Dock Ward Settlement in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Dock Ward

Портовый Округ долгое время считался самым опасным городским районом, но теперь этот титул забрал себе Полевой Округ. Я не сомневаюсь, что жители Портового Округа этому только рады, потому что в некоторых аспектах этот район никогда не заслуживал столь плохой репутации.   Да, если не считать Полевой Округ, это район, где проживает большинство бедняков Глубоководья. Да, это дом для самых необразованных жителей города. Да, большинство его таверн забита пьянчугами, и слишком много гостиниц с часовой оплатой. Но надо признать что у жителей Портового Округа часто самая тяжелая работа, и живут они в самых суровых условиях.  
  Склады, приюты для нищих и доходные дома зани¬мают большую часть района. Улицы утопают в грязи и лишь на некоторых имеется тротуар. Прогулка по рай¬ону без гида может закончится тем что вы потеряетесь. За исключением непосредственной близости от прича¬лов, вывески магазинов и реклама любого рода редка, а склады и другие предприятия часто вообще не имеют обозначения. Вы либо знаете куда идете и у вас есть причина туда идти - или вы заблудились и вероятно станете жертвой для карманников или кого похуже.   Уличные фонари недолго живут в Портовом Округе, так как свечи, масло, стекла регулярно крадут или разбивают. Гильдия Фонарщиков и Свечников вяло пытается починить уличные фонари в начале каждого времени года, но в течение большей части года местные жители в ночное время на улицах вынуждены иметь собственный источник света.   Цвета Портового Округа - бордовый и оранжевый, а его символ - рыба-меч, нарисованная зеленой краской по каким-то старым традициям которые со временем стали забыты. Жители Портового Округа серьезно отно¬сятся к состязаниям, и зачастую выставляют на них жестких и грубых моряков, прибывших в город. (Неко¬торые утверждают что это пираты, но это чистая клеве¬та.) Часто высказываются жалобы что эти мужчины и женщины скорее обитатели морей чем Портового Окру¬га. Но раз они зарегистрировались у магистра и запла¬тили налоги, они имеют право участвовать в состязани¬ях, как и любой постоянный житель Глубоководья.  
  Порты, по своей природе, являются местами шумными, грязными и переполненными. Порт Уотердипа как раз попадает под это описание, хотя его дурная слава слегка приукрашена рассказами на севере и юге Побережья Мечей. Очень хорошо про доки написал один известный маг - "Необузданная, полустационарная бесконечная потасовка, занимающая целый район и прерывающаяся лишь в некоторых зданиях, магазинах и благодаря стараниям смелых стражников (которым удается сдержать хаос в пределах района). Несмотря на это, Портовый район - замечательное, увлекательное место, чтобы провести вечер."  
  Городская стража держит этот район неком подобии порядка, путешествуя хорошо вооруженными группами по восемь человек днем и по двенадцать вечером. Большинство улиц и аллей не мощеные и полны грязи.  
  Несмотря на то, что это самый древний район Уотердипа, здесь большинство строений деревянные, построенные друг на друге. И хотя люди жили и трудились здесь за 1000 лет до правления Агхаирона, редкое строение стоит более 30 лет. Единственные постоянные постройки это сами доки, гавань и башни на острове Дипвоч (Deepwatch Isle). Новые мощеные дороги вдоль доков, значительно улучшили как связь с основными улицами города, так и постройки вдоль них.  


  Гильдия Мясников (The Butchers Guild Hall): Недавно обновленное двухэтажное деревянное здание, с холодным подвалом, доступным членам гильдии.   Зал Лиги (League Hall): Крупное предприятие по обработке кожи, с таверной на втором этаже, где обычно обсуждаются дела Лиги кожевенников (League of Skinners & Tanners).   Зал Мореплавателей (Mariner's Hall): Красивое двухэтажное здание, расположенное на Пути Дракона (Way of the Dragon), где собираются капитаны кораблей для деловых переговоров и просто для отдыха.   Металлический Дом Чуда (The Metal House of Wonder): Покрытая металлической крышей база Ордена Оружейников и Кузнецов (Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmith and Finesmith)   Зал Лодочника (Waterman Hall): Эта гильдия является складом и местом стоянок для лодок.  


