Pankratium Triumphant Building / Landmark in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Pankratium Triumphant

Gymnasium & Spa (Festhall)   Jelzar's Stride, Sea Ward, Waterdeep   Rankings: 4c  


  The Pankratium serves neither drink nor fare.  


  • Annual Membership: 280 gp/year
  • Monthly Membership: 25 gp/month
  • Tenday Membership: 10 gp/tenday
  • Private Room: 2 gp
  • Body Servant: 20 gp/hour
  • Oil Massage: 3 gp (one hour)
  • Training: 4 gp/session, or 30 gp/month (thrice a week)
  • Обучение

      Рукопашный бой   Обучение безоружному бою в Панкратиуме Триумфанта. Стоимость: 20 драконов за 1 занятие, которое длится 10 часов. Эффект: после 30 занятий вы изучаете один маневр и получаете одну кость chikara.  

    Стиль Foot and Fist

  • Rising Sun Meets The Lady Sky. When you score a critical hit with an unarmed attack, you can use your reaction and expend one chikara die to make another unarmed attack against the creature, if you hit, you add the chikara die to the attack’s damage roll.
  • Soft Form  
  • Gold Dragon Sweeps The Sky With Its Tail. If you move at least 30 feet towards an enemy you can use your bonus action to make an unarmed attack. If you hit, you add the chikara die to the attack’s damage roll.
  • Fists of Iron. You have learned the secrets of imbuing your unarmed attacks with extra force. When you make an unarmed attack roll against a creature, you can expend one chikara die to add it to the damage roll. You can use this maneuver before or after making the attack roll, but before any effects of the attack are applied.
  • Beauty Looks at Mirror. You can use your opponent’s weight, strength, and momentum against it, deflecting its attack and throwing it to the ground. When another creature misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction and expend one chikara die to perform a Trip Attack manoeuvre. You may add the Crab Fling die as well as the die from the Trip Attack to the DC of the trip.
  • False Leg Hand Sweep. When a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction and expend one chikara die to make an unarmed attack against the creature, if you hit, you add the chikara die to the attack’s damage roll.
  • Fierce Tiger Pushes Mountain. When you hit a creature with an unarmed attack, you can expend one chikara die to attempt to damage another creature with the same attack, Choose another creature within 5 feet of the original target and within your reach, if the original attack roll would hit the second creature, it takes damage equal to the number you roll on your chikara die. The damage is of the same type dealt by the original attack.

    Школа Северного щита.

      Weapons: shield, long sword, short sword, gladius Student maneuvers: Unbalancing Attack Student techniques: Reactive Strike, Shield Bash  

    Школа Мастера Топора 

      Weapons: battleaxe or greataxe Student maneuvers: Pushing Attack Student techniques: Savage Attacks, Force the Opening   Unbalancing Attack When you successfully hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can spend 1 superiority die to force your target to make a Wisdom saving throw. If they fail, a friendly creature adjacent to your target can make opportunity attack against them. Your ally rolls the superiority die you spent and adds it to the attack roll and damage roll of the opportunity attack.   Force the Opening (trigger) When you score a critical hit with a melee attack against a creature, you gain advantage to all subsequent melee attacks against that creature until the end of your turn.   Shield Bash (shield, bonus) you can use a bonus action to try to shove a creature within 5 feet of you with your shield. If you use this benefit before Attack action you must take Attack action on this your turn or lose action.   Reactive Strikes (trigger, reaction) When a creature within 5 feet of you makes an attack against a target other than you (and that target don’t know this technique), you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attacking creature.   Savage attacks (trigger) Once per turn when you roll damage for a melee weapon attack, you can reroll the weapon's damage dice and use either total.


  • Maendus Pankrator, the Chessentan proprietor (hm)
  • Limia, proprietor's wife (hf)
  • Daesora, Klemyra, Aedonya, Sylvie, body servants (hf)
  • Taernus, Dumnal, Regian, body servants (hm)
  • Dawnbringer Darus Killian, Leone the Fighter, Waeldis Mithranmar, trainers mall (albeit gracious) accommodations here.
  • Map


