South Ward Settlement in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

South Ward

На самом деле он называется Округ Южан (выходцев с Юга), а не Южный Округ. Глубоководцы предпочитают именно такое название, и если вы упрямо называете его Южным Округом, ожидайте, что вас поправят или назо¬вут глупцом. Оно произошло не только от его южного расположения, но и от южан, которые поселились в этом городском районе. В настоящее время, район по-прежне¬му заполнен множеством странствующих торговцев приехавших в город, и он состоит из нескольких анкла¬вов, кварталов и улиц, в основном населенных граждана¬ми, которые ведут свое происхождение из других облас¬тей Забытых Королевств.   Здесь можно попробовать потрясающие блюда полу- росликов, насладиться лучшими исполнителями кали- шитской музыки и изучить самые ошеломляющие работы дварфийских ремесленников - но, сначала нужно найти где всё это находится. Южный Округ долгое время был районом гастарбайтеров, обслуживающих путешествен¬ников, и его жители переняли архитектурный обычай строить дома и заведения над конюшнями или вблизи постоялых дворов, рядом со служащими временным жилищем фургонами и повозками.   Жители Южного Округа гордятся своим наследием путешественников по суше и трудолюбивостью, поэтому неудивительно, что символом округа является мул. Во время состязаний на их флагах в поле красного и белого цвета изображен вставший на дыбы упрямый мул, сим¬волизирующий, как говорят, кровь и слезы, пролитые жителями Южного Округа когда они были гастарбайте¬рами. Не будем о ориентирах, а поговорим о зрелище кото¬рое безусловно нужно увидеть - Лунная Сфера. Это не здание, а событие, происходящее во время каждого пол¬нолуния, когда на площади, известной как Танцующий Двор, появляется светящееся сферическое поле синего света. Любые существа, которые вошли внутрь сферы, обнаруживают, что просто пожелав, они могут летать по ней. Веками Глубоководцы использовали это сверхъесте¬ственное событие для развития уникального стиля танца - танцующий в полёте, но энтузиасты-дилетанты здесь не приветствуются, за исключением некоторых дневных полнолуний.  
  Даже когда полнолуния нет, Танцующий Двор стоит посетить из-за соседствующего с ним заведения, Нефри¬тового Танцора. Во время появления Лунной Сферы люди иногда смело прыгают в магическое поле с балко¬нов этой трехэтажной таверны, танцевального зала и гостиницы. Но заведение получило своё название не от них, а от своеобразного танцора внутри. «Нефритовый Танцор» - это нефритовая статуя женщины высотой в восемь футов, которая волшебным образом оживает и танцует для клиентов - а иногда и выступает вышибалой. Элминстер говорил мне, что, несмотря на свою ловкость и, казалось бы, хрупкую красоту, Нефритовый Танцор это могучий каменный голем. Так что наслаждайтесь шоу, но не переберите лишнего и не шумите.  
  Южный район, это как раз то место, куда попадают путешественники прибывшие в город через Южные или Речные Ворота (Southern or River Gate). Так как с юга прибывает огромное количество караванов, этот район с большим количеством конюшен, кузниц и складов часто называют Городом Караванов. Многие простолюдины и бедняки проживают в южном районе, хотя активная торговля позволила местным купцам разбогатеть. Южный район довольно пыльный и грязный, но местные жители очень гостеприимны и трудолюбивы. Наличие стражи как городской, так и нанятой частным образом придает району и деловой активности, которая здесь протекает ощущение безопасности.   Южный Район один из самых маленьких в Уотердипе, и являясь районом простолюдинов и торговцев, он меньше всего связан с внутренней политикой города. Главные улицы района - Путь Дракона (The Way of Dragon) и Высокая Дорога (High Road). Путь Дракона определяет южную и западную границу района, а Стена Тролля - восточную.   Южный Район состоит в основном из высоких (3-4 этажных) каменных и кирпичных домов и деревянных складов. Практически все дома имеют магазины на первом этаже. Деревьев и даже кустарников в Южном Районе практически нет, так как они мешают движению караванов, а пыли и грязи в районе достаточно, хотя дома и пешеходные улицы регулярно чистят. Запахи также доминируют над бризом.   Несмотря на то, что это в основном торговый район, здесь есть несколько мест, которые стоит посетить. Большинство из них используют в качестве ориентиров, так как их легко различить в извилистых улицах этого района.    