  Дом Ароматов (The House of Pride Perfumes): Магазин представляет из себя настоящие джунгли склянок с разными ароматическими веществами.   Книги и свитки Серпентила (Serpentil's Books and Folios): Эксклюзивный и дорогой магазин, продающий разнообразные книги, схемы и карты.   Магических книг в продаже нет, но хозяин их с охотой приобретает.   Коптильня (The Smokehouse): Это одноэтажное кирпичное здание используется гильдией рыбаков и мясников для сбыта своего товара.   Свистящие клинки (Whistling Blades): Магазин специализирующийся на кинжалах и метательных ножах. Если вы пришли сюда по совету друга, хозяин Эртил Велюн (Ertyl Velun) покажет вам свои специальные товары: мини-клинки и секретные ножны с возможностью быстрого извлечения оружия.  

Таверны и Постоялые Дворы

  В портовом районе самое большое скопление таверн и гостиниц, большинство из которых занимают ветхие маленькие помещения, обслуживающие стандартную клиентуру этого района - моряков, ищущих приключения и способ расстаться с тяжело заработанными деньгами на берегу. Другие заведения улучшают сервис, тем самым привлекая более богатых клиентов.   Обеденный Зал (Cookhouse Hall): Большой обеденный зал, предлагающий простые горячие блюда и широко распространенные напитки усталым путникам, за две медные монеты. (Спонсируется Лордами Уотердипа, а также лордом Умасусом Фулом Ulmassus Phull)   Медная Чаша (The Copper Cup): Три старых трех и четырехэтажных склада были превращены в один из наиболее известных и кипящих активностью постоялых дворов. Имеется также несколько складских помещений.   Полные Паруса (The Full Sails): Веселая, яркая таверна на Сетевой улице (Net street), она также является штабом Лиги изготовителей парусов и канатов (The Most Diligent League of Sail -makers and Cordwainers)   Висящая Лампа (The Hanging Lantern): Хозяин этой таверны также занимается сдачей костюмов в аренду.   Зал Капитанов (Shipmasters Hall): Гостиница и обеденный клуб для капитанов, их первых помощников и судовладельцев. Внутреннее убранство клуба значительно опережает красоту фасада. (Спонсируется гильдией Мореплавателей).   Нос Корабля   Нос Корабля (The Ship's Prow): Знаменитая среди моряков Побережья Мечей гостиница, которую легко найти, так как представляет из себя нос корабля, выступающий на Фиш и Шип Стрит (Fish and Ship street). Цены и обслуживание в этой четырехэтажной гостинице вполне разумные, чего иногда не скажешь о клиентах.   Ночной Клуб Три Жемчужины (Three Pearls Nightclub): Ночью на сцене этого удивительно популярного клуба разыгрывают комедии, представления с дрессированными зверями, фокусы иллюзионистов и представления знаменитых ораторов и бардов.   Теплые Кровати (Warm Beds): Тихая, домашняя гостиница, предлагающая немногим больше, чем то, что гарантирует название.  

Другие Достопримечательности

  Площадь Фишгат (Fishgut Court): На этой мощеной площади, во время полной луны происходит множество странных вещей (многие говорят, что хозяин близлежащей таверны часто говорит с Селюн, поэтому и лунный свет часто заливает площадь).   Магазин Старого Хоблоба (The Old Xoblob Shop): Этот магазинчик специализируется на разнообразных трофеях с полей битв и не только (здесь много всего из Подгорья, так как там есть врата, переносящие искателей приключений прямо в магазин).   Доки Контрабандистов. (Smugglers Dock): Наиболее изолированный уголок в районе, и самый безопасный, так как находится рядом с усадьбой Мирта и Смотрящей Башней (Watching Tower). Это место часто используется любовниками для свиданий.  

