City of the Dead Settlement in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

City of the Dead

Я мог бы написать книгу о Городе Мертвых. Это такое очаровательное место, наполненное прошлым и боль¬шим количеством историй. Увы но, было бы мало покупателей Путеводителя Воло по Городу Мертвых, так как это было бы интересно в основном жителям Глубоководья - и это тема, о которой они уже хорошо осведомлены.   Город Мертвых - не серое кладбище. Это большой парк из холмов, ухоженных цветочных клумб, искусно расположенных групп деревьев и кустов, красивых скульптур, поразительных строений и гравийных доро¬жек, которые интригующе пронизывают весь парк. Давным-давно Глубоководцы практически отказались от обычного закапывания своих мертвецов, вместо этого гробницами служат мавзолеи. На протяжении веков основные мавзолеи были связаны с пространст¬венными карманами, куда и относят покойников, оплакивают их и хоронят.   Те, кто может себе это позволить, увековечивают память усопших скульптурами, превращая Город Мертвых в музей под открытым небом, в котором выс¬тавлены одни из самых потрясающих, призрачных, скорбных и просто жутких статуй, когда-либо создан¬ных из мрамора или бронзы. Дворяне и богатые тор¬говцы боролись за установку величайших надгробий Город Мёртвых для своих усопших, что привело к широкому разнообра¬зию стилей и концепций, созданных художниками на пике своего мастерства.   Одна из самых впечатляющих достопримечательнос¬тей кладбища - Воинский Монумент. Эта замысловатая скульптура высотой шестьдесят футов изображает круг из женщин и мужчин, сражающихся с троллями, орка¬ми, хобгоблинами, медвежатниками и варварами, кото¬рые на них нападают. Летающий над всеми сверху наездник на грифоне пронзает копьем рыцаря-скелета, нагрудный знак которого изображает символ Миркула, бога мертвых. Но эта статуя также является фонтаном, и из ран бойцов хлещет вода! Не пытайтесь представить это - просто посмотрите. И посмотрите на это так, как это делают Глубоководцы: возьмите с собой свой обед, устройте пикник, а затем прогуляйтесь по этому красивому месту.  
  I could write a book about the City of the Dead. It is such a fascinating place, filled with so much history and so many stories. But alas, there would be few buyers for Volo’s Guide to the City of the Dead, since it would be of interest mainly to Waterdavians — and the topic is one about which they are already intimately knowledgeable.   The City of the Dead is no drab cemetery. It is a great park of grassy hills, tended flower beds, artfully placed clusters of trees and bushes, beautiful sculptures, astounding architecture, and gravel paths that wend intriguingly through it all. Long ago, Waterdavians largely abandoned the practice of burying their dead, instead entombing them in mausoleums. For centuries, the major mausoleums here have each been connected to an extradimensional space where the dead are taken, mourned, and interred.   Those who can afford it memorialize the departed with sculptures, making the City of the Dead an open-air museum that features some of the most stunning, haunting, mournful, and downright eerie statues ever crafted in marble or bronze. Nobles and wealthy merchants have competed to erect the grandest markers for their dead, leading to a wide variety of styles and concepts created by artists at the height of their skills.   One of the cemetery’s most impressive attractions is the Warriors’ Monument. This intricate, sixty-foot-high sculpture depicts a circle of women and men striking down trolls, orcs, hobgoblins, bugbears, and barbarians, all of which are falling backward and outward around the warriors. Above all of them, a flying griffon rider spears a skeletal knight whose breastplate bears the symbol of Myrkul, god of the dead. But this statue is also a fountain, and the wounds on these combatants gush water! Don’t try to imagine it — just go see it. And see it as Waterdavians do: pack a midday feast, have a picnic, and then take a stroll through the beauty of the place.  
