Zhyhikaan Settlement in Khandar | World Anvil
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Zhyhikaan is one of the Communes of Qosid and consists of fire-worshiping druids who communicate solely through guttural song.


All druids in the commune are wood elves, who spend the day meditating, foraging and taking care of the fire they worship.


The commune is run by the flame, whose flickering and noises are ascribed meaning by the druids in a collective guttural song. Decisions for the commune are made through ritualistic chants that harmonise the group. Ultimately, the flame decides on all questions posed to it.   One of the druids serves as Representative of Zhyhikaan and joins Thallidien Assemblies on behalf of the grove, together with a pixie who interprets the Representative's grunts and chants.


The druids are all formidable combatants and adept at both martial arts and fire magic. Anyone who is considered to be a threat to the flame is neutralised, but those who wish to join the spectacle of the flame are welcome to do so.


There is little beyond the flame. The druids eat and sleep while staring the the fire, leaving it only to collect food or to take hot baths.
Guhiyu Waah
Druidic Grove
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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