  Несмотря на то, что это в основном торговый район, здесь есть несколько мест, которые стоит посетить. Большинство из них используют в качестве ориентиров, так как их легко различить в извилистых улицах этого района.   Дома Гильдий   Зал строителей и гильдия каменьшиков (Builder's Hall and Guild of Stonecutters and masons), представляет из себя щедро украшенное каменное здание со статуями, украшающими фасад.   Гильдия Металлургов (Metalmasters guild) серое гранитное здание является штабом Гильдии Кузнецов и Металлургов (Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths and Metalforgers)   Каменный Дом (The Stone House) Основной штаб плотников и кровельщиков, он легко виден отовсюду.   Магазины   Магазин и кузница Брайана Мастера Меча (Brian the Swordmaster's smithy and shop) продает высококачественное и дорогое оружие и доспехи.   Магазин старый Монстр (The Old Monster Shop): Здесь можно приобрести монстров всевозможных видов, размеров и состояний (но никакой нежити!)   Прилавок Пелаувира (The Pelauvir's Counter): в этом неспециализированном магазине можно купить самые разные необходимые вещи по вполне приемлемым ценам.   Таверны и Постоялые Дворы   Полная Чаша (The Full Cup): Эта обветшалая таверна, пользующаяся популярностью у караванщиков, знаменита частыми драками.   Дом Хорошего Спиртного (the House of Good Spirits): Пивоварня, винодельня и гостиница, она знаменита огромным выбором спиртных напитков из всех уголков Королевств. Уотердипский Ззар - фирменное блюдо.   Нефритовый Танцовщик (the Jade Dancer): Это достаточно дорогая таверна с отличным сервисом и развлечениями.   Фонтанирующая рыба (The Spouting Fish): Эта шумная таверна пользуется большой популярностью, благодаря своему местоположению у южных ворот и беспокойному глашатаю, который постоянно ее рекламирует.   Отдых Воина (the Swords Rest): Таверна где подают крепкие напитки, для крепких парней с прочными головами (последнее пригодиться, когда какой-нибудь пьяный воин разобьет кружку об твою голову, что встречается довольно часто)   Квартал искателей приключений (Adventurer's Quarter):   Аллея Блэклок (Blacklock Alley): Знаменита черным обелиском, установленном в центре. Местные жители полагают, что он приносит удачу и исцеляет тех, кто приносит добро.   Площадь Караванов (Caravan Court): Эта грязная открытая площадь является основным местом сбора караванов. На ней всегда полно караванщиков, купцов и просто наблюдателей.   Дом Каппияна Флюрмастера (Kappiyan Flurmaster house): Это скромный дом старого волшебника и его прекрасной ученицы Шалары (Shalara). Мышиная Аллея (Mouse alley): Священное место для почитателей Мистры: здесь Агхаирон поймал богиню, когда она скрывалась в форме мыши.   Как и в Портовом районе, в Южном районе есть опасности, так что ночью без фонаря и в одиночку лучше не гулять.   Алея Илисара (Ilisar's Alley): В прошлом известная как Аллея Могил из-за захоронений бедняков. Ходят слухи об опасных духах и кладе местного портного, в честь которого сейчас называется эта аллея.   Аллея Рэдноуз (Rednose Alley): Эта аллея, состоящая в основном из заброшенных складов, является местом сбора молодых воров, которые по нужде или от нечего делать обворовывают прохожих.   Улица Руида (Ruid Stroll): Это короткое авеню от Площади Караванов до Башни Тролволл (Trollwall tower) безопасно днем, но ночью здесь появляется призрак мага Руида. Его прикосновение вызывает губительную леденящую дрожь у тех, кого он встречает туманными ночами.   It is called the Southern Ward, not the South Ward. Waterdavians are peculiar about this, and if you insist on referring to it as the South Ward, expect to be corrected or thought a fool. The name derives not merely from its southerly location in the city, but from the southerners who settled in this district as the city grew. Today, the ward still hosts most of the traveling merchants who visit the city, and is made up of many enclaves, blocks, and streets primarily occupied by citizens who trace their ancestry to other realms.   One can indulge in the finest halfling food here, enjoy the best singers of Calishite music, and examine the most stunning works of dwarven crafting — but the first challenge is finding where these treats are housed. The Southern Ward has long been a district of laborers catering to travelers, so its folk have adopted the architectural custom of building homes and businesses above stables or around inn yards, near to where wagon trains are housed.   Residents of the Southern Ward take pride in their legacy as overland travelers and hardworking folk, so it should be no surprise that the ward’s mascot is the mule. On their competition flags, a pugnacious mule in rampant pose stands on a field of red and white — colors said to represent the blood and tears the people of the Southern Ward have shed during their labors.   