  The cemetary of Waterdeep has only been in its current form for 115 years, but the area has served as the city burial grounds for long centuries. The City of the Dead's green lawns and white marble tombs are visited often during the day by many citizens, though its grounds are off-limits after dusk, and the gates are locked (many still hold clandestine meetings at night here).   The areas within the City of the Dead are filled with marble tombs, all connected along a gravel path that leads to all the exits of the cemetery. Unkeyed tombs are those of an individual noble or a wealthy family; less than half the noble families keep toms here (many have family crypts beneath their villas, or have their dead buried in family land holdings outside the city), but in several cases, noble families share a tomb, which usually leads to separate crypts beneath and some floors above.   There are two large watchtowers along the walls of the City of the Dead, each with an external guard posted to watch for trouble in the shadowy corners and aleys abutting the cemetery. There are four watch members on duty within each of the towers; in addition, four more watch members make a sweep through the City of the Dead three times an hour, making sure no vagrants or other people are within the cemetery after dark. If they run into trouble, their horns can be heard by all posted watch members in the cemetery and in Trades Ward; the senior civilar of the City of the Dead has an enchanted horn that, when blown, also magically sounds inside Piergeiron's Palace and the Halls of Justice, summoning a contingent of clerics and paladins to combat undead.   Here is a list of places within the Trades Ward. The information is taken from the City of Splendors Boxed Set.   1: Beacon Tower: Sentry Tower   2: Deepwinter Vault: House Deepwinter (Extinct) Tomb   3: Watchway Tower: Sentry Tower   4: Roads' End: Strangers & Travelers Tomb   5: Sultlue Vault: House Sultlue Tomb   6: Ahghairon's Statue: Monument   7: House of the Homeless: Poor Tomb   8: The Merchantsrest ("Coinscoffin"): Merchants Tomb   9: Warriors of Waterdeep: Monument   10: Hall of Sages: Sages' Tomb   11: Lords' Respite: Lords' Tomb   12: Hall of Heroes: Warriors' & Soldiers' Tomb   13: Mariner's Rest: Mariners' Tomb   14: Guard Tower: Sentry Tower     The City of the Dead is a walled cemetery, strictly patrolled by the Watch. So one may live or even sleep overnight therein. It is kept in a beautiful, park-like open condition, and is used as a launching and meeting place by natives of Waterdeep at all hours.   City Buildings   Public Tombs   Roads' End: Strangers & Travelers Tomb. This small, one-story tomb is the final resting place for travelers who die while in the city; any unclaimed possessions are interred with their remains (minus any outstanding debts including their burial costs). Of late, the tomb has been the site of many robberies (thieves are usually acting upon rumors of some rich adventurers buried with great magic and gold).   House of the Homeless: Poor Tomb. This is a vast, two-story mausoleum with a row of low steps leading to its high metal gates. Anacaster’s gate (an opaque energy-filled arch at the end of the echoing, empty entry hall) leads to an apparently endless labyrinth of underground caverns. These caverns are lit by the Guild of Chandlers & Lamplighters, who are paid by the city for this service. Here lie all the dead of Waterdeep who do not merit, or do not own (by purchase or membership in a noble or wealthy family), a place in any other tomb. If their names are known, such are always cut into the rock above the hole where their cremated ashes are interred.   Merchants' Rest ("The Coinscoffin"): Merchants' Tomb. Also known as “The Coinscoffin,” this tomb also contains one of Anacaster’s gates, which leads to a lightly wooded region with inset plaques on the ground marking the burial plots. This resting place is reserved for those who prepay for the honor of burial here (thus, its nickname).   Hall of Sages: Sages' Tomb. This is a special tomb for sages, a small, dusty tomb with only about 80 sages interred inside. What makes it interesting to some illicit treasure hunters is the rumor that many of the sages rarest tomes and books were interred with their cremated remains (a false rumor maintained by Laeral and others to flush out dealers of forbidden lore).   Lords' Respite: Lords' Tomb. This small, black marble tomb is the final resting place of those Lords who wish to be buried in state here. Its is fronted on three sides by statues of the Open Lords: Ahghairon stands on the north side, Baeron to the east, and Lhestyn on the south. There is no statue on its western face, but there is a door apparently made of the same smoky material as the Lords’ Helms, which prevents any from seeing or entering inside the tomb. Only one Lord has been buried here in the past 20 years, and their identities remain secret even in death, buried in full Lord’s regalia; the tomb was built with funds left by Lhestyn, and she was buried there with great ceremony after its construction.   Hall of Heroes: Warriors' & Soldiers' Tomb. This is the official warriors’ tomb of Waterdeep, for fighters and all who fall in battle. Its blue marble walls enclose a trophy hall with many remembrances of the fallen, including the broken pieces of Warlord Lauroun’s ancient battle axe and the sword hilt of Raurlor (its blade long since turned into the skeleton of an asp). At the far end of the hall from the entrance is one of Anacaster’s gates to pleasant rolling fields on an “empty,” grassy plane, where the warriors are buried, row upon row.   Mariner's Rest: Mariners' Tomb. Decorated with coral carvings and built of green marble, the Mariner’s Rest tomb is for all who drowned at sea, and all ship-captains, however deceased. Anacaster made this tomb a special gate to a plane with infinite burial space around the shores of a quiet, placid lake.   