The Parisan are a shining example of tradition and solidarity in a universe of constant change and adaptation. These Sazashi hold firm to the idea that a solid defense can trump any offense.
They are honor-bound to their heritage, knightly in appearance and in ideology.
The Parisan have maintained many traditions since the first Parisan settled Valdutan; shield-based martial arts, strong emphasis on family, and the constant desire to defend what they love. They often have a reputation of being fantastic warriors and staunch traditionalists.
Parisan are often described as being honorable, gallant, gracious, protective, conservative, and stubborn.
Nothing is more inspiring in battle than a Parisan stepping between you and the danger. You feel invincible. There is a presence of strength; that nothing could ever knock them down.
I can only imagine how the enemy feels.
The Parisan were designed by the Verin to serve as honor guard. They draw their appearance more from Faeo than the rest of the Sazashi, featuring a shortened muzzle, more expressive features, and long flowing manes. These manes wrap around the forehead, providing the Parisan with expressive brows.
Their face features fine and short fur and eyes ranging from wheat-gold to ocean blue. Their ears are held at a low angle more like the Verin, but still have the length and ability to swivel like other Sazashi.
A Parisan's coat is often thick but short, letting them survive in a mid-range of temperatures, the colors range from golden to orange. Many families of Parisan have a hereditary darker fractal pattern. Some Parisan choose to dye these patterns as a symbol of genetic pride.
They have a naturally powerful musculature and barrel chests, combined with their average height of 7 feet, it is physical proof to the vitality naturally born in a Parisan.
Brief History
Throughout history, the Parisan have been accused by some as being old-fashioned and outdated, those that do have been pointed to the success of their homeland on Jhoutai They have always, and will always, control Valdutan. It is the land they claimed after the fall of the Verin Empire, and it is the land they swear to hold until the stars burn out from the heavens. It spans from cold pines to warm plains, from the west edge of Aempis to the east edge of Kajh-Tai.
Despite their strength and capability for combat, throughout history they maintain a steady neutrality with the worlds affairs. While they will chip in volunteer units and assist during global crisis, the Parisan are hesitant to enter offensive conflicts if there is nothing for them to defend.
Common Culture
The Parisan's culture is rooted in the traditions they have held onto since they gained their independence from the Verin. Family is paramount to the Parisan, and most times the roles in society are determined by the family a Parisan is born into. If you are born a Helmshigh, then you are most likely to be an honor guard or a brew master for example.
It is common for Parisan to spread their traditions throughout the universe. Many wandering Parisan will mention their homes, taking comfort in their backstories and savoring the stories others tell.
I must defend all which I value.
The staple of Parisan drive is their Akjhe. This underpins all other actions, driving them to adopt values and strong stances towards those values.
At times they can seem to care more about the sanctity of those values than the reasoning of them, which can lead to confrontation. By the same token, they will stand by those they deem honorable by the standards for their value.
Parisan have a tradition of leaving their family to embark on long pilgrimages around Ethnis. These Pilgrimages are designed as a way for the Parisan to learn from the world and to absorb the learning into their own culture.
Parisan enjoy sharing their traditions and converting others to them. This to them counts as defending their traditions; as a tradition is only as strong as those that practice it.
Federation of Free Planets
Church of The Somnolent
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