Order of Fortune Organization in Violem | World Anvil
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Order of Fortune

I have never pledged my allegiance to the order, but I do pray to Fortennia most mornings to give me enough strenth to continue leading this city.
— Mayor Kah-Lonn, Oralyn
  For as long as Sorcerer and Minauran have walked the lands, so too has the order of Fortune stood tall. A religion that worships Fortennia, the Acuran of Luck in the hopes of being blessed with good fortune and karma throughout their mortal life.


The origins of this order is unclear to many. With few books and texts being written or available at the time of its creation. But many believe it to have started in the Ancient times, when Acuran were first learning the ways of magic. The years were hard for the early non magical, so when they saw others capable of harnessing the power of magic, they bowed and prayed they would help. The first to answer these prayers was Fortennia herself. By looking into the minds of her followers, she was able to see if their soul was pure or tainted with sins. Often gifting either a blessing or a curse to match the soul.    


The main tenet in which the Order of Fortune is based around is the idea of cause & effect. Spiralling into the belief that if one does things with good intentions then they shall be rewarded with an equal amount of good luck.   To become part of the group is a straightforward process. One must first go through a cermony at one of the many temples of Fortune across the old towns and cities of Violem and vow to accept the judgement of Fortennia herself. From that moment on, they are under the watchful eye of the Acuran of Luck who will grant them either good or bad karma. To improve one's chance of luck, they can complete weekly prayers to Fortennia or offer to complete an action that is perceived as good.   The temples and shrines dedicated to Fortennia are typically open planned with many circular shapes in the structure of the buildings themselves. Many people outside of the order pay visits to these temples seeking aid or healing. A common practice that memebrs of the order offer as a way to please the main tenet.   Members of the group who are in charge of the temples and shrines are often seen wearing robes with striped patterns. With two distint colours to respresent the two sides of luck, these are simply known as the priests of fortune. Priests also have the gift of blessing and cursing individuals who come to their places of worship, but are only capable inside the walls of temples. While it is not common knowledge, priests of fortune are also granted access to a ritual which gifts them precognition for a limited time.    


The Order of Fortune is as common as Church of Hodall in terms of name but has far less temples, churches and shrines dedicated to the Acuran of Luck. Often places of worship are located in the oldest towns and cities or in the ruins of cities that have been defeated by time. Many leaders and people in positions of power throughout history have found themselves turning to the order in an attempt to survive difficult times or see the end to conflicts.   People who wish to seek the blessing of Fortennia but do not wish to rely on pure faith have instead tried to hunt down a pair of dice, imbued with the powers of luck. The dice of Fortennia. The dice allow the roller to be blessed or cursed with immense powers for the next day cycle, immune to gaining or losing karma in that time period. This would allow for the roller to be blessed for 24 hours, then complete a heinous act and not be affected by the judgement of Fortennia (as an example).  
Yes, you want to know about the dice of Fortennia hmm. Yes,its a powerful set of dice that would grant you the luck of a Minauran in a brawl. Yes, or perhaps the luck of being caught in the flood plains. Yes, there a bit tricky like that I hear.
— Rattic, Black Market Merchant
Religious, Other


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