The ValuSelu Pact

In the Pact, there is a place made for everyone and everyone should be in their place.


The ValuSelu Pact is an accord between the Sazashi Nations of Jhoutai. After ages of infighting over every conceivable thing, the Sazashi banded together to raise their hackles against the rise of the other Banners. This Pact, while necessary to protect Sazashi Independence, is often uneasy.

Core Philosophy

The driving factor behind the Pacts ideology is biological. Sazashi have Akjhe, their word for the biological programming the Verin encoded into them. The Sazashi embrace Akjhe as the core of their strength. Ka labor, Parisan protect, Aen perfect, and so forth. There is room for all other Sophont in the Pact, but all others feel out of place without the Sazashi's core drive that makes their society work.

Ancient History

Pre-Banner History - Born in Blood

The Sazashi were engineered for servitude and survival by the Verin several millennia ago. The Verin needed a race with the adaptability to survive on the harsh mainland of Jhoutai. The Verin garnered subservience by engineering Akhje into the Sazashi; giving each sub-race a physiological reward for serving their programmed purpose. One by one, the sub-races of Sazashi were created and shipped to the mainland to fend for themselves. Survival came within months, thriving colonies boomed within years. A revolution brewed within the Sazashi, their Akhje did not smother their drive for independence. So they lashed out and beat the Verin away from the mainland, claiming it for themselves in the Sazashi Revolution.

The bloody conflict left them independent, but it did not unify the Sazashi kinds. Many sub-races split off to claim their own lands, carving borders and erecting governments that served their Akhje. Millennia of internal conflict followed the Sazashi wherever they traveled, each sub-race had its version of a perfect world. The two most powerful nations, Aempis of the Aen and Valuser'rh of the Sheljt-Rajh vied for domination of Jhoutai until they tossed aside their differences in the face of a greater threat.

Founding - Born in Blood

The Church of The Somnolent, the Apple of Hedonism, and the Jupiter Syndicate had sprung up as universal super-powers. Leaders of the Sazashi nations realized that they stood to lose if they did not band together. King Clasnithra of Aempis and Grandmaster Setejnius of Valuser'rh set forth to bring together the nations of the Sazashi under a single Banner. With all the leaders of the Sazashi nations in attendance, the final ValuSelu Pact was ratified and the Banner of the same name was formed.

We are all entering an era where we can no longer stand as Sheljt-Rajh or Aen, Parisan or Ka. If we are to maintain our countless years of pride and tradition, we must all stand as Sazashi! Where our Akhje used to tear us asunder, it will now band us together so no opponent may ever trample us again!


Modern History


With the unification of nations came the need to find a new political target. The Pact needed a goal to keep them together, lest they fall back into squabbling and skirmishing. The leaders of the nations came together to find a solution. They left the room with the idea of "Sazakjhe." This doctrine held that the Sazashi's natural ability to survive justified spreading their people to the stars and claiming as many planets as possible.

They entered an age of space travel unlike any before. Colony Ships were constructed by the dozens and sent to any planet that the Sazashi could reasonably survive on. This Doctrine gave the Sazashi a purpose to focus on and established the foundation of colonies being handled by individual nations instead of the Banner itself.


When the Wayhalls shut, Jhoutai was left stranded without it’s colonies. Nations which had once allied to fend against the universe as a whole were left to fend against each other. Infighting became commonplace and skirmishes for what little land remained almost tore the entire ValuSelu Pact apart.

Many Sazashi placed blame on the other Banners for the disaster, and turned their anger to the non-Sazashi in their midst. Millions of Verin and Humans were forced from the cities to live in the Barrens. These towns were notorious for high-crime, and were only dissolved a decade after the Wayhalls reopened. The era of injustice against non-Sazashi is referred to as thePact segregation: Tjhon-sazashiFalgu-oan and is still whispered by other Banners when dealing with the Pact.


The Sazashi burst through the wayhalls the month they returned to life, eager to reclaim and reorganize their holdings. Infighting between the nations ceased and reclamation of lost planets began. Many Pact colonies survived the Lacuna, the Sazashi were engineered to survive, after all. The Pact claims any planet still livable, establishing a nation as its government and sending Colony ships to regrow their numbers. Every planet adds to the defense, and to the Pact’s power.