Not a landmark as such, but surely a sight that must be seen, is the Moon Sphere. This isn’t a structure but an event that occurs during every full moon, when a glowing, spherical field of blue light appears in the square known as the Dancing Court. Any creatures that enter the sphere find that they can fly about inside it just by willing themselves to do so. For centuries, Waterdavians have used these supernatural events to develop a unique flying style of dance — but amateur enthusiasts aren’t welcome, except on certain daylight appearances of the full moon.   Even when the full moon isn’t out, the Dancing Court is worth visiting because of the adjacent festhall, the Jade Dancer. During appearances of the Moon Sphere, people sometimes daringly leap into the field of magic from the balconies of this three-story tavern, dance hall, and inn. But the festhall takes its name from a peculiar dancer within it rather than those in the court outside. The “Jade Dancer” is an eight-foot-tall jade statue of a woman that magically animates and dances for patrons — and on occasion serves as a bouncer. Elminster has informed me that despite its dexterity and seemingly fragile beauty, the Jade Dancer is as puissant as a stone golem. So enjoy the show, but don’t get too rowdy.  
  South Ward, as its name implies, is the southern end of Waterdeep, and its people and business are dominated by the caravan trade, with its necessary stables and warehouses. Many poor but honest Waterdhavians live here, as well as a few rising merchants and retired adventurers. This is the common man's side of the City of Splendors.   Southern Ward, known as South Ward to all natives, is the first ward seen by most visitors who enter the city through the South Gate or the River Gate with the caravans. As much of its business caters to the caravan trade, it is sometimes called Caravan City with its plentiful forges, smithies, stables, warehouses, and sheds (with coaches and carts for hire). Many common and poorer folk dwell in South Ward, though the caravan trade allows for some local merchants to attain near-noble status (at least in monetary terms). It is often dusty and grimy from the traffic from overland trade, but this area and its people are mostly friendly and industrious, catering to every need of visitors and merchant-traders. Tourists and visitors rarely idle around to look into wagons and warehouses (unless it is their business to do so), but the presence of guards (both privately hired and those in the watch) is obvious and lends much to the feeling of security about the trade goods and the businesses herein.   One of the smallest wards in the city, South Ward had probably the least to do with the internal politics (both social and monetary) of the city beyond the overland trades. South Ward is, for the most part, the ordinary or commoners' side of Waterdeep. The main streets within the ward are the Way of the Dragon and the High Road. The Way of the Dragon forms the southern and western boundaries of South Ward, and the Troll Wall is the eastern boundary. The northern boundary consists of a mix of streets and alleys: Telshambra's Street, a little bit of the High Road, Sahtyra's Lane, Caravan Court (all of which is deemed to be in South Ward), and Belzer's Walk.  
  Southern Ward, known as South Ward to all natives, is the first ward seen by most visitors who enter the city through the South Gate or the River Gate with the caravans. As much of its business caters to the caravan trade, it is sometimes called Caravan City with its plentiful forges, smithies, stables, warehouses, and sheds (with coaches and carts for hire). Many common and poorer folk dwell in South Ward, though the caravan trade allows for some local merchants to attain near-noble status (at least in monetary terms). It is often dusty and grimy from the traffic from overland trade, but this area and its people are mostly friendly and industrious, catering to every need of visitors and merchant-traders. Tourists and visitors rarely idle around to look into wagons and warehouses (unless it is their business to do so), but the presence of guards (both privately hired and those in the watch) is obvious and lends much to the feeling of security about the trade goods and the businesses herein.   One of the smallest wards in the city, South Ward had probably the least to do with the internal politics (both social and monetary) of the city beyond the overland trades. South Ward is, for the most part, the ordinary or commoners' side of Waterdeep. The main streets within the ward are the Way of the Dragon and the High Road. The Way of the Dragon forms the southern and western boundaries of South Ward, and the Troll Wall is the eastern boundary. The northern boundary consists of a mix of streets and alleys: Telshambra's Street, a little bit of the High Road, Sahtyra's Lane, Caravan Court (all of which is deemed to be in South Ward), and Belzer's Walk.  


