Dragon Skull Settlement in Khandar | World Anvil
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Dragon Skull

Dragon Skull, sometimes called Order of the Ancient Dragon, is a commune in the north of the Eastern Forest in Qosid and one of its recognised communes. The size of a village, Dragon Skull is a monastery built around the remains of a giant dragon that is worshiped by the commune members. The monks are fierce warriors, trained in a unique fighting style, led by a single member from their ranks who was infused by the spirit of the dragon.


Dragon Skull is a mixture of species, although wood elves make up the large majority. Their rank structure is complicated and fluid, as are their genders and particular roles. While hierarchical at any point in time, this fluidity makes the commune egalitarian on average, depending on the whims of the Dragon Spirit.


In essence, the ancient dragon rules over the commune. To do so, his spirit is infused in one of the commune members during an arcane ritual, that causes the ordained one to grow patches of reptilian skin over its face and arms, and its eyes to glow a fiery red. This infused member received the rank of Dragon Spirit and channels the wisdom of the diseased dragon.   The Dragon Spirit has full say over the commune, but it is said that abuse of his power will cause the infusion to reverse, with the dragon essence leaving the Dragon Spirit during a display of spontaneous combustion. A new Dragon Spirit must then be chosen by again performing the ritual, which also happens if the Dragon Spirit happens to die.   Dragon Skull does not participate in much Qosidian politics, but if it is, the Dragon Spirit serves as a Representative.


The commune is its own defense. Each member is an admirable fighter. While the commune welcomes new initiates, they are not open to visitors of any other kind and will forcefully remove anyone who overstays their welcome.


Central to Dragon's Skull is the gigantic skull, which itself forms the most sacred of places and can only be entered by the Dragon Spirit. The skull lies on a hill and around it, temples and houses have grown organically, built from nearby rocks and wood from the forest. The largest temple is a rectangular, large abode with an inner yard that affords the monks martial arts training.   Roads and bridges between buildings connect the different constructions and it is not uncommon to have to navigate through multiple residences to get from one point to another. The commune of Dragon Skull has no notion of privacy.


The structure of Dragon Skull is much like that of a household. There is a district for cooking, a nearby district for eating, a district for contemplation, a district for gardening, a district for sleeping and finally a district for work, which for the monks of Dragon Skull means practicing their sacred martial techniques.


It is said the monks protect an underground hoard of immense value. Besides that, their assets are the material structures they use to live their lives. The commune has no need for much more than that.
Axor the Dragon Spirit
Alternative Name(s)
Order of the Ancient Dragon
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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