Worldbuilding SummerCamp 2020 Article List


Religious Leader

Describe an important religious leader in your world. How has their character changed the status quo?  
Lush Enis
Character | Jul 29, 2023

Apex Predator

Write about an apex predator in your world. How does it hunt and survive?  
Species | Jul 6, 2023

An enormous predatory bird from the northeast of the Haan archipelago


Condition caused by a drug

Describe a condition in your world caused by a drug or medicine.  
Condition | Jan 2, 2023

A horrible, potential side effect of the medicines created with the Thorn Child plant

Celestial Body

Describe an important celestial body or constellation in your world.  
Geographic Location | Nov 22, 2022

A famous star from the past that went supernova during 1356 E.Alz



Describe a counter-culture in your world, something outside the mainstream culture of the place.  
Nación de los Gallinaceos
Ethnicity | Nov 22, 2022

Una nación sin tierras con su propia cultura y tradiciones, distribuida a lo largo y a lo ancho del archipiélago

Rank that represents order

Write about a rank or title that represents order in your world.  
Rank/Title | Nov 22, 2022

Rango que reciben los jefes de los pueblos de Ruh


Secret symbol

Describe a common item that is used as a secret symbol in your world.  
Hilo de lana colorido
Item | Nov 22, 2022

Vehicle that brings joy

Describe a vehicle in your world that brings joy wherever it arrives.  
Vehicle | Nov 22, 2022

Urca (barco mercante y de defensa) en poder del Reino de Tháur


Secret Code

Write about a secret code or cipher in your world: who uses it, and for what purpose?  
Thread Game
Language | Mar 17, 2024

Elite Military Unit

Describe an elite or highly specialized military unit in your world.  
Guardia Real de Karte
Military Formation | Nov 22, 2022

Crucial Material

Write about a material that is considered sacred or culturally crucial in your world.  
Material | Nov 22, 2022

Seed used for the creation of cacao, chocolate, coffee and other dozens of extremely important products.


Old wives' tale

Describe a common old wives' tale or conspiracy theory from a region of your world. Does it hold any truth?  
Carnaval de sangre
Myth | Nov 22, 2022

Un supuesto festival organizado por una civilización extinta en conmemoración de los bicarnivaler

Natural Disaster

Write about the events of a devastating natural disaster in your world, either past or present.  
La gran Inundación de 2998
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Nov 22, 2022

Exhuberant Location

Describe a location in your world that is brimming with diverse or bizarre flora and fauna.  
Delta of Many Birds
Geographic Location | Jan 15, 2023

A very big delta brimming with wildlife, located east of Birdland City in Thaur

Organization above the law

Write about an organization in your world that has become so powerful it's above the law.  
Red de tejedores
Organization | Nov 22, 2022

Orden secreta que conecta personas con quienes pueden resolver sus problemas.


Illegal Profession

Describe a profession in your world that has always been, or recently become, illegal.  
Contact Weaver
Profession | Nov 28, 2023

Agents of the Order of Weavers, tasked with connecting people in the most indirect way possible.


Write about the headquarters of an organization in your world.  

Settlement with famous resource

Describe a settlement that is famous for a particular resource, product, or item created there.  
Settlement | Nov 22, 2022

La ciudad-estado central de la isla de Stunveldt

Law enforcing organization

Describe a law enforcing organization within your world and how they operate.  
Guardia Parlamentaria Dhalmanita
Organization | Nov 22, 2022

Food-focused event

Write about a food-focused event in your world and describe how it's celebrated.  
Llegada de los Mercantes
Tradition / Ritual | Nov 22, 2022

La mayor celebración del año, indicativa del año nuevo

Historical Technology

Write about a technology from the history of your world - is it lost to the ages, or did it shape the world today?  
Medicina Adaptativa
Technology / Science | Nov 22, 2022

Condition with recent cure

Describe any condition or disease for which a cure has recently been developed.  
Condition | Oct 27, 2023

A wasting disease that decimated the islands of Stunveldt and Ruh on the year 3000 E.Alz

Rebuilt settlement

Write about the history of a settlement that was almost wiped out and was then rebuilt.  
Deep Cue Garn
Settlement | Nov 22, 2022

A town west of Thaur ruined by a flood and abandoned, to be repopulated 16 years later after the High Rust


Species farmed for a resource

Write about a species in your world that is bred or farmed for a high-value resource.  
Mark of the Teen
Species | Nov 22, 2022

A plant with deep purple berries used commonly to make a reliable intimate lube

Unassuming character

Write about an unassuming character who secretly control things from behind the scenes.  
Character | Oct 26, 2023

A Ruhk man with a magnetic personality, known for surviving the terrors of an unwanted stay in the Savage Isles


Material used for fuel

Describe a material in your world that is used as a source of fuel or power  
Cuppat's dust
Material | Nov 22, 2022

A recreational drug that causes an unparalleled creative euphoria

Famous agreement

Write about a famous agreement, contract or treaty that shaped the history of your world.  
Pact of the Dhalmanite Alzufhars
Document | Nov 22, 2022

The era-changing pact that forged Dhalmain, carved into a plaque at the center of Endure


Unusual conflict

Describe the events of a conflict that started due to unusual or unforeseen circumstances.  
La Payada del Huerto Comido, y como terminó
Military Conflict | Nov 22, 2022
Judgy Lyraik by Naelin

Cover image: by World Anvil


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