Red grass Material in Anvimar | World Anvil

Red grass

"Grab it in your hand like this, Tezzik." Soseth held back a handful of grass so the boy could see. "Good. Now, take your blade, and cut with an upward motion like this. Quick! It should not tear, but part easily. Yes, that's good."   The boy stood admiring his handful of red grass, its ends neatly sliced from his flint knife. Soseth noticed the boy's tail flick with pride as the low sun glinted of his scaley hide. Tezzik raised his eyes to her. "What will we do with this?"   "In time you'll learn most of the ways we craft the red grass, how its fibres make our ropes and mats, how its colour can be used for dyes and inks. I suspect you made toys with it when you were a child at your parents' knee. But with this, today you'll learn about its holy uses and how we commune with Mother Sathalasa."   The boy looked out over the Red Marsh. Nearby other students were receiving similar lessons. Dragonflies darted around and close by the buzzy twitter of a marsh wren called out. In the far distance Tezzik's keen eyes saw a group of bullywugs off hunting.   He turned his gaze back to his own teacher. She was waiting paitently, regarding him cooly with mild curiosity. Her head fin always inclined ever so slightly when she was curious, or amused. It was a tell Tezzik had come to know well. So then, today was a spiritual lesson. He placed his harvest ever so carefully away. "I am ready."   "Good. Then lets get back to the village and eat. This day will be longer than you think." With a jingle of bone bracelets, Soseth readied herself and they walked back to the lizardfolk village.

History & Usage


Red grass is what gives the Red Marsh of Korinthia its name. This stunningly coloured plant grows throughout the marsh and has been a staple of the lizardfolk culture as long as they've inhabited the area. It is used both in their daily lives and their sacred ceremonies, and viewed as a gift from their goddess.   As humans moved into the area and managed to find a way to co-exist with the lizardfolk, they learned about the uses of red grass, although they tend not to view it in the same sacred way. Fortunately the marsh is very large and the human's have yet to cause problems.

Everyday use

Red grass has many everyday uses, some of which have been picked up by the townsfolk of Quickmarch. The fibres are extremely strong and can be used for rope, mats, and jewelry. Ground down it works well as a dye or colourant additive and is safe for consumption. It has been exported from Quickmarch in inks found in some of the best houses of Calthas and beyond. Dried and used in teas it creates a bitter taste, with notes of cardamon.

Cultural Significance and Usage

To the Redmarsh Lizardfolk red grass has several sacred uses. It can be used in a particularly potent tea brew, or inhaled to help communion with spirits, whether ancestral, natural, or divine. It can be burned in offering to appease the spirits as well. It is used in almost all of their ceremonies and viewed as an auspicious gift.

Cover image: Korinthia by Hex Sharpe


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