Toufan Settlement in Violem | World Anvil
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Toufan, one of four cities built in honour of The 12 Commanders Once just a desolate crater near a running river, is now home to one of the biggest and most colourful cities in all of Cytal. Toufan, the city of colour. A homage to the Commander Toufanoir who valiantly fought for peace on the continent during the civil war. This newly built city is a haven for anyone with a creative spark, housing workshops for carpenters, galleries for artists and arenas for the bards of Violem. The city is truly unique in the landscape.   Whilst all are welcome in the city, Sorcerers are the prominent species. After building the bright and vibrant architecture with magic. Bending and twisting tall towers of materials on the outer edge of the crater, most decide to stay and admire their work. bit that doesn't stop local Minaurans or water @Alum from nearby villages joining the community.   Many factions, guilds and clans have made their base of operations inside of Toufan. With all of them being ruled by the Mayoress I-Koa and her Artistic Council. Who meet regularly to discuss how to cater for the arts and expand their love of crafts. But not all like this council, or the city itself, as townfolk and villagers from nearby areas are annoyed the new city was built on their land. Causing tension for the Mayoress to try and diffuse.   Some of the more notable clans and gangs include; Dye-Ables (sorcerers obsessed with painting magic), Choral Voice (Adventuring Bards who use their voices for all things magical), Tinkerers (a collection of inventors collaborating with one another), The Alliance Guard and the Masks of Blade (Performers by day, assassins by night).   The city itself is a sight to behold, with most of the oddly shaped buildings perched on the outer edge of the crater hole. Then a central island inside the crater was built as a hub to make it easier for Minaurans to travel the city, 9 bridges sprouting from its centre giving all a chance to see the depths of the crater a little more closely.
Cytal Map 2
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
City of Colour
Location under


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