BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Week 3 of 2020 Summer Camp

Another week of Summer Camp, another week I am creating a list of my favourite articles that I have read on each prompt. In Week 1 of 2020 Summer Camp I explained my reasoning behind making this article, in case you want to know more.   I hope you all find plenty of inspiration in the articles below. But if reading articles of others is not quite enough, have a look at this awesome resource compiled by members of the community. If you are stuck with a prompt, I definitely recommend checking it out.  

Prompt 15: Describe an elite or highly specialised military unit in your world.


Prompt 16: Write about a material that is considered sacred or culturally crucial in your world.


Prompt 17: Describe a common old wives' tale or consipracy theory from a region of your world. Does it hold any truth?


Prompt 18: Write about the events of a devastating natural disaster in your world, either past or present.


Prompt 19: Describe a location in your world that is brimming with diverse or bizarre flora and fauna.

Roughly eighteen days after the release of the prompts, these are the numbers of submitted articles for the first eighteen days (July 1st to 19th):
  • Prompt 1: 433
  • Prompt 2: 392
  • Prompt 3: 341
  • Prompt 4: 393
  • Prompt 5: 343
  • Prompt 6: 359
  • Prompt 7: 305
  • Prompt 8: 348
  • Prompt 9: 328
  • Prompt 10: 324
  • Prompt 11: 196
  • Prompt 12: 210
  • Prompt 13: 183
  • Prompt 14: 173
  • Prompt 15: 223
  • Prompt 16: 202
  • Prompt 17: 167
  • Prompt 18: 195
  • Prompt 19: 189

Prompt 20: Write about an organization in your world that has become so powerful it's above the law.

Roughly nineteen days after the release of the prompts, these are the numbers of submitted articles for the first nineteen days (July 1st to 20th):
  • Prompt 1: 433
  • Prompt 2: 445
  • Prompt 3: 354
  • Prompt 4: 406
  • Prompt 5: 352
  • Prompt 6: 373
  • Prompt 7: 316
  • Prompt 8: 357
  • Prompt 9: 340
  • Prompt 10: 333
  • Prompt 11: 211
  • Prompt 12: 219
  • Prompt 13: 207
  • Prompt 14: 197
  • Prompt 15: 248
  • Prompt 16: 224
  • Prompt 17: 190
  • Prompt 18: 212
  • Prompt 19: 218
  • Prompt 20: 208

Prompt 21: Describe a profession in your world that has always been, or recently became, illegal.

Roughly twenty days after the release of the prompts, these are the numbers of submitted articles for the first twenty days (July 1st to 21st):
  • Prompt 1: 452
  • Prompt 2: 412
  • Prompt 3: 361
  • Prompt 4: 415
  • Prompt 5: 366
  • Prompt 6: 377
  • Prompt 7: 323
  • Prompt 8: 362
  • Prompt 9: 346
  • Prompt 10: 346
  • Prompt 11: 233
  • Prompt 12: 228
  • Prompt 13: 221
  • Prompt 14: 212
  • Prompt 15: 261
  • Prompt 16: 241
  • Prompt 17: 211
  • Prompt 18: 228
  • Prompt 19: 234
  • Prompt 20: 223
  • Prompt 21: 29
    These are the prompts I read and inspired me one way or another: either through their writing, the topic chosen to cover a specific prompt...   I do have a preference for "historical" fantasy settings, so you will not find a lot of modern (fantasy or not) or sci-fi articles. It is my own bias, but I wanted to clarify the "rarity" of certain genres within the list...   I also read prompts mostly on their "day" (eg: I read entries for prompt number 21 on the 21st of July). That means that I will miss many people's entries. When I've had time, I have read other entries and added them to the list. But time is limited, so this is not feasible for most prompts.

    Cover image: by Stefan Keller


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Jul 18, 2020 18:56

    I really like this list and thank you for including me on there!

    Jul 21, 2020 20:54

    I am glad you enjoyed the list :)