Опасности Портового Района

  Среди всех прочих мест Уотердипа, ну за исключением разве что Подгорья, Портовый район таит в себе наибольшее количество опасностей. Узкие кривые плохо освещенные улицы, полные мусора, как в Торговом Районе (за исключением того, что мусор здесь может лежать неделями или месяцами) идеально подходят для организации засады. Огромный лабиринт из петляющих улиц практически невозможно запомнить, и это делает уход от преследования крайне тривиальной задачей. Правда, уходя от одной опасности, можно нарваться на другую.   Площадь Черного Колодца (Black Well Court): Небольшая аллея, с загрязненным и заселенным монстрами колодцем. Колодец запечатан (как кладкой, так и магией) по приказу Лордов.   Аллея Манистепс (Manysteps Alley): Пристанище разнообразных пророков, предсказателей и воров.   Площадь Мелинтера (Melinter's Court): Эта темная площадь всегда заполнена дымом от трубок уличных философов, мудрецов, а также иногда злых магов.   Площадь Философа (Philosopher's Court): Местные называют это место "Площадью Дураков", здесь собираются разнообразные интеллектуалы, мудрецы и пьяные аристократы, для споров на темы "недоступные простому уму".   Аллея Раунд Агейн (Round Again Alley): Эта аллея кольцевой формы, является местом испытания мастерства начинающих иллюзионистов.   Аллея Три брошенных кинжала (Three Thrown Daggers Alley): Странное проклятье вызывает три клинка из ниоткуда, атакующих прохожих.  
  Perhaps the most notorious and colorful of the wards of Waterdeep, Dock Ward is known to thousands all over Faerun from travelers' tales. Most portray it as a lawless, brawling place of drunks, smugglers, roaming monsters and fell magic, where brawls are frequent.   Those tales aren't far wrong. All they leave out is the heavy city watch patrols and the nonstop, day-and-night work that goes on around all that fun.   The harbor is very much a working place, full of sweating, swearing dock-wallopers loading and unloading vessels, assisted by crewmen. Carts groan hastily to and from warehouses all over the southern half of the city carrying ship goods. Sightseers are not welcome.   Anyone who is crazy enough to want to tour the harbor can rent small boats from Albaeron Halembic of the Fishmongers' Fellowship at the Fish Warehouse. The cost is 4 gp/ day or 2 gp/half-day. The boat comes with oars, a small mast, two long fending poles, and a retired fisherman as skipper (who must be kept on board and in com¬mand of the vessel at all times).   Those daring or foolish enough to want to delve beneath the waters of the harbor are advised that the city guard keeps a very close watch for smugglers and items dropped for recovery by someone else later. Also, the mermen who patrol the depths do not welcome tourists, and will turn them back promptly.   A further warning for those wishing to sightsee here: Unless the salty tang of rotting fish and sea life holds a special attraction for you, avoid the docks —or do not tarry overlong. I can attest to my cost that when the damp night and evening dew or morn¬ing mists are present and the clearing winds aren't strong, the stink of the harbor clings to your clothes and travels with you for almost a day  