Private Tombs   Deepwinter Vault: House Deepwinter (Extinct) Tomb   Sultlue Vault: House Sultlue Tomb   Monuments   Warriors of Waterdeep: This is a 60-foot-high impressive stone sculpture depicting a circle of three men and two women striking down trolls, orcs, hobgoblins, bugbears, and barbarians, all of whom are falling backward— outward— all around them.   Ahghairon's Statue: This tall, marble sculpture is an incredibly lifelike sculpture of the bearded, robed mage in his prime (at a mere 70 winters). Ahghairon stands atop concentric steps, facing west with his hands outstretched to indicate the City of Waterdeep around him, and the statue has a smile on his face. The steps are lit by night with rows of torches, and are a favorite meeting-spot by day.   Watch Towers   Beacon Tower: Sentry Tower   Watchway Tower: Sentry Tower   Guard Tower: Sentry Tower   Джерело: <>   City of the Dead   city-of-the-dead   ROADS' END (CD1)   This small tomb is the final resting place for travelers who die while in the city. Any unclaimed possessions are interred with their remains (minus any outstanding debts, including their burial costs). This tomb has always been a frequent target for thieves, usually following rumors of rich adventurers being buried with great magic and gold.   THE HOUSE OF THE HOMELESS (CD2)   This is a vast mausoleum with a row of low steps leading up to its high metal gates. Anacaster's portal (an opaque energy-filled arch at the end of the echoing, empty entry hall) leads to an apparently endless labyrinth of underground caverns. The city pays the Guild of Chandlers & Lamplighters to light these caverns. Here lie all the dead of Waterdeep who do not merit, or do not own, a place in any other tomb. If their names are known, such are always cut into the rock above the hole where their cremated ashes are interred.   AHGHAIRON'S STATUE (CD3)   This tall, marble sculpture is an incredibly lifelike depiction of the bearded, robed mage as he appeared at age seventy (his prime). Ahghairon stands atop concentric steps, facing west with his hands outstretched to indicate the City of Waterdeep around him, with a smile on his face. The steps are lit by night with rows of torches and are a favorite meeting spot by day.   MERCHANTS' REST (CD4)   Also known as "the Coinscoffin," this resting place is reserved for those who prepay for the honor of burial here. The tomb contains one of Anacaster's portals, which leads to a lightly wooded region with inset plaques on the ground, marking burial plots.   WARRIORS' MONUMENT (CD5)   This is a 60-foot-high impressive stone sculpture depicting a circle of three men and two women striking down trolls, goblinoids, ores, and barbarians, all of whom are falling backward - outward - all around them. After the Time of Troubles, the statue was renovated and magically altered to add a griffon-rider flying above the other warriors and spearing a minion of Myrkul.   LORDS' RESPITE (CD6)   This small, black marble tomb is the final resting place of those Lords who wish to be buried in state. It is fronted on three sides by statues of the Open Lords - Ahghairon (north), Baeron (east), and Lhestyn (south). There is no statue on the western face, but there is a door apparently made of the same smoky material as the Lords' helms, which prevents any from seeing or entering the inside of the tomb. Only one Lord has been buried here in the past three decades, and the identities of all buried Lords remain secret even in death, as bodies interned herein are buried in full Lords' regalia.   THE HALL OF THE SAGES (CD7)   This is a special tomb for sages - a small, dusty tomb with only about eighty sages interred inside. What makes it interesting to some illicit treasure hunters is the rumor that many of the sages' rarest tomes and books were interred with their cremated remains (a false rumor maintained by Laeral and others to flush out dealers of forbidden lore).   THE HALL OF HEROES (CD8)   This is the official warriors' tomb of Waterdeep, for fighters and all who fall in battle. Its blue marble walls enclose a trophy hall with many remembrances of the fallen, including the sword hilt of Raurlor (its blade long since turned to the skeleton of an asp). At the far end of the hall is one of Anacaster's portals, leading to pleasant rolling fields on an "empty", grassy plane, where the warriors are buried, row upon row.   DEEPWINTER VAULT (CD10)   Deepwinter Vault is the long-neglected tomb of the now-vanished Deepwinter family. It also contains the primary entrance to the Dungeon of the Crypt.   SULTLUE VAULT (CD14)   In the depths of this heavily warded tomb slumbers Sylsinssath Sultlue (CE male yuan-ti pureblood sorcerer 9/ancient master 3) of House Eselemas. Driven from Lushpool by his cousin and greatest rival, he settled in Waterdeep over a century ago and quickly rebuilt his fortunes. Members of House Sultlue make regular visits to this tomb to attend to his needs, and a small band of tainted ones actually dwell within the tomb.   CITY OF THE DEAD STRUCTURES   CD1: Roads' End (vault, C, 1)   CD2: The House of the Homeless (tomb, C, 1)   CD3: Ahghairon's Statue (tomb, A, 1)   CD4: Merchants' Rest (tomb, B, 1)   CD5: Warriors' Monument (tomb, B, 1)   CD6: Lords' Respite (tomb, A, 1)   CD7: The Hall of the Sages (tomb, B, 1)   CD8: The Hall of Heroes (tomb, A, 1)   CD9: Mariners' Rest (tomb, C, 1)   CD10: Deepwinter Vault (tomb, B, 1)   CD11: Watchway Tower (city building, A, 4),   CD12: Guard Tower (city building, A, 4)   CD13: Beacon Tower (city building, A, 7)   CD14: Sultlue Vault (tomb, B, 1)

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