    First Floor

      Entrances: The Pankratium maintains three entrances: one off of Jelzar's Stride, one off of Seaeye's March, and another from the small courtyard behind the building. The stairs inside these entrances lead directly up to the atrium on the second floor.   Office: The Pankratium's business office, usually inhabited by either Maendus or his wife Limia, or otherwise locked.   Dressing Chamber: A large open chamber, generally used for disrobing. Nudity is the norm in the Pankratium, although some nobles of a more modest disposition may wear one of the flowing white thin linen Chessentan-style wraps offered by the servant in this chamber. This servant also watches over baskets of garments and belongings if the patron does not wish to pay the small fee to rent one of the private rooms. Private Rooms: Simple, wooden-paneled rooms with mattress platforms at the far end of the door, with steps leading up to them. These rooms are frequently used for changing and storing one's garments, although many who come to spend the day here use the beds for a nap after their exertions or relaxations, or for hosting a lover attracted during their time here, or a body servant hired for companionship.   Baths: A long, fairly deep blue-green marble pool fed with water from both the lathandarium and the aurilarium, resulting in a pleasant, neutrally-temperatured pool. Simple silver spheres in the ceiling glow with a pleasant, cool luminescence, casting the entire chamber in a relaxing light.   This is a common social area, and it is not uncommon for nobles showing up here to hand a bottle of wine or two to the servants on-hand to pour out for those who are there. The rule is that such wine is offered to anyone on hand, unless they demur, and it is considered gauche to show up with insufficient provender (although there is no opinion on those who show up with none at all).   Aurilarium: A round, deep white marble pool of strongly frigid water, servants add small chunks of ice to heavy-bottomed cages attached to the side that are sunk to the bottom of the pool, allowing them to chill the water without anyone having to come into contact with actual ice. A small round niche in one corner of the room features a white marble statue of Auril, depicted as a beautiful severe-visaged, naked maiden watching over the pool imperiously. By tradition, the aurilarium is expected to be silent, and drinks must remain in the baths outside.   Lathandarium: A round, deep rose-hued marble pool of extremely warm water pumped up from hypocausts built into the cellars of the building and pumped into the pool directly. A small round niche in one corner holds a golden marble statue depicting Lathander as a comely, unclad youth, smiling enigmatically down at the pool. Like the aurilarium, the lathandarium is a place of quiet.   Staff Room: These rooms act as a "backstage" where glasses, towels, wraps and all manner of similar necessities are stored. There is also a small staircase that leads down into the cellars.  

    Second Floor

      Atrium & Open Sands: The atrium is where patrons first arrive, with most of those who are clothed heading down the stairs to the dressing chambers immediately. The atrium is a fine golden marble, with white pillars, surrounding a field of open sands. High above, a glass sunroof lets in a great deal of light most times of the year. The sands themselves are usually occupied by patrons either practicing their wrestling or other athletics with one another, or with a hired trainer. It is not uncommon to find other patrons standing around on the marble or leaning against pillars appreciating the athletics (or simply the athletic bodies) on display, although there is explicitly no seating here. Two niches tucked behind the stairs offer a place where servants can wash off the sands that inevitably accumulate on sweaty and/or oiled patrons.   Oiling Chamber: This wide chamber is dimly lit and hung with long sheets of diaphanous cloth that cuts off a great deal of perspective while not actually hiding anything. It is laid about with curved brass beds above vents where steam from the hypocausts below rises, warming the beds and creating a slightly misty environs within. Patrons receive massages, oilings and other body treatments here, either out in the open or in one of the several private chambers.   Staff Room: A storage chamber where the staff may retrieve towels, vials of oil and similar goods from, as well as take breaks from their work.   Private Chambers: Single-bed chambers like those of the oiling chamber, these are lit by small, high-up windows just large enough to let in a dim light. These rooms are rarely used by those who simply want massages; they tend to be where "full body ministrations" are provided by the staff body servants, or even by other soft-trade workers who accompany a patron in.  

    Third Floor

      Patrons' Lounge: The upstairs lounge is well lit, and features fine round marble tables and comfortable wooden furnishings. Though the Pankratium provides neither food nor drink, it is not uncommon for patrons to send out for such goods after their work-outs below. The Lounge is the center of the Pankratium's social area, where its noble patrons may lounge - clothed occasionally, but most often in a simple linen wrap or fully unclad - and chat amicably with one another. Though it is not the expectation (as in the Baths below), it is very common for patrons to bring sufficient fine food and drink to share around with one another, turning the environs into a near-feast with dozens of differing viands.   Stores: More storage space for the dining ware, cups and goblets, towels and other things the patrons may need.   Employees' Quarters: A handful of the servants (not body servants or trainers, though) are provided with living quarters. They are generally houses two or three to a room, and all share a bathing and jakes chamber.   Proprietors' Quarters: Though he and his wife could easily afford living space elsewhere, Maendus insists on being on-hand in his establishment. Limia is slowly eroding his resolve for them to live somewhere beyond their small (albeit gracious) accommodations here.

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