Jhansczil residence Building / Landmark in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Jhansczil residence

Jhansczil residence   Private Residence   The residence of a small family unit that is part of House Jhansczil, this home is a single story in height, with a small cellar. Prind and Quenn Jhansczils moved their family in around ten years ago, with the birth of their daughter Tulla, and in the time they've been there, its outer fagade has been notably upgraded and beautified. It has also become something of the social hub for this side of Saerdoun Street.   Layout   A porte cochere faces Saerdoun Street, shielding residents and guests who arrive by carriage from rain and snow as they enter the double doors into the entry, which is flanked by a social salon and the household library. A hallway leads down the center of the house, with water-closet doors, doors to the household conservatory and master's office, and a pair of guest rooms along it, before terminating in the house's great hall (used for dining in general, but sometimes for entertaining with a switch-out of furnishings).   The northern rear of the house houses the kitchens (with a short stair to the cellars), as well as cooks' quarters, an upstairs storage space, and a set of stairs leading down to the servants' quarters below. A backdoor in the kitchen is used to take deliveries and other things for the house that the master or butler ought not be bothered with.   The master bedroom and dressing room are along the southern edge of the house, while the three children's rooms and a garden room wrap around the back and southern rear edge of the house. These two sections meet in the middle with a set of extensive baths. The garden room overlooks the garden behind the Vorigast residence, next door.   From the kitchens, the stairs descend to the food cellars for the household, plus a locked wine cellar. The servants' stairs-along the northern edge of the house-drop into a t-shaped corridor, with quarters for housekeeper and maids along the forward length of it, and butler, valet, and footmen's quarters around the corner, along with a set of double doors leading to longer-term household storage.   Residents & Staff   Prind Jhansczil (LN Tethyrian human noble), master of the house. One of House Jhansczil's    most successful cousins, Prind is a master merchant, specializing in the investment of Jhansczil coin-and no small amount of his own¬in mercantile efforts, particularly merchant caravans likely to turn a fine profit at the end of their travels. Not quite forty years of age, Prind does not regret his decision to move out of the family villa a decade ago, feeling that it has set him and his household apart in the best way possible.   Quenn Jhansczil (CN Chondathan human noble), mistress of the house. Slightly nervous in temperament, Quenn has made sure that her children are never far from their cousins in the villa-she will not allow her children to be forgotten in the riot of Jhansczil cousins, and to date she has done an admirable job of seeing to just that. She is on very friendly terms with both of her neighbors (Hislir Zun and the Vorigasts), frequently inviting them around for drinks in the evening.   Ulrekk Jhansczil (N Tethyrian human guard), firstborn son. Just into formal adulthood in Waterdeep, sixteen-year-old Ulrekk does not wish to be a merchant. He wishes to undertake work with the Jhansczil mercenaries, and in order to facilitate that, made secret arrangements with his neighbor, the noted mercenary captain Hislir Zun. The two have been working at drilling the sword since Ulrekk's presentation to Waterdhavian society, and once Ulrekk is certain he can hold his own against his cousins, he intends to show off his skill at arms at the family villa someday soon.   Reena Jhansczil (NG Chondathan human), secondborn daughter. Fourteen years of age, Reena loves the gardens her household shares with the Vorigast family next door, and has grown up with their daughters. The girls frequently meet to spend time in those gardens, but as all of them have grown older of late, their play has blossomed into discussion about balls and dancing. Reena's dance tutor has been teaching the Vorigast girls at Reena's insistence (and with Quenn's approval).   Tulla Jhansczil (N Tethyrian human), thirdborn daughter. At age ten, Tulla has likely spent more time in the household library than her brother and sister combined. As a small child, she picked up reading by eavesdropping on Reena and her tutor, and she is now reading materials far in excess of what children her age usually manage. She is a somber young girl, though, and fond of quoting texts she has spot- memorized.   Xeron Shurn (NE Chondathan human cultist), butler. A tall, balding man with a Cormyran accent, Xeron run the household efficiently though impersonally. He often leaves the households on his nights off, not returning to well after dark-it is the favorite topic of the other servants exactly where he goes when he does so.   Sunna Tinthreth (NG Illuskan human commoner), housemaid. A mother of two now- grown children (one a sailor, the other married to a stablehand in the Dock Ward), Sunna oversees the operation of the Jhancszil household staff. Even the young men frequently see her before they see distant, stern Xeron, though she is careful to never coopt the butler's privileges and responsibilities.   Shaelah Thiraeyl (CG Tethyrian human noble), lady's maid. Quenn's personal maid, Shaelah is the daughter of Master Mogryn Thiraeyl, one of the merchant caravaneers with whom Prind has invested heavily. Quenn has joked that half the reason she still attends society functions is to find a good fellow to marry Shaelah off to, and it is very clear that the lady of the house is quite fond of the younger lady's maid. Shaelah is witty and merry, an excellent companion for Quenn.   Thera Vlelin (NG Illuskan human commoner) and Urvella of Neverwinter (CG half-elf commoner), maids-of-house. Thera and Urvella oversee the daily cleaning and other operations of the household. Thera is a devout Lathanderite, and takes great pride in her work, while Urvella seems to simply do what is required of her, allowing her to duck out after hours to bend the elbow (and find merry masculine company) at the Cliffwatch Inn's taproom.   Yarlo Bramblestone (N stout halfling commoner), head cook. The sole household cook, Yarlo has proven himself over and again in the household kitchens. When he was hired, he promised that if master Prind hired him for half- again what he was offering a household cook, he'd more than make up for the expenditure by eliminating the need to hire any other kitchen help. For five years now, the Halfling cook has made good on his promise, although when big events threaten to overwhelm him, he pays for others to come in and help out of his own pocket.   Runder Exalis (LN Calishite human commoner), valet. The master's valet and right¬hand used to be a footman at the Jhancszil villa   where master Prind grew up, and when the young lordling elected to establish his own household, he asked Runder to come with him. The young ambitious man leapt at the chance, and has served master Prind ever since.   The footmen stand ready to aid in whatever capacity they are needed, from accompanying master or mistress shopping, to helping to move furniture, to waiting table at dinner. Zorn Baersuld (LN Chondathan human commoner) is the oldest of the footmen, nearly the master's age, although still quite spry. He oversees the training of the other footmen, and hopes to become a valet someday, perhaps for Ulrekk.   Iflarulv Mistrar   (N half-elf commoner), or "Laru" for short, is a country boy who won the attention of Runder, so helpful was he when working at his father's inn in a small Dessarin Valley community when Prind and Runder came through that they offered the boy a job as a footman immediately.   Borkyn Phylarr (LN Tethyrian human commoner) comes from a family of service-his own father works at the main Jhancszil villa, and he has siblings and aunts in service elsewhere in Waterdeep as well. He takes a great deal of pride in his work. He has quite the crush on Laru, though is very shy about expressing such things.   Story Seeds   Wayward Son: Ulrekk has disappeared, and Prind Jhancszil is fearful of what his family would think if he brought something like that to the Watch. So, he does what any good Waterdhavian with coin does: he hires some adventurers to find him! Has the boy been spirited away by kidnappers after Jhancszil coin, or has he run off with some like-minded folk to become an adventurer?

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