The fact of the matter is I'm really good at making beer. I'm a Parisan, it's what I do. My Aen friend over there, he's really good at running the treasury. He does what he does best, and I do what I do best. That's why the Pact works.

Politics of Jhoutai

The Pact's homeworld of Jhoutai may be united under one Banner, but underneath that Banner lay the countries that have held consistent for millennia. Each country holds its own laws and traditions but contributes to the same Banner-wide military, treasury, and government. This independence and cooperation highlight both the Sazashi's inherent strengths and weaknesses.

Some countries boast economies that can fuel the entire planet; others have armies able to defend against any conceivable foe. The ValuSelu Pact brings these nations together, letting all shine brighter under a unified cause, "Glory and Gold for All"

Nations of the ValuSelu Pact
The country of the Aen.
Tel Nege
The country of the Ral-Mi and @Hiserabi
The Country of the Khirmagne.
The Country of the Nasyk
The Country of the Sheljt-Rajh.
The Country of the Parisan.
The country of the Ka.

Seal of the ValuSelu Pact by Ademal

The Emblem of the Pact, representing a Sazakraht surrounded by the ten hands of the Sazashi Kinds.


Sophont Diversity
Human 8%
Sazashi 82%
Verin 7%
Other 3%
Primary Languages
Saza 84%
Aeai 7%
Other 9%


Survival is the first step to success.

Never be complacent, always find ways to push your Akhje further.

Ensure everyone has their purpose, as perfection requires unity.

It matters not how far I travel in this universe, I always feel the warmth of the ValuSelu Pact on my back.


Right to Life

Physical Harm
Universal. Protects bodies from manipulation or damage outside of consent and self-defense.
Psychological Harm
Universal. Individuals are protected from being mentally harmed or altered by others.
Auric Harm
Provisional. Souls can be weakened or dispelled in sensitive areas such as government buildings.

Right to Property

Search and Seizure
Not Protected. Searches do not need a warrant, and can occur on suspicion rather than evidence.
Land Ownership
Universal. Non-Sazashi may find themselves at a disadvantage against Sazashi land-owners.
Right to Assets
Revocable. In situations of criminal activity or no rightful heirs, the government will claim assets.

Right to Identity

Right to Body

Universal. Nations reserve the right to decline certain modifications that may endanger others.

Right to Speech

Limited. Speech can be limited during emergency. Threatening Speech can be prosecuted. There is not right to anonymity.

Right to Career

Not Protected. All Sophont are expected to work in a career their species can specialize in.

Right to Death

Right to Mortality

Universal. Provides the right to die from natural causes. Only high ranking military personnel can have this right revoked.

Right to Suicide

Not Protected. Suicide is illegal and attempting suicide can lead to criminal charges.

Right to Afterlife

Universal. Protects souls being prevented from moving onto the afterlife except with consent.

Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement in the Pact is a variable affair depending on the Marshall or governing body in charge of the space. Each Nation reserves the rights to determine how crime and punishment are handled.

There are very few cases of criminal activity that would be handled by the ValuSelu Pact as a whole. Crimes are in general taken seriously in the Pact, and while local police agencies will handle most situations, it is not uncommon for the military to involve itself in legal affairs or even double as the law enforcement.

The Jhoutigari

The ValuSelu Jhoutigari are military personnel specifically trained to enforce a Nation's laws. In many colonies, Jhoutigari serve as the law enforcement just as much as the military presence.

Good thing about the Jhoutigari, they can react to anything that happens. The problem is they react to everything the same way.


The Care of Children

To the Pact, you are seen more as your Kind, instead of yourself. No doubt it can be stifling for those who seek to break the mold.

Akhje plays a large role in how a nation treats and raises its young. While the parents are the final say, many national identities include a unique way for bearing and raising children.

  • Aempis, home of the Aen, takes a common care role. The Aen hold little value to lineage, so children are often raised together and away from the original parents. While Aen are educated about their family, close family relationships often do not form.

