The Walking Shadow Military Formation in Eldris | World Anvil

The Walking Shadow

The Walking Shadow is the active enforcement group within the Shadow Dancers. They are highly specialized in espionage and back room assassinations, utilizing the tools provided by the craftsman and artisans of the organization. When push comes to shove, they will take the field as professional assassins and conduct open assassinations, then vanish into the shadows. Myths and wives tales surround this sect's activities.



There are approximately 500 men and women in the ranks of The Walking Shadow, deployed all over the known world.


Walking Shadows are supplied with several bags linked to their own supply room, a small hand mirror to communicate with others within the organization, enchanted jewelry that applies glamors when worn, black shafted arrows with vials of a highly corrosive acid that shatters on impact, black clothing enchanted with Blur, and a partner to help cover them when they need to slip away.


Walking shadows are provided with short bows, long bows, cross bows, short swords, long swords, daggers, and various poisons.


Each pair is led by the Shadow Dancer and supported by a Shade on the field, the artisans assigned to provide supplies, and any Faces encountered on the field.


Walking Shadows employ stealth tactics, using their abilities to infiltrate and assassinate by traversing The Mirror to reach their targets.


Walking Shadows first undergo the Dancer's Trial. When they successfully emerge from this, they are trained by another Walking Shadow to safely Traverse the mirror. Most Walking Shadows have already been taught stealth and assassination tactics while they were Shades.



Recruitment into the Walking Shadow is based on skill level and aetheric attunement. Those with weak attunement to any element or balanced strong attunement to all elements are most likely to survive the transformation into a Shadow Dancer, and thus are selected from the Shades if their talents can be spared.


The Walking Shadow has had a hand in several assassinations over the years, swaying the outcome of talks and treaties with their close to power positions. As the organization grew and more were added to the ranks, they were deployed all over the world to change the course of history and prevent any atrocities that may call on the Dwarves' stone form to cull the world again as they had with the Dragons centuries ago. Any involvement in history is only speculated, few know of these knives in the shadows.
Covert Ops
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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