  South Ward Lifestyles   Wretched: xxx   Squalid: xxx   Poor: xxx   Modest: xxx   Comfortable: xxx   Wealthy: xxx   Aristocratic: xxx  


  South Ward's primary buildings tend to be tall, old stone, mud brick, and timber warehouses. Crowded among them are three- or four-story tenements, nearly all with shops at street level. Trees and even bushes are few, being detriments to the constant traffic; the ever-present dust and mud that accompany caravans are plentiful, but the buildings and foot traffic areas are kept clean. Everywhere in South Ward the rumble of cart wheels can be heard, just as the wastes of the draft animals are the predominant odor on the breeze. The many stables are often just covered pens, though some are sheltered by multifloored buildings over them (like inns or warehouses).    

Notable Landmarks


Watch of Ward

  Wardsman - Hlurr Harerlsyr -Castle Waterdeep • 5th Floor   Caravan Court Watchpost - Rorden Gwenna Timthrevar - 3 - 11   Central Dragon Watchpost- Rorden Arndith Dewnter - 6 - 11   Waymoot Watchpost - Rorden Harn Chendar - 6 - 11  



Noble villa

  Phaulkonmere Villa: Noble villa. A villa owned jointly by the Phaulkon family of Cormyr and House Tarm. It is rarely used, save for out of town visitors from the Phaulkons or other guests of the Tarms.  

Private Houses

  Home of Rokkek Ingerr: Private Home  

Mage Houses

  Kolat Towers: A ruined structure made up of two towers and a connected outbuilding, surrounded by a wall and a thin wall of force. No one has heard from the Kolat Brothers – a pair of wizards – in many decades now, and most assume them to be dead.   Flurmastyr's House: The modest domicile of an old wizard alchemist and his beautiful apprentice Shalara. Rumor has that Shalara has been busy of late with apprentices of her own, much to the dismay of her many suitors.  


    Temple of Good Cheer: Row House Madame Garah's Boarding House: Row House Cathalishaera's Rooming House: Rooming House  


