Kingdom of Nimýris Organization in The Kaleidoscope System | World Anvil

Kingdom of Nimýris

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The birthplace of the Nimýric Empire, named after its first king Nimýron the Benevolent.  
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Reign of Nimýron the Benevolent

In the year 41 PN, Nimýron ti Epunda was crowned the first king to rule over the territories controlled by the clans of Epunda, Tépinó, and several smaller clans. He was granted this title by the high priest of Saphéné in recognition of his service to the goddess, as he spread the religion among his followers.   Only four years later, the kingdom was plagued by a severe epidemic of the Tusunpa disease. Nimýron was forced to place harsh restrictions on his people in order to keep the infection from spreading, as well draw resources away from various institutions in order to support healers and scholars in finding solutions.   The losses suffered through the epidemic left the kingdom in a weakened state, as about a fifth of the population had died and many resources were depleted. King Gennulod of the neighboring realm, Gennules, saw this as an opportunity to try and conquer Nimýron's territory, having been envious of its prosperity for years. However, Nimýron wisely decided to invest in the training of spies and support inventors in creating novel weapons to keep the enemy at bay. At the same time, he reached out to the allies he had made over the years, in particular to the clans of Aogol, Vóvónda and Rygevó. With their combined strength, Gennulod's armies were defeated and their tyrannic ruler was dethroned. Nimýron offered the now freed people to become part of his own kingdom, which they soon accepted.   In 61 PN, another war was started by the Kingdom of Gýbomma who sought to expand its territory at the cost of Nimýris and the Vóvondan realm. Naturally, Nimýron left neither his own people nor those of his allies to their fate. Once again they stood side by side to drive the enemy back.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Mixed economy
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Controlled Territories

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski
Character flag image: by Kathrin Janowski


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