Nine Hells of Baator Geographic Location in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Nine Hells of Baator

The Nine Hells of Baator inflame the imaginations of travelers, the greed of treasure seekers, and the battle fury of all moral creatures. The Nine Hells together are the ultimate plane of law and evil in the Outer Planes and the epitome of premeditated cruelty.

The Nine Hells are ruled by Asmodeus, the Archduke of Nessus. Each of the nine layers are ruled by their own archduke, and they all report to Asmodeus as the Lords of the Nine.

The devils of the Nine Hells are bound to obey the laws of their superiors, but they rebel within their individual castes. Most undertake any plot, no matter how foul, to advance themselves.

The devils require mortal souls to fuel their plane with energy.


The layers of the Nine Hells are the following:

  1. Avernus
  2. Dis
  3. Minauros
  4. Phlegethos
  5. Stygia
  6. Malbolge
  7. Maladomini
  8. Cania
  9. Nessus
Dimensional plane
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