Further Reading

  Some details of underharbor features and merman patrols can be gleaned from the Knight of the Living Dead adventure gamebook. More is given on pages 25-26 of Waterdeep and the North.     The Dock Ward was long considered the most dangerous district in the city, but the Field Ward has since taken that title. I don’t doubt the residents of the Dock Ward are glad of it, for in some respects this area has never truly deserved its bad reputation.   Yes, aside from the Field Ward, this is the area where most of Waterdeep’s poor reside. Yes, it is home to some of the least literate people in the city. Yes, most of its taverns are inhabited by habitual drinkers, and far too many inns charge by the hour. But all must concede this: the residents of the Dock Ward often work the hardest while living under the harshest conditions.   Warehouses, poorhouses, and tenements dominate much of the area. Streets are steep throughout, and few have space alongside for pedestrians. Wandering through the ward can be a bewildering journey without a guide. Except in the immediate vicinity of the piers, shop signs and advertising of any kind are rare, and warehouses and other businesses often have no sign at all. You either know where you are going and have reason to be there — or you are lost, and a likely mark for pickpockets or worse.   Streetlamps don’t fare well in the Dock Ward. Their candles, oils, and glass are too regularly stolen or smashed. The Guild of Chandlers and Lamplighters makes a halfhearted attempt to repair the streetlamps at the start of each season, but for most of the year, locals are forced to carry their own light when traveling these streets at night.   The colors of the Dock Ward are burgundy and orange, and its mascot is a swordfish that has always been depicted as green for reasons lost to time. The folk of the Dock Ward take competition seriously, and they frequently draft their champions from the rough-and-tumble sailors who come to the city. (Some say they draft pirates, but that is pure slander.) Frequent complaints arise that these women and men are more citizens of the sea than of the Dock Ward itself. But if they register with a magister and pay taxes, they are as welcome to compete as any long-term resident of Waterdeep.  


  All sailors who regularly sail into Water deep have their favorite taverns and lodgings, but all are familiar with Cookhouse Hall , the large, echoing, hammerbeam- ceilinged hall where hot meals (usually roast beef, stir-fried vegetables, and a highly peppered stew) are served to all who line up and pay 2 cp for a meal.   Minted drinking water is even provided. You don't have to be a sailor to eat here. It's open from dawn to dusk, and has fed many a weary (or poor or down on his luck) traveler who doesn't mind a little coarse company and dinner conversation.   The Shipmasters' Hall, by contrast, is a private inn and dining club for captains, first mates, and ship owners and their escorts only. It's very old and elegant, with polished dark wood paneling everywhere, shining brass fittings, comfortably cush-ioned brocade seats, and heavy plush drapes. One of the largest privately owned buildings in Waterdeep is the shipbuilding shed of Arna- gus the Shipwright, who's crafted many of the fine ships that ply the Sword Coast. Owing to the dangers of sabotage and fire, he doesn't welcome visitors, but many folk go to the docks where the slipway from his shed runs down to the harbor to peer in at the work going on. A ship launching always draws great crowds. It's the nearest thing after brawl watching to a specta¬tor sport that Dock Ward has.   The following guildhalls can all be found in this ward: the Butchers' Guildhall, League Hall, Mariners' Hall, Watermen's Hall, Seaswealth Hall, Coopers' Rest, Shippers' 1Hall,11 Ship¬wrights' House, and the Metal House of Wonders.   The Most Diligent League of Sail-Makers and Cordwainers has as its headquarters the Full Sails tavern. The Muleskull Tavern serves as headquarters for the Dungsweepers' Guild.  
  Ports, by their very nature, are unclean, noisy, crowded, and constantly busy places where few outsiders are welcome. Waterdeep's Dock Ward fits this mold, though its notoriety and bedlam are, if nothing else, slightly muted by the tales told up and down the Sword Coast. It was best described, by a wizard of no little note, as a 'riotous, semi-stationary but nigh-perpetual brawl that covers entire acres and is interrupted only by small buildings, intermittent trade business, an errant dog or two, and a few brave watchmen (who do manage to keep the chaos from spreading beyond the docks), the whole lot wallowing in the stench of rotting fish. Still, in all, 'twas quite a lusty, intriguing place to spend an evening.”   City watch patrols and guard contingents keep this ward in a semblance of order, traveling in well-armed groups of eight during the day and groups of twelve or more after dusk. Many of the roads are gravel-packed dirt, once the docks and cobblestone access roads to the Way of the Dragon are left behind. The dark, mud-strewn alleys are endless in Dock Ward, and they hide many dangers, despite the alertness of Waterdeep’s defenders, so travel in large, heavily armed groups if you must.   Dock Ward's boundaries, quickly stated, are the harbor and the southern boundaries of Castle and Trades Wards. The northern boundary runs north and east on Lackpurse Lane to Belnimbra’s Street, over and down Gut Alley, and turns east to Shesstra’s Street. Moving east and turning south onto Book Street, the boundary moves east again on Drakiir Street until it meets the Way of the Dragon, the eastern perimeter of Dock Ward. The southern border of the ward is, of course, the docks and the harbor.  



















