Tubby's Tuckaway Building / Landmark in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Tubby's Tuckaway

Campaign Recap

On Kythorn 6, Collateral Damage returned to Phandalin via teleportation. Upon their arrival, Daran Edermath greeted them and updated them about what he discovered at their house: a hidden trap door in the garden leading to an underground complex.

Daran showed them the secret basement and pointed down the hallway that led to the entrance into Olshirik's hideout.

Riddles at the Door

After a 15-minute walk down the long, underground hallway, Collateral Damage arrived at a stone door. Above the door was a mural of constellations, what they later learned to be the "Sky of Many Things."

As they approached, playing cards floated out of the mural and transformed into large constructs known as "deck defenders." The deck defenders told the group that they must each correctly answer a riddle to gain entry to the complex.

  1. The first riddle: "Dwarven queens might choose stone; ogre kings make do with bone. Wood or leather, whatever’s your pleasure—after all, I’m only as strong as whoever calls me their own." The correct answer was "Throne," and it was guessed by Rayphlárd.
  2. The second riddle: "I’m a royal servant wielding words instead of blades—a painted courtier, my smile never fades. Wielder of guile, often reviled." The correct answer was "Jester," and it was guessed by Conor McGregor.
  3. The third riddle: "I snatch; I rip; I slash; I grip. I’m the daggers wielded by every bird above, from fiercest griffon to most graceful dove." The correct answer was "Talons," and it was guessed by Herb Stoner.
  4. The fourth riddle: "Savior of kidnapped nobles and champion of my liege, I’ll fight loyally for my kingdom on foot or on steed." The correct answer was "Knight," and it was guessed by Shinzon Greenshadow.
  5. The fifth riddle: "Aimless wanderer, nonsense ponderer—I’ve been called it all. Some think my wit is a bit amiss, but if you ask me, ignorance is bliss!" The correct answer was Fool, and it was guessed by Smōk.
  6. The sixth riddle: "I’m the cosmic paintbrush whose stroke fades fast. From afar I grant wishes; up close I destroy all in my path." The correct answer was "Comet," and it was guessed by Tubby.
  7. The seventh riddle: "Most are well hidden, though adventurers can always find one. It’s a criminal’s worst fear, and a despot’s secret weapon." The correct answer was "Donjon," and it was guessed by Amethyst Mountainbender.

After all seven members of the group correctly answered the riddle, the deck defenders transformed back into playing cards and rejoined the mural as the door opened.

Meeting Oddlewin

Most of Collateral Damage walked through the door and into the entryway to Olshirik's hideout; Shinzon was hesitant and stayed in the hallway. After looking around the room, spotting many hallways leading to additional rooms, they were met by a goblin named Oddlewin.

Oddlewin introduced himself, explaining that he was charged by Olshirik to be the caretaker of the complex, even after Olshirik's death which occured hundreds of years ago. He explained that he is an immortal fey being, and it has been his job to look after the hideout until the next member of the Light of Razaycrynth comes to claim it.

Oddlewin then had many questions for Rayphlárd and Tubby, especially Tubby. Through the conversation, it was revealed that Tubby inherited many of Olshirik's interests through the Deck of Many Things, including his expertise in history.


The walls of the entire complex are decorated with paintings of the constellations known as the "Sky of Many Things." Worked into the painted constellations is a glowing cord of divination magic surrounding the complex, preventing it from being targeted by divination magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors.

The anti-divination cord was crafted by priests of Savras, the demigod of divination and fate in the Faerûnian Pantheon.

Alternative Names
Olshirik's Hideout
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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