  Pelauvir’s Counter: Shop (General Goods) (3c). A general store with moderately-priced essentials and sundries in stock at all times. Brian the Swordmaster's Smithy: Smithy (3c). Famed for its well-crafted (though high-priced) swords and armor. There is a tradition of it being held by retired adventuring fighters, who pass it down to their own apprentices in the fighting arts when they retire or die. It retains the name of its first owner out of honor to that worthy. The Old Monster Shop: Shop (Monster Curios) (4c). A place where monsters of all shapes, sizes and most states of being (no undead) can be procured. A favorite spot for those new to Waterdeep to visit, hoping to find a suitably strange keepsake to take home with them. Redbridle Stables: Stables (4c). A fine stables owned by the Redbridle family out of Amphail, these stables not only provide excellent quality of care, but they are also a place from which to purchase Redbridle mounts during certain times of the year. Prestar’s Furniture: Furniture shop (3c). Once the sales floor of a woodworker, Prestars is now a place where a variety of craftsmen consign their works to sell in the shop, run by the Prestars family. As such, a wide variety of offerings can be found here, and all at inexpensive prices. Many of the craftsmen who get noticed here go on to establish their own shops. Hlakken Stables: Stables (2c). A run-of-the-mill stables, mostly intended for the use of caravan horses, without any of the frills or specialty treatment that more expensive animals (or wealthier owners) tend to expect of precious mounts. Orm’s Highbench: Trading Company. The headquarters of the moderately-successful Orms Highbench trading company. They tend to manage short runs between Waterdeep and Neverwinter, and their years of greatest success were under the Open Lord Dagult. Some claim they maintain back-room deals with Dagult to this day. Berendarr's World of Words: Shop (Books) (3c). A bookshop well in excess of a century old, owned by Master Berendarr, a shield dwarf, who is now in his dotage. Its massive shelves are tall, and many are packed with books not out in the public in fifty years or more. It has no system of cataloguing, so shopping here is a little more like treasure-hunting. Sword Coast Traders' Bank: Service (Banking). In addition to serving as a normal bank, providing loans and wealth-keeping services, this holding of House Anteos is also capable of taking in coin in one of its three locations (Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate, and Daggerford), and communicating those numbers to any of its other branches magically, almost instantaneously. Rather than risking transporting coin on caravan or shipping routes, merchants moving between one of these three sites may simply place coin in their keeping in one spot, and come by to withdraw it from another (for a modest fee). Hemmerem's Stables: Stables (3c). A stables run by the fourth Hemmerem to own the place, these stables not only care for horse, but they also rent them out. The owners claim that they have the easy means of finding and retrieving their horses, although they decline to mention what that method might be. The Garrulous Grocer: Shop (Grocer) (4c). Closed due to damage sustained during the Wailing Years, the Garrulous Grocer was a favorite of Open Lord Laeral's from the last time she lived in Waterdeep, and made it a point to help re-open it once she returned. Now everyone knows the Palace sends its cooks to shop here for choice ingredients, and many in the city have started doing likewise. The place can sometimes seem more like a cautious melee, full of shoppers eyeing one another warily, and looking to pounce on coveted spices or goods before their neighbors can. The prices are precious (although the Palace pays a pittance, out of gratitude). Waukeen's Wares: Shop (2c). A Waukeenar general shop run by the Vault of Glory (the local temple to Waukeen), The Daily Trumpet Building: Printer (Broadsheets) (2c). In operation for well over a hundred years, the Daily Trumpet has a large host of writers and investigators, all with a single purpose: to find out the most interesting information, as word-fodder for their many clients. The Medusa's Glare: Sculptor's Shop (3c). This shop has changed hands many times over the years. Today it is a place that provides carved goods on commission, with the sculptors working on projects that interest them between commissions. Their works find their way into that tier of homes who desperately wish to emulate the wealthy and fine, but don't quite have the shine of coin to do it.   Krabbellor Silversmiths: Silversmith (xc). xxx   Laran's Cartographers: Shop (Maps) (xc). xxx   Tehmak's Coaches: Shop (Coach-maker)   Nueth’s Fine Nets: Shop (Nets) (4c)   Berendar's World of Words: Printer   Nelkaush the Weaver: Textiles Shop   Althal's Stables: Stables (xc). xxx   Flame of Hope: Shop (Candles) (xc). xxx   Essimuth's Equipment: Shop (General Equipment) (xc). xxx   Amrani's Laundry: Shop (Laundry) (xc). xxx   Piatran's Clothiers: Shop (Garments) (xc). xxx   Ingerr & Ingerr Warehouse: Warehouse (xc). xxx   Bellister’s Hand: Goods Shop (xc). xxx   Bellister’s House: Goods Warehouse (xc). xxx   Thauntle’s Good Heels and Soles Redbridle Stables Brian Swordmaster's Smithy The Old Monster Shop Nelkaush Weaver Tehmak's Coaches Hlakken Stables Nueth's Fine Nets Aurora's Realms Shop, South High Road Catalogue Counter Pelauvir's Counter Bellister's Hand Orm's Highbench Athal's Stables Essimuth's Equipment Amrani's Laundry Piatran's Clothiers Hemmerem's Stables Garrulous Grocer Krabbellor Silversmiths Laran's Cartographers Waukeen's Wares Daily Trumpet (Light of Truth) Medusa's Glare Flame of Hope Berendarr's World of Words Hlethvagi's Coins Brant’s General Goods and Gear "Shureene’s Clothiers   Lone Rose Kolatch'(not actuall name) Legendary Pottery Alamuth's Best Provender Jastra's Flame of Hope Prestar's Furniture Orm's Highbench Stak's Snack Shack   Bellister's House Ingerr & Ingerr Warehouses    