Notable Landmarks


Watch of Ward




Noble villa


Private Houses

  Arnagu's Shipwright's residence Jemuril DwarF's residence Gathgaer Milomynt's residence Home of Melvar Mouth  Jhannastra House       

Mage Houses





  • The Smokehouse: Smokehouse. Used by both the Fishmongers' and Butchers' guilds, this rare one-story brick smokehouse almost always smells of curing meats or fish.
  • Arnagus Shipwrights: Shop (Ships)
  • House of Tarmagus: Warehouse
  • House of Pride Perfumes: Shop (Perfume) (4c).
  • The Old Xoblob Shop: Shop (Adventuring Curios) (4c).
  • xxx Warehouse: Warehouse (was Red Sails)
  • xxx Warehouse: Warehouse (was Helmstar)
  • xxx Warehouse: Warehouse (was Dhaermos)
  • Whistling Blades: Shop (Blades).
  • The Fishscale Smithy: Shop (Blacksmith)
  • Horizon's Sails: Shop (Maps, Charts & Logbooks)
  • Ralagut's Wheelhouse: Shop (Shipboard Goods)
  • xxx Warehouse: Warehouse (was Maernath Storage)
  • Dawnharbor Storage: Rental Warehouse (was Alex Lenter's Storage)
  • Gelfuril the Trader: Shop (General Goods) (3c)
  • Thomm Warehouse: Warehouse
  • Melgard’s Fine Leathers: Shop (Leatherworks)
  • Telethar Leatherworks: Shop (Leatherworks)
  • Torpus the Tamer: Shop (Tanning)
  • Nestaur the Ropemaker: Shop (Ropemaking)
  • Khostal Hannass, Fine Nuts: Shop (Nuts)
  • Felhaur’s Fish Shop: Shop (Fish)
  • Zorth Ulmaril: Shop (Lanterns)
  • Serpentil Books & Folios: Shop (Books) (4c).
  • Turnstone Plumbing: Plumber
  • Lanternmaker Zorth Ulmaril: Shop (Lanterns)
  • Talnu's Ropeworks: Shop (Rope)
  • Merlook Nets & Knotware: Shop (Nets)
  • Warehouses

  • Dhaermos Storage
  • Helmstar Warehouse
  • Red Sails
  • Shippers' Storage
  • Thomm Storage
  • Fellowship Storage
  • Maernath Storage
  • Dawnharbor Storage
  • Col's Fish Shoppe
  • Nightlife



  • Splintered Stair
  • The Rearing Hippocampus. 4c•3a.
  • Splintered Stair. 3c•2a
  • Blackstar Inn. 4c•3a
  • Ship's Prow. 3c•5a. An inn well known among sailors of the Sword Coast and easily found as it is actually a converted ship's prow that now juts into Fish Street and Ship Street. The prices and services in this four-story inn are reasonable, though its clientele often isn't.
  • Warm Beds Imm. 2c•2a. A quiet, homelike inn with little more than what its name guarantees.
  • Shipmasters' Hall. (sea captains). A private inn and dining club for captains, first mates and ship owners and their guests, with an interior elegance that far outweighs its exterior. It is sponsored by the Master Mariners' Guild.
  • Sailor's Corner
  • Skewered Dragon
  • Stormcloak Inn. Inn (1c • 1a) The Stormcloak is a run-down ramshackle inn whose rooms are filthy and taproom filled with street thugs and drunken sailors.
  • The Sleeping Snake. 3c•2p•2a.
  • Taverns

