In orbit around Nisora, this Syndicate-made station is currently in Perimeter's hands.
Galendran district on Nisora run by off-world corporations, frequently vandalized.
The Galendran downtown on Nisora, normally housing businesses, currently housing destruction.
District of Galendra on Nisora where most on-planet manufactories and their workers reside.
The Galendran district focused on housing for Nisoran residents and migrants alike.
The largest city on Nisora is several cities in a trenchcoat, run by different gangs.
A swarming insect native to Nisora that lives underground and eats rocks.
A drug used by the gang Cryptix on Nisora to make residents of their territories more complacent.
A gang of rebels on Nisora. Some make glowing prosthetics, others make glowing craters.
A Nisoran sub-culture based on freedom, expression, and bodily autonomy.
A plot to make friends with Nisora United leads the Gal Pals deep underground.
"Giant" is an understatement for this terror of the Nisoran underground.
Infamous Galendran Wyre Rat on Nisora, known recently for violent "activism".
What became of the three VI bosses after news of the surveillance program was revealed.
Hi! I'm Rin, storyteller and aspiring otherworldly entity. The other nerd to my name is my husband, my main collaborator and biggest fan. I have two worlds here on WA: