Zhyur Settlement in Khandar | World Anvil
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Zhyur is a Qosidian commune in the Old Forest. It is a sustenance community, surviving on foraging a vegetarian diet. The commune is known across the Northern Arm for its tradition of resolving conflicts sexually. The commune of Zhyr emphasises consensus and group members are allowed to opt out of any collective decision, as long as they comply with a fixed set of basic principles. Violence is abhorred in Zhyur.


Zhyur consists solely of wood elves, who are at liberty to seek the role they prefer at any given moment. Most commune members dedicate themselves to both art and foraging. Zhyurians do not consider gender to be a meaningful category and do not keep track of sexual preferences and identities at all. Religious roles are druidic and are entirely integrated with the praxis of foraging.


Political life in Zhyur is as fluid as the genders of its members. There is no distinguishable hierarchy apart from those offered by charismatic differences. Life is structured around a set of basic principles, known as the Gospel of the Sparrow. These principles emphasize consensus, tolerance, sexual gratification as a source of wisdom, pacifism and liberty.   There is not much interest among Zhyurians to become a Representative, but some enjoy taking on the role for a while. While there is a tradition to elect nominees through full consensus, there are usually few contenders and the elections tend to be a sideshow to a larger party.


In line with the Gospel of the Sparrow, Zhyurians abhor violence. They are ill-prepared for attacks, but not entirely defenseless, as they have weaponry to protect themselves against predators and monsters. Zhyur holds little value to outsiders and therefore has not traditionally experienced hostile visits.

Industry & Trade

Zhyur is well-integrated into the gift economy, providing arts and crafts to other communes, but also offering spiritual and mystical services to those who bring appropriate sacrificial gifts.


The Zhyurians live in large huts, both in and underneath the trees of the forest, with communal sleeping and eating facilities. Besides these huts, the commune houses a large wooden theater, a gifting shop to distribute collected resources and a variety of shrines.


The Zhyurians are wary of tourists, as visitors in the past arrived with mostly carnal intentions and without respect for sexuality's spiritual components. Currently, outsiders are welcome if they can prove they are ready for initiation into the commune's practices, or to join during Whispering Woods, the twenty-day theater festival that the commune organises during summer.
Lilyth Elora
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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