  • Grog House
  • Gray Griffon
  • Selûne’s Smile
  • Thirsty Sailor
  • Thirsty Throat
  • Bloody Fist
  • Muleskull Tavern
  • Sleeping Wench
  • Blue Mermaid
  • House of Tarmagus
  • Hanged Man
  • Full Sails. Guild HQ: Most Diligent League of Sailmakers & Cordwainers. A merry, bright tavern on Net Street at the docks, with its upstairs space acting as meeting and storage space for the sailmakers' guild.
  • Sleeping Snake
  • Pickled Fisherman
  • Soaring Pegasus
  • Angry Coxswain
  • Darth's Dolphyntyde
  • Knight’n Shadow
  • Sleepy Sylph
  • Dancing Pony
  • Skewered Dragon
  • Wanton Weredolphin
  • Arrowclad Jester
  • Dancing Mermaid
  • Knotted Rope Tavern
  • The Friendly Flounder
  • Three Towers
  • Starry Jack
  • Blue Sail
  • The Lazy Dragon
  • Festhalls

  • Three Pearls Nightclub
  • The Hanging Lantern
  • The Purple Palace
  • The Mermaid's Arms
  • Blushing Mermaid
  • The Copper Cup
  • Mother Jatha's
  • Velvet Tentacles aka. No Liches Allowed Festhall
  • Laughing Lass
  • Mother Athue's
  • Water Club
  • Temples

  • Starry Cradles Orphanage: A Selûnite-sponsored orphanage.


  • The Metal House of Wonders
  • Shipwrights' House
  • Shippers' Hall
  • Coopers' Rest
  • Seaswealth Hall
  • Watermens' Hall
  • Mariners' Hall
  • League Hall
  • The Butchers' Guildhall
  • Jester's Clubhouse
  • The Pavilion of Paving Stones
  • Fences

  • Helmstar Warehouse
  • Sages




    City Buildings

  • Guard Barracks #3
  • Cookhouse Hall
  • Alleys & Courts



        Dock Ward boasts the most color-ful and dangerous alleyways and courtyards in the City of Splen-dors. Tourists are advised to be very sure of their personal de-fenses before walking any of these by night, even if not alone.  

    Arun's Alley

      Running east off Ward's Way between Lackpurse Lane land Belnimbra's Street, this wide  carters' way services many ware-houses and businesses along its short length. It can be a fascinat¬ing place to watch skilled loaders and unloaders, who can throw and catch heavy barrels and crates with speed and accuracy.   Except for those who look threatening and have weapons at the ready this is as safe as an alley gets. Private guards belonging to the businesses and to the Fellow-ship of Carters and Coachmen guild are everywhere, vigilant and armed with crossbows, clubs, and short swords.  

    Black Wagon Alley

      Running east off Book Street to the north of Candle Lane, this narrow way leads to a warren of houses of the poor, including some thieves. City watch patrols are often busy cutting away tripwires and stranglewires from its more easterly stretches.   It is named for the ghostly appari-tion of a black plague wagon that is sometimes seen slowly and silently moving up the alley, without horses or a driver!  

    Candle Lane

      Sometimes called Candle Alley, this winding way links Book Street and the Way of the Dragon. Its name comes from its extreme gloominess (it's overhung by tall houses), which made bookish sorts lit targets for thieves. It is now heavily patrolled. The Thirsty Throat tavern stands at its eastern end.  

    Fishnet Alley

      Linking Spice Street and Dock Street in a dogleg west of Wharf Street, this narrow crowded alley gets its name from the drying nets that are hung across it at various levels from wall hooks by night or for repair by day.   Down the years, these nets have broken the fall of many thieves and lovers leaping from windows, or have been dropped from above by thugs to entrap people passing along the alley. Although it looks like the web- choked lair of some giant spider, this alley is usually quite safe. However.  