  House of Good Spirits: Vintners' Distillers' & Brewers Guild, Inn, Tavern (2c•5p•2a). A brewery, winery and inn noted for its wide variety of liquors and strong drink from across the Realms. Its specialty is Waterdhavian zzar, and it serves as the guildhouse for the Vintners' Guild as well.   The Safehaven Inn: Inn  


  The Red Gauntlet: Tavern (2c•3p) Mercenary and caravan guard tavern.   The Sword's Rest: Tavern (3c•4p). A tavern for strong drink, strong arms and thick skulls (for when that burly fighter cracks a mug over your head - which is often!).   Tymora's Blessing: Tavern. A seedy dive frequented by caravan drovers and noted for all-too-frequent brawls.   The Midnight Sun: Tavern   The Spouting Fish: Tavern (3c•2p). A loud, rambunctious tavern that owes its success to its relentless street-cryer advertising and its location by South Gate.   The Full Cup: Tavern (2p•1p)   The Beer Golem: Tavern   House of Dust    


  The Jade Dancer: Festhall (4c•4p) A festhall well worth the high price for its entertaining dancer-escorts and excellent drinks.   The Drunken Bard Nightclub & Theater   The Welcoming Hand  


  Vault of Glory: Temple to Waukeen. A large temple not quite fifty years old, one of Open Lord Dagult Neverember's first acts as Open Lord was to call for the founding of a Waukeenar temple, to honor the goddess in hopes that her favor might return Waterdeep to prosperity and safety. Lord Dagult arranged a competition between the noble Houses and the Guilds to pay for the temple, resulting in the erection of a truly opulent fane to her glory.   Helm's Hall   Temple of Umberlee  


  The Stone House: Carpenters', Roofers' & Plasterers' Guild. An easily spotted eyesore, thanks to the garish styles and materials used in its construction.   House of Good Spirits: Vintners' Distillers' & Brewers Guild. A brewery, winery and inn noted for its wide variety of liquors and strong drink from across the Realms. Its specialty is Waterdhavian zzar, and it serves as the guildhouse for the Vintners' Guild as well.   Coach & Wagon Hall: Wagonmakers' & Coach Builders' Guild   Saddlers’ Hall: Saddlers' & Harness-Makers' Guild   Builder’s' Hall: Guild of Stonecutters & Masons. A lavishly crafted and tended stone building with a row of statues around the front.   The Road House: Fellowship of Carters & Coachmen   Metalmasters’ Hall: Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths & Metalforgers. A gray granite blockhouse with a smoky forge dominating one entire end of the building.  





City Buildings

    South Gate: City Gate East Torch Tower: Sentry Tower Watchpost: Local Watch Post  

Alleys & Courts



  Blacklock Alley, named after a long-suffering obelisk placed at its center that, the locals believe, brings good luck and heals the pure of heart; Mouse Alley, considered a sacred spot by those who worship Mystra, where Ahghairon pursued and caught the goddess while she was disguised as a mouse. Ilisar’s Alley, once known as Grave Alley for the itinerant poor buried there, and now rumored to hold dangerous undead spirits and the hidden wealth of a local tailor whose name now adorns the alley; Rednose Alley, an alley lined by empty warehouses that plays host to young drifters and thieves eager to rob passersby (out of need or boredom) and dole out the bloody noses which give the alley its name Ruid’s Stroll, the short avenue from Caravan Court to the Trollwall Tower that, while often safe due to constant guard and watch traffic, is haunted by the hooded ghost of the mage Ruid, whose touch causes deathly chills to those he meets on foggy nights.  


  Caravan Court, an open, packed-dirt courtyard and general assembling area for caravans that is always noisy with both draft animals and whip-happy drovers (and a ready supply of elderly spectators    

Factions hideouts and strongholds






Lord's Alliance


Order of the Gauntlet


Emerald Enclave


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