SummerCamp 2023 in Costrus | World Anvil

SummerCamp 2023

Approach this Year

I have no stated goals this year. I have no real aspirations other than going absolutely feral for prompts and starting to flesh out this world. I'm not doing grammar edits, format edits, or edits of any kind really. I hold no hopes for prizes, but I'm determined to enjoy the process.

by RandoScorpio via MidJourney


Dear Mage...
Document | Jul 31, 2023

a letter sent in secret by a well-known person in your world
The Silver Ladies
Building / Landmark | Jul 31, 2023

an iconic building or landmark representing a location
Greymarsh Menu
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 31, 2023

a cuisine from a sparse, barren or remote region in your world

Mana Stones
Material | Aug 1, 2023

a material or natural resource that comes from a dangerous location
Fabiana Flores
Species | Jul 31, 2023

a useful plant found in a wild area of your world
Staelies Fox
Species | Jul 31, 2023

an animal found in a non-populated area

Profession | Jul 16, 2023

a job that takes its practitioners to remote or faraway places
Settlement | Jul 20, 2023

a settlement at the limits of the "known" or "civilized" world
Festival of Song
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 19, 2023

OPTIONAL: a popular summer tradition that involves art and creativity

Species | Jul 19, 2023

OPTIONAL: a species known for its mischievous personality
Children's Tale
Myth | Sep 3, 2023

a children's tale or song based on a real event
Rank/Title | Jul 16, 2023

the title & responsibilities of an important person in your world

The Yildae Stand
Military Conflict | Jul 15, 2023

a conflict between two unequal powers in your world
Ethnicity | Jul 21, 2023

a culture that has suffered under the rule of a stronger nation
Wild Cats
Species | Jul 6, 2023

an animal associated with, or symbolizing, power

Material | Dec 4, 2023

a resource that provides fuel or power
Settlement | Jul 5, 2023

a seat of power (of any kind!)
The Coven
Organization | Jul 16, 2023

a powerful organization in your world

Settlement | Jul 19, 2023

an ancient city that is still inhabited today
Mage Tomes
Item | Aug 1, 2023

an item of great cultural or religious significance to a people in your world
Blood Mana
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 19, 2023

a tradition or behavior considered old fashioned

Onyx Valley Ruins
Geographic Location | Jul 25, 2023

an unclaimed, unregulated, or lawless region in your setting
Brielle Aramys
Character | Dec 9, 2023

a character driven by wanderlust or the desire to explore
The Pilgrimage
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 16, 2023

a ceremony that represents a transition or transfer

Haldae Coordinator Pins
Technology / Science | Jul 27, 2023

a system to send messages between distant places
Argentian Proclamation
Document | Sep 3, 2023

an important public announcement that one person addressed to many
Sundrop Lotus - Extinct
Species | Jul 26, 2023

a species now considered extinct

The Great Blooming
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 20, 2023

a rare natural phenomenon that most people look forward to
Mana Powered Mine Carts
Vehicle | Jul 31, 2023

a method used to carry goods over long distances
The Wastelands
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 19, 2023

a destructive natural or supernatural event

Haldae Glyphs
Language | Jul 26, 2023

a form of silent communication
Grand Magus Alferno
Character | Dec 9, 2023

a historical figure still venerated today, and why
Haldae Resistance
Organization | Jul 31, 2023

an organization for which recruiting or proselytizing is important
by RandoScorpio via MidJourney
World Roots

Costrus is a world that has been evolving in my head since 2006/2007. It started as a very angsty writing project when I was in high school and I have been changing and adjusting it as I learn new things and the ethnicities, main conflicts, and geography do not resemble my initial idea any more. However, I'm much happier with the direction it's headed.


Tales from Costrus is a magical fantasy story about a young haldae woman. In a world of magic, volitile politics, and bigotry she is unwittingly planting seeds of rebellion and change. Gathering people around her that have the will and power to make change, she grows as a mage and looks to a day when the haldae are free and there is some peace in the world. Some of her greatest allies come from the people she considers enemies, but the desire for peace outweighs personal gripes in the end.

What she doesn't know is the path she has started down leads to knowledge she may wish stayed secret and buried in the archives.


Costrus is broken into four main seats of power. Argentia is a human kingdom in the north west, the country is focused on it's military and trade. In the north east is Hiberton, the other human kingdom. It's main focus is on cultural development with the military as a secondary concern only because it shares it's largest border with the highly militarized Argentia. To the south west is Ascaria, a merchant nation governed by a small council made up of a rotating roster of the wealthiest merchants in the country. The merchants appoint a single representative each year to meet with the royals of the kingdoms to do business. Last, beyond the Wastelands in the south east is the Dolan Forest, the kingdom of the yildae.

Costrus World Map


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