    Caedermon's Walk

      Linking Shipmasters' Hall with Wharf Street, this route is named for the ghostly ship captain who often walks up it, wooden clogs echoing in the mist, leaving wet footprints in his wake.   Caerdermon was drowned in the harbor by his mate, and rose as a revenant to follow his killer to Shipmasters' Hall. A fearful wizard there blasted him to dust before he could slay the mate — and ever since, Caerdermon's phantom has walked this alley. There are whispers that the sea captains ghost can slay or harm those who block his path.   By day, this route is busy with carts serving the businesses all around. It is one of the alleys dominated by muscular men moving heavy barrels with one- man push-dollies.  

    Manysteps Alley

      Running parallel to and between Slut Street and the Way of the Dragon, this long, winding back way is home to many soothsayers, shady moneylenders, message runners, and fix-it-for-you thug bands. Avoid it if well-dressed or carrying obvious wealth. Thieves are never far off.    

    Round Again Alley

      Paralleling Wastrel Alley on the west, from north of Adder Lane to Belnimbra's Street, this narrow alley doubles back on itself hence its name), and is the avored testing ground of some¬one who can create magical illusions of beholders.   Many Waterdhavians have seen silent, menacing eye tyrants gliding along the alley eyestalks writhing-only to fade away at the touch of hurled objects, or upon reaching the end of the way. What this means, and if it is dangerous, is not yet known.  

    Thelten's Alley

      Running northwest off Watch- run Alley, across from the end of Drawn Sword Alley this short way is named for the crazed wizard who dwelt here. Through some arcane magic, he survives as a wizshade, and can still be encountered here or in Thelten's Court, which opens off this alley to the north.   This sometimes-seen magical apparition may whimsically ignore or aid folk, but more often attacks. The Watchful Orders best efforts have not yet suc¬ceeded in destroying Thelten's strange remnants.  

    Three Thrown Daggers Alley

      Linking Blackstar Lane and Spiderweb Alley this winding way is famous for the curse cast here by the mage Arundoom. Struck in the back by three daggers hurled by a treacherous apprentice, he survived to take revenge. Once for each of his eight years of apprenticeship, the apprentice was driven by magical fear to flee up the alley and there face three animated dag¬gers that swooped out of thin air at random points up and down the alley.   The spell survives, despite the efforts of later wizards to eradicate it. Because of this, anyone using the alley must beware three random attacks.   Thugs sometimes lure or chase intended victims into the alley to get them injured. This route is sometimes called just Thrown Dagger Alley.  

    Trollcrook Alley

      Linking Snail Street and Slut Street, this relatively open, safe passage is today much used by carters—rushing wagons are its chief danger. Of old, it was fre¬quented at night by a vicious gang of trolls dwelling in the city's sewers. They slew many citizens before being hunted down. Some sages misname this alley Troll crush Alley.  

    Twoflask Alley

      Running due west from the midpoint of Bitter Alley, this way turns south and then loops back north across itself to reach the broad way of Fish Street. The back way into the Thirsty Sailor, this still-dangerous passage is a haunt of thieves, thugs, and ladies of the evening who defend themselves or fell would-be customers with sleep-poisoned rings or long nailsheaths. Its name comes from an old joke about needing to drink two flasks of wine to have the cour¬age to walk down it.  

    Watchrun Alley

      This northeast/southwest route links Nelnuk's Walk with Red- cloak Lane and Gut Alley and gets its name from its frequent use by the city watch and the city guard to hurry across this part of Dock Ward. Being in the path of a running (or mounted, and charg-ing!) patrol is itself a danger—and carters at times race each other along this route.   Thieves and cruel pranksters have been known to stretch tripwires and stranglewires across this alley by night. It is common knowledge in the ward that major gangs in this area have hired eyes watching this route to keep track of the city guard and the city watch.  



    Philosopher's Court

    Better known to locals by its derisive name, the Foolsquare, this sunny court has always been where old men, drunkards, young thinkers, and the more daring of the city's wealthy intellectuals have gathered when the weather is good to argue, flapping their jaws on a raised dais and weathered chairs. Drunks sleep under both the dais and the chairs by night.   Certain nameless nobles pay for torches and a standing city watch patrol to keep proceedings from being interrupted by thieves, ruffians, critics, or nightfall. Some whisper that Piergeiron or Khel- ben Arunsun or Mirt pay for the arrangements, but many nobles have been heard to say that "an afternoon stroll to hear the fools is better mirth than most shows thrice the price.  

