Amulet of Fi-Ka-Rah Myth in Violem | World Anvil
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Amulet of Fi-Ka-Rah

The great volcano, found on the edge of Cytal's mountainous range, use to be home to a raging spirit. Who erupted in anger and spewed its hot lava across the deserts. In ancient times, the desert people would worship this volcano spirit in an attempt to please it. Often giving both living and powerful sacrifices to stop it from erupting once more. But the spirit was not pleased by these offerings and continued its path of rage and fury.   But one individual grew tired of this fear, and the damage and suffering this volcano caused. A man named Fi-Ka-Rah, a magic user with fascination for the element of fire. Using it to light the way for himself and fellow desert people, keeping his people warm on cold nights and admired its power to turn raw materials into something new.   One whistling night, Fi-Ka-Rah and the desert people were awakened by the rumbling of the great volcano. Hearing it prepare for another explosion. He saw his people in fear and thought enough was enough. And so Fi-Ka-Rah devised a plan to stop the spirit once and for all. Using his fire skills, the man forged an amulet. Strong enough to contain the wrath of the great volcano, or so he hoped.   He rushed across the desert sands, climbed the quaking side of the volcano and finally looked deep into the heart of the fiery behemoth. There he saw the white hot eyes of the volcano spirit, foaming at the mouth and ready to blow. The spirit launched at Fi-Ka-Rah in a fit of blind anger, ready to burn him to a crisp. Instead, the fire user held out his amulet, bellowed the words of his spell and then...   Fi-Ka-Rah found himself on the ground, with his amulet on the ground in pieces but with a ruby glow and movement inside each piece. He stood up to check the volcano and saw nothing but stillness. A calmness never felt before on the volcano. He had done, captured the power of the volcano spirit. Saved the desert people from its eternal wrath. And became known throughout history as the Volcano Tamer.   As for the amulet, the five shattered pieces were separated from each other. Hidden across the desert and protected by strong Pharaohs, Djinn and warriors of the time. To ensure that no one could reunite the pieces of the amulet and bring back the volcano spirit from raging once more.


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