The Friendly Flounder

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Rankings: 3C • 3A •   Building: C,3s   This small, unassuming local tavern stands on the west side of Book Street, just across from the mouth of Candle Lane. It serves both good and bad beer, and patrons can get hot buttered blackbread and fried fish with their drinks.   Prices are 1 cp/tankard for flounder beer (the bad stuff, called teethrinse by everyone), 2 cp/tankard for best and bold ale, and 1 sp for all-one-patron-can- eat of fish, with bread 1 cp/loat extra. The food is hearty and not over spiced. The few bottles of wine in its cellar are far more pricey—but many Waterdhavians thrive on an affordable daily meal of fry at this drinking spot.   The Friendly Flounders un-spectacular fare and modest structure keep it unknown to most visitors to Waterdeep, but it is a real find for no-bother eating.   Proprietor: Eaengul Skull- crown, who owns and runs the Friendly Flounder, is a gentle, balding giant of a man. He's reputed to have a natural talent for seeing the auras of magical items and enchantments.

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