    Black Well Court

      Opening west off Book Street, across from the end of Drakiir Street, this cramped courtyard is known for its long-polluted well (the water is black!) and as the meeting place of many gangs of street ruffians, thugs, and cultists over the years. As such, it is regularly patrolled by the city guard and the watch—but they of ten encounter thugs, Dragon Cultists, or worshippers of Loviatar "ministering" to some poor victim kidnapped from somewhere nearby.   There are also rumors of something living under the black water in the well that comes out at night to snatch and feed on passersby.  

    Fishgut Court

      A cobblestone court off Sail and Dock Streets where many strange happenings occur during nights of the full moon. Many know that Selûne herself hid in a mortal form in the tavern nearby, and her blessings continue to touch the courtyard.  

    Smuggler's Dock

      The most isolated corner of the ward and also its safest, under the watchful eyes of Mirt's Mansion and the Watching Tower, used often for lovers' rendezvous.  

    Melinter's Court

      Behind (east of) the Hanged Man tavern, this dark courtyard is of ten full of pipe smoke, as philosophers spill out of the tavern, tankards in hand, to continue debates begun inside. Named for the evil mage who, a decade or so ago, formed a gang of thieves that met here to plan their villainy, this courtyard continues to be used from time to time by the evil mages who were once Melinter's apprentices.   Melinter is dead, but at times mages arrive at night, sleep any patrons in the courtyard, and meet to plan dark deeds. I couldn't find anyone willing to tell me very much about these wizards, but I did hear the names Azibar of the Seven Skulls, Felibarr Blacklance, and Onshall Goldcloak mentioned.  



    Factions hideouts and strongholds






    Lord's Alliance


    Order of the Gauntlet


    Emerald Enclave


    Xanathar's Thieve's Guild


    City watch patrols pass a given point about every 20 minutes and look into a tavern or inn dining room about every half-hour. the city guard also patrols Dock Ward in 12-man detachments. . Reinforcements will be another dozen LG hm F3s to F6s clad in chain mail and armed with maces, long swords, daggers, slings, and a pole arm appropriate to the situation. Guard patrols pass a given street location about every half-hour. They appear in 2d4 minutes when a city watch patrol blows a warning horn in Dock Ward.

    Гильдии и фракции


  • Apprentices: Dock Ward. xxx
  • Blinders: Dock Ward. A gang that claims they get their name from some tactic or technique they employ to "blind the Eye," a reference to the Xanathar. They have a street reputation as having refused and even fought the Xanathar's agents before.
  • Bloody Bosuns: Dock Ward. xxx
  • Krakens: Dock Ward. xxx
  • Mootkings: Dock Ward (+ South Ward). x
  • Pressbow Boys: Dock Ward. A gang based out of the Pressbow neighborhood in the Dock Ward
  • Архитектура

    Despite being the oldest settled area of Waterdeep, Dock Ward consists of many wooden structures all built upon each other with a few stone buildings to provide structural support for the rest. While people worked and lived here for 1000 years before Ahghairon’s rule, few buildings last for more than 30 years. The only permanent constructions that have existed for extensive periods of time in Dock Ward are the docks themselves, as well as the protective harbor walls and the towers of Deepwatch Isle. With the relatively new cobblestone streets along the docks providing easier access to trade routes within the city, talk is circulating of updating and improving buildings along those routes. As far as the Lords are concerned, any improvements here are definitely for the better.   Most buildings in Dock Ward are two or three floors but narrow, which is just small enough to make them cheap but tall enough to provide plenty of shade. Even in daylight, the ground level of the streets are in dim light throughout most of the Ward. The buildings themselves are typically fairly simple with a stone foundation and additional construction made from wood.

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