  • Valdutan, home of the Parisan, hold a culture more akin to the Verin, where lineage is crucial. Children of the same lineage are raised by the entirety of the family, instead of just the parents.

  • Tel'Nege, home of the Ral-Mi, value their 'pack.' Parents care for their children, as they become part of their pack. Their Akhje is geared for Parenthood, and they often have the most children as a result.

  • Faur'ridar'ru, home of the Nasyk, has no ties to family. Nasyk who are born often grow up in 'pods' with other children. They are often left to fend and learn for themselves. Many grow up not even knowing the names of their parents.


A Sazashi's Akhje is their primary drive in life, a purpose programmed into them. If they fulfill their purpose, they feel pleased. This Akjhe feeds into every aspect of a Sazashi's life. Traditions, professions, goals, desires, distastes, all of them will be influenced by a Sazashi's base drive.

For example, an Aen in the Pact will be expected to take on a role that will satisfy their Akhje to learn and experiment. An Aen in a construction role would be frowned upon, as others will be confused why the job was not given to a more physically adept Sazashi.

Akhje's relevance in Pact culture leaves other sophonts in awkward waters. They do not have this Akhje, and so while they are accepted into the fold of the Pact, the Sazashi will never be able to determine exactly what their purpose is. Only the most decorated of Humans and Verin are shown the same respect as a Sazashi in the same position.

Many outside of the Pact would be quick to denounce our Akhje as an oppressive element of our being. I refute that, as I know all people seek to find their reasons for existing. I wake up in the morning, and I know exactly what I want to do. I sleep soundly, never fearing the path I am taking as false.

The Verin and Humans can spend decades or even centuries trying to find their purpose, the Sazashi are born it.


The Sazashi Sovereign is Euphraesthi, who has not been seen since they revolted against the Verin and took Jhoutai as their own 6000 years ago. They believe she still exists because Jhoutai has magic, and without a Sovereign there is no magic.

Articles under The ValuSelu Pact

Cover image: ValuSelu Pact Default Cover by Ademal


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Aug 30, 2018 16:12

Awesome work from Ethnis! As always. :) Going to make the rest of us feel like we have to step up out game!   They're an interesting bunch and the article is well put together. I always like the "best and worst" and faction relationship bits on the size bar. The quotes are great and really tell a story, in each and every one of them.   Here's some first notes.   "In the Pact there is a place made for everyone and everyone should be in their place." - This is a great tone-setting quote for the rest of the article. I might put a comma after pact, though!   ""Glory and Gold for All" in Sazasharanare, the tongue of the Sazashi, the Valuselu Pact is an accord between the Sazashi Nations of Jhoutai." This sentence is a little bit confusing: what is in that tongue, exactly? Also the s in Selu is small!   "There is room for all other Sophont in the Pact, but Humans and Verin always feel a little out of place without the Sazashi's core drive that makes their society work." - Is there any sophont that absolutely don't work in the Pact?   Maybe add some space between the quote and the "Politics of Jhoutai" header under government?   "Jhoutai, the Pacts homeworld, may be united under one Banner, but underneath that Banner lay the countries that have held consistent for millennia." This sentence might read smoother if you got rid of some of the commas, maybe by putting it like "The pacts homeworld of Jhoutai may be..."?   "With the unification of nations, came the need to find a new political target." - that comma seems unnecessary?   "Many outside of the Pact would be quick to denounce our Akhje as a racist and oppressive element of our being." Hmm.. I'm not sure racist is the right word to use. Other then that, I really like this quote as good cool flavor.   The faction relationship: aren't the other ones written from more of a 3rd person view? This one is more from a first person opinion. Is the different intentional?

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Sep 5, 2018 01:59 by Barron

Sorry it took me so long to get to this! Life has been right crazy! I implemented your suggestions, good eye!   As for the last bit, we are experimenting having the relationships with other factions as a sort of... dialogue to the other. I'm curious which you find better?

Sep 5, 2018 05:53

Glad you found it useful!! :D   Hmm.. It depends on what you are aiming for as an outcome: information or flavor? Dialogue for flavor, third-person view for info is my kneejerk reaction :)

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
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