite literally in some cases, and harm the family means that a fight is going to come. Though they have nothing doesn’t mean that they aren’t resourced, to say the least, and have become a part of the growing resistance scattered across the land with them helping the good fight whenever they can, often working as agents and spies for groups such as the Brotherhood of the Wood and the Worker’s Pact to avenge their fallen and take as many imperials as they can with them. But that does not mean they won’t be profiting from spoils of war to get back up on their feet and back to business.With the Unexpected Comes Opportunity
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Gobers
Related Ethnicities
The Gober Family Rules
Since the creation of their family business of illegal activities had been founded the Gobers Have created a list of rules to follow to ensure that they never get into trouble with the law or anyone one else, these rules are mandatory to follow to ensure their safety and the family's safety as a whole and to ensure they live long enough to spend the money that they earn during their business ventures.- Always involve the family
- Never Involve Ousiders in family business
- Know when to quit
- Don't get greedy
- Have a backup plan
- Know when trouble is brewing before it starts
- Weigh the risk with the reward
- Never bring trouble to the family