Spherestorms Physical / Metaphysical Law in Kaos Rhythm | World Anvil


Friction between Spheres

Different planes of existence, usually referred to as 'Spheres', occasionally come into metaphysical contact with eachother. When two Spheres bump against one another it always releases massive amounts of energy and causes turbulent cascades of erratic execrable energy. Thankfully these spherestorms usually leave a fairly small footprint and since the world vast, they don't generally interfere with anything significant. A perfect five foot cube of granite suddenly appearing in the ocean or gravity reversing for a couple minutes on the top of an isolated mountain peak won't even be noticed, let alone become a hazard.
Spherestorms become most dangerous in places where a Sphere is weakest. Weak points across Kaos seem to be found most often where two or more large, homogenous areas meet; the suface of large bodies of water (water/air), coastlines (air/land/water), or mountain ranges and plains (land/air). The citizens of Stretto also learned the hard way that when longstanding portals aren't properly insulated or somehow become damaged can lead to huge spherestorms, or even multi-sphere spherestorms.
When two or more Spheres come in contact at places like this they can create an entirely different scale of disaster. Most often this type of occurrence is caused between Kaos and the realm of the fae. These spherestorms are visually distinct and are more easily identified than others and are called .
The First Fae Storm
Although Sphere storms have been documented throughout the history of Allegri by scholars and students of every creed, the first Fae storm ever documented was only 1600 years ago after the sacking of the fourth historical human metropolis, Medale. Prior to this no spherestorm of any significant size had ever been observed but two days after their walls were overrun by goblins, an intense Faestorm manifested near the centre of the city. What few records of the time exist say that survivors saw many metaphysical effects occurring nearly simultaneously and in conjunction with an unseasonal hail storm. Accounts claim the continued anywhere from a few hours to a full day and when it ended, most of the city was left a dusty ruin, as though it had lain deserted for decades.


Spherestorms themselves are usually undetectable to the naked eye but their effects can be quite spectacular. All kinds of physical and metaphysical effects have been documented, including the manifestation of solid foreign matter, translocation of objects and creatures (complete or partial in both accounts), spontaneous elemental conjurations, and the reversal or sudden changes in natural laws. These types of storms typically last for several minutes, but the more an effect deviates from the natural order, the shorter it lasts.
When dealing with none of the above standard observations apply. faestorms often have a translucient, blue-tinted 'dome' or 'spherical' shape when viewed from the outside, making it obvious that something unusual is occurring within the space. Inside such spaces this border isn't visible, similar to how you cannot see the edge of a cloud of fog from within it. Unlike spherestorms, often have multiple ongoing effects that includes some form on natural phenomena. A faestorm also frequently causes strong atmospheric changes and bring on massive thunderstorms, tornadoes, monsoons, and even earthquakes.
Effects from a often include dangerous natural environmental effects from other Spheres that are incredibly destructive to Kaos. Molten diamond seeping upward from below ground or rain that freezes before reaching the ground, turning each drop into a tiny needle of ice are relatively common in . Other documented manifestations include;
  • Large 'bubbles' of water that float through the air and trap any creature unable to escape.
  • Clouds of poisonous vapour that seem to chase living creatures.
  • Sudden changes in any aspect of gravity.
  • Strange, invasive plantlife growing quickly and overswarming structures or other plantlife.


Most spherestorms are relatively small and have a twenty to forty foot area of effect. Within this invisible 'bubble' the strange effects are strongest and lessen or vanish completely once outside their range.
The more dangerous storms, , can sometimes be felt for miles from their epicentre. The influence and effects of these storms are much more consistent within the storm - their effects do not weaken the further from the center you go and the storm often behaves like a true natural disaster, moving with the created effects across the landscape.


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Jul 18, 2020 13:55

Hi there,   I am keeping a list of articles that I really liked during summer camp, and I would like to include your article in it. I have left the link below. If you rather me not list your article as one of my favourites for whichever reason, just let me know and I'll remove the link.

Week 3 of 2020 Summer Camp
Generic article | Nov 11, 2020

A round-up of all of the articles that inspired me during the third week of Summer Camp 2020

Jul 18, 2020 19:39 by Mickey

I'm completely flattered and see no reason why you shouldn't be able to add it to your list. Thanks for reading! <3