Eldur Knights Organization in Laminarum | World Anvil

Eldur Knights


The Eldur Knights were originally an order 200 strong. They were imbued with knowledge on fire magic and each Knight donned a weapon of J'barri firemagic. In the time surrounding their creation, they practically ruled Eldurgrund. It was only when Epithet, the Fleet took control during Ettermiddag that they would serve a higher power. This was reversed once more during theWar of Storms and Wings  when Euvurcrest fought against their old master, championed by the Eldur Knights. Not only were they a chief force against the evil of Ettermiddag, they would also be the frontline warriors against Shellbay's Saltkrigere paladins in the war between their corresponding empires. When Eldurgrund eventually lost, their military was stripped to its bare bones. The Eldur Knights were disassembled and the Monastic Order of the Eldursteries could only serve as a cultural center. From that point on, real Eldur Knights have only existed as a guard to the baron/governor of Euvurcrest. Generally, 8 will exist at any given time. Otherwise, substantial individuals can be knighted and are still given J'barri weapons as an accolade. Unfortunately, even as the military restrictions are mostly lifted, the Eldur Knights have never been allowed to return to their original majesty.    


Today, fire magic has been somewhat normalized in Trinen and is fully acceptable in Eldurgrund. While the Eldur Monks originally served to research tactics for years so that the knights could learn them in weeks, the knights of today have little desire to learn what their weapons could immaculately perform themselves (though the weapons tend to be more specific). Regardless, they are still well trained in combat and anyone that serves on the royal guard is sure to be one of the most capable warriors in all of the Augury.    


The Eldur Knights are currently under scrutiny in two ways. One, there are certain J'barri that wish for their ancestral creations to be returned to Renad. The other is from The Augury. Given that "8" has been an increasingly troublesome number as their religion has spread (with some even calling it "evil"), the Augury and priests within it have pushed to decrease the number of active knights to 6. Eldurgrund, on the other hand, has only been willing to comply if the number is increased to 10.

"Honor is Forged"

Military, Knightly Order


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