Euvurcrest (way-vore-crest)

The Mountain Capital

Euvurcrest is the shining jewel of Eldurgrund, built directly into the region's eastern mountain range. The city sits in the palm of a statue representing Muren, god of the mountains. Within the city, onlookers can see Muren's face as they go about their daily duties, and at a certain time, the sun even sits atop his head, flaring the beauty of his crown.   This city is considered one of the wonders of Laminarum and it's easy to see why. With its lower, middle, and upper class all spanning the mountains but with modernized housing, it feels like a world of its own. The main layer of the city (sitting upon the plate in Muren's hand) is roughly 3000 feet above the ground and the plate sports no protective railing. Roads connect to the plate and span down the mountain at a slight decline, making for a long descent, but the journey is easier for mounts. For those who cannot make the trip in a day, there are several inns and smaller towns along the various roads down the plate, though the northern roads are highly suspect. Alternatively, if you travel on short business (and have the money), you can take a series of man-powered elevators or gondolas to quickly reach the mountain's base.   To perform upkeep for this incredible city, dwarves and orcs are often hired for their strength and durability, but orcs in particular are known to work for cheap. Thanks to the recent advent of the Martro Union at the capital, some say that finding work in the city is as simple as showing up.  

The Governy

The governor, his family, and his servants all live at an elevation of 4200 feet above ground level, built into and around the mountain with several passages for expedited egress if necessary. Housed in the Keeps of Crest, the Governy rules over the lordships of Eldurgrund with the assistant of several other noble families (each of whom holds a desire to marry into the governy).   Unlike other territories controlled by the Augury, Eldurgrund does not possess the title of barony. Thanks to their revolution following The Silence, the Augurs stripped them of their honorary title and demoted them to a "governy," merely serving to insult the belligerent nation. The title has no impact on how the government rules itself, but the governy is notably the only feudal Augury territory.   The governor himself is elected through a moot, though the successor is often hereditary as the noble families typically choose to marry into the established governy. The lordships across the nation usually have little investment in the moots, choosing to stay in their established lordships instead.


  • Garden District
  • Opal District
  • Butterfly District
  • Wine District
  • Market District
  • Orc Quarter
  • Vagrant's Lot
  • Great Mine of Muren 


Euvurcrest started as a series of settlements around the eastern Eldurgrund mountains. It wasn't until Ettermiddag that keeps within the mountains would be carved out. In the same age, Epithet, the Fleet would be sent to the people of the mountains on a holy mission, waging war against the enemies of Eldurgrund and erecting the magnificent mountain capital of Eldurgrund as we know it today.   While the plate was finished during the rule of Epithet, it wasn't until his betrayal and eventual defeat that the Icelend Dwarves were allowed within the city and together, the two peoples finished the monument to Muren that watches over the city to this day.   Euvurcrest has been involved in two major conflicts after its creation. First, the war against Shellbay and their dueling imperial interests. Later, the city would be put under siege following a failed attack on Saint's Maar after the Silence. In both scenarios, the city itself could not be taken, but their position served as a weakness when their farms in the west were cut off from the capital.

Points of interest

  • Great Mines of Muren
  • The Opal Mills
  • The Great Keeps of Crest
  • The Cathedral Pools
  • Ice Berry Wineries
  • Muren's Mantle 
  • Type
    Large city
    Location under
    Included Locations
    Ruling/Owning Rank
    Owning Organization
    Characters in Location


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