The Mermaid's Arms

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Inn, Tavern & Festhall   Rankings: 3C | 3A | 3 P |   Building: C,3   This large, fairly new establish-ment is adorned with rich sea- blue draperies and takes the form of a series of elegant dining lounges, in which one dines or just drinks with an attractive host or hostess (or alone). One can take rooms for the night alone, or with someone else. Increasingly, the Arms (having acquired a safe reputation) is being used by single gentlefolk on the prowl for a night of love. In other words, patrons are going there to meet each other, not to hire a host or hostess for the night.   The Arms is large, well-lit, always busy, and can be quite expensive for the works (stabling, a room, meals, drinks, and com-panionship are all billed sepa-rately). Its nature makes it ideal for visitors intending to use it for some purposes. A merchant could take a room there, meet a business colleague there and eat dinner (perhaps with attractive house escorts), then go elsewhere for drinks and a play or show.   The merchant could then stagger home late, knowing a comfort¬able room awaits.   This is an interesting trend.   The only thing I regret about the Arms is that I'm far too apt to meet friends or business part¬ners in its lounges when I want to slip up to my room unseen—or slip out unobserved.   Proprietress: The Arms is run by Calathia Frost, a handsome and winning lady with a gor¬geous, throaty voice. She keeps to herself and does her job. This is the closest thing Waterdeep has to a Calishite silks-boudoir. Its lavender silk draperies and gauzy hangings are heavily perfumed. Everything is cushions, soft carpets, music, and purple-tinted, spiced wine.   Companionship is expensive and (reputedly) very good. Some of the most famous are Naneethil of the Sword Tattoo and Dessra of the Dark Desires.   Proprietress: The proprietress, Tathla "Flamehair" Nightstar, was famous as a courtesan in Calim- port 30 years ago, and is still a great beauty. Her blood-red hair surrounds her like a cloak, and is so long that it